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Zitat:| Riki Ellison, Chairman and Founder of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA), <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.missiledefenseadvocacy.org">www.missiledefenseadvocacy.org</a><!-- w --> has reviewed the FY2011 Missile Defense Budget released on February 1st by the Department of Defense which offers a substantial increase to the total budget for missile defense. This increase recovers close to half the amount that was cut by the President and Secretary Robert Gates a year ago. Ellison is one of the top lay experts in the world on the topic of missile defense. His comments and observations include the following:.....


• Increase of development funding of $359 million for the Ground Based Interceptors.
- Plans to construct 38 GBI silos and to buy 56 GBIs.
- A significant reversal from the 30 silos and 44 GBIs from last years request.

• Increase of 249 THAAD (142) and AEGIS SM3 (107) land and sea-based regional missile defense interceptors for a total of 867 by 2015.

• Upgrades of 3 additional Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Ships.

• Addition of three new Missile Defense programs:
- $256 million for the Land-Based SM3 program that will go to over a $1.0 Billion by 2015.
- $99 million to Directed Energy Programs.
- $67 million for a future space based satellite sensor constellation called Precision Tracking Space System (PTSS) that will go to $1.2 Billion by 2015.

• Increase to $1.47 billion (up $31 million) for the AEGIS program.

• Increase to $1.0 billion (up $52 million) for the Patriot Terminal Defense interceptors and systems.

• Increase to $1.11 billion (up $290 million) for missile defense testing and targets.

• Increase to $319 million (up $63 million) for co-development with Japan on the Sea Based SM3-BlockIIa interceptor.....

Man beachte, die von mir hervorgehobene Zeile, dort steht nämlich das man nun doch mehr GBIs (56 anstatt 40) kauft als man noch 2010 wollte. Das ist ein erstaunlicher Sinneswandel, wenn man bedenkt, dass sich Obama und Gates alle Mühe 2010 gaben GBI zu töten wohl um Chiang und vor allem Russland damit zu beglücken. Na ja eine positive Wendung, wen auch der 2010 angerichtete Schaden noch längst nicht repariert ist, aber es zeigt das Mister Anti ABM langsam die Vorzüge eines ABM Schildes entdeckt.

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