(Sonstiges) Russische Kampfflugzeuge - Gegenwart und Zukunft
@Balmong, da du ja s sicher warst das die Mig35 mit absoluter Sicherheit in Indien das Rennen macht nun die große und an sich gar nicht so große Überraschung.

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Zitat:Eurofighter Typhoon Heads to India for MMRCA Evaluation

Eurofighter Consortium eyes $10.4 billion contract for future Indian fighter aircraft

Coinciding with the starting signal for India’s largest defence exhibition, DEFEXPO 2010 (15-18 February 2010), a German Air Force Eurofighter fighter aircraft will today be heading to India. However, this aircraft will not be flying acrobatic manoeuvres for visitors of the show but, rather, will be thoroughly evaluated by the Indian Air Force (IAF) as part of its medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) MMRCA programme. The Eurofighter will join India’s ongoing programme, which was begun in August 2007 and is currently in the process of testing all participating contenders, to undergo trials until March in Bengaluru as well as in Jaisalmer and Leh. The two latter stations will demonstrate the Eurofighter’s desert and high altitude performance.

As 8ak.in recently reported, the prospects for success for the Eurofighter in India remain difficult to judge as the European consortium is receiving mixed signals from Indian officials. While there is a general consensus that the performance of the aircraft is up to the expectations, its pricing is reportedly an issue. Reuters news agency quoted India’s ambassador, Arif Shahid Khan, saying the Eurofighter Typhoon is leading the race to win the new fighter contract with the Indian Air Force. During a meeting in late January with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Rome the ambassador stressed that the Eurofighter Typhoon held the top position.....

Sorry wegen OT.

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