Iranisches Atomprogramm
Währenddessen arbeitet der Iran an der Entwicklung eines sogenannten Neutron Initiators. Es ist eine wichtige Komponente von Atomwaffen - und zwar jenes Teil, das die nukleare Zündung auslöst - für die es keine zivile Verwendung gibt:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 955351.ece</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Secret document exposes Iran’s nuclear trigger

Confidential intelligence documents obtained by The Times show that Iran is working on testing a key final component of a nuclear bomb.

The notes, from Iran’s most sensitive military nuclear project, describe a four-year plan to test a neutron initiator, the component of a nuclear bomb that triggers an explosion. Foreign intelligence agencies date them to early 2007, four years after Iran was thought to have suspended its weapons programme.

...und hier die vollständige Übersetzung des Dokuments ins Englische:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 955706.ece</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Iran's secret nuclear trigger: translation of full document

The Times had the documents which were originally written in Farsi translated into English and the translation separately verified by two Farsi speakers.

This is a full translation of the main document:

"In the name of God

Outlook for special neutron-related activities over the next 4 years


The general document that refers to the special duties of the neutron group mentions four main topics that cover special neutron-related activities, namely:

1. Calculation and simulation

2. Production of source materials

3. Source assembly

4. Design and performance of experiments to test the source

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