(Luft) Lockheed Martin F-22
So nun einige Updates zum Thema F22 , ein ganz Lustiger von Russen selbst der anscheinend die F22 zu recht fürchtet, sowas hört man gern. Big Grin

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/107010-raptor-0">http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/107010-raptor-0</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:USA to aim its F-22 Raptors against Russia’s S-300 missile systems The USA is concerned about the Russian military threat. The US Congress asked President Obama to continue the purchase of F-22 Raptor fighter jets to guarantee the interests of the national security and the economy of the United States.

US congressmen believe that it will become a good response to the modernization of Russia’s powerful missile systems known as SA-20 - the export designation of S-300 and S-400 complexes. Military experts Alexander Khramchikhin, Vladislav Shurygin, Anatoly Tsyganok and Konstantin Sivkov gave their comments to Pravda.ru in this connection.


Und ein Umfangreicher Artikel zur F22 und ihre Chancen auf die Zukunft als auch ihrer Leistung und Defizite.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=defense&id=news/aw020909p2.xml&headline=F-22%20Design%20Shows%20More%20Than%20Expected">http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/ ... 20Expected</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:F-22 Design Shows More Than ExpectedHoping to win support for F-22 production beyond the current 183 aircraft, Lockheed Martin is revealing proprietary data that show performance in several areas is better than baseline requirements.

Moreover, the U.S. Air Force is taking the fighter to the Paris air show for the first time this summer, says Larry Lawson, executive vice president and general manager of the F-22 program. The promise of additional U.S. and, possibly, foreign sales has removed any obstacles.

The problem confronting the company is that Raptor backing is splintered. Senior Pentagon acquisition officials want to shut down production to cut defense spending. Congress wants more production to keep aerospace industry jobs going. Air Force leadership is setting on a new minimum requirement for 240-250 aircraft (about another 60 F-22s) but hasn't made the new number public, apparently waiting to introduce it as part of the Quadrennial Defense Review.

Another emerging issue is that some of the early, 550 low-rate-production F-35 Joint Strike Fighters will cost more (roughly $200 million each) than the $142 million it takes to buy a Raptor. That puts the Air Force in the position of spending its near-term fighter recapitalization money on aircraft they can't deploy until about 2014......

Man beachte das Fettgedruckte betreff der F35 soviel zu billig. :wink:

Lustig ist auch dieser teil betreff des Abschussverhältnisses, zwar ist mir schleicherhaft wie die darauf komemn aber, schön wäre es.

Zitat:The operational arguments focus on combat effectiveness against top foreign fighter aircraft such as the Russian Su-27 and MiG-29. Lockheed Martin and USAF analysts put the loss-exchange ratio at 30-1 for the F-22, 3-1 for the F-35 and 1-1 or less for the F-15, F/A-18 and F-16.

Würde das stimmen hätte eine F22 die 10x Fache Schlagkraft einer F35 und ich könnte Nachts wieder gut schlaffen. Leider ist dies einer Meinung nach nur ein Typischer PR Trick um mehr F22 zu bekommen.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Lockheed Martin F-22 - von ObiBiber - 22.03.2004, 11:37
F-22/F-35 Hybrid - von Nicht_Peter - 21.10.2022, 23:25
RE: F-22 - von Quintus Fabius - 21.10.2022, 23:56
RE: F-22 - von Nicht_Peter - 22.10.2022, 10:39
RE: F-22 - von Nightwatch - 22.10.2022, 13:25
RE: F-22 - von Broensen - 22.10.2022, 13:26
RE: F-22 - von Nicht_Peter - 22.10.2022, 18:28
RE: F-22 - von Nightwatch - 22.10.2022, 19:45
RE: F-22 - von Quintus Fabius - 22.10.2022, 22:42
RE: F-22/F-35 Hybrid - von Helios - 23.10.2022, 13:37

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