Makedonien ein eigener Staat
Ich weis eigendlich immer noch nicht was euch Neu Griechen mit Makedonien verbindet...eure ausagen beziechen sich auf der ANtike Geschichte Makedoniens ...

Ever since the Republic of Macedonia declared its independence from the Yugoslav Federation in 1991, Greece has been doing everything it can to block its achievement of statehood and membership in world organizations.
As soon as it became apparent to Greece that the Republic of Macedonia was going to declare its independence from Yugoslavia in the late 1980's, Greece began a massive propaganda campaign both inside and outside of its borders, promoting the idea that Macedonia is exclusively Greek and that no one except Greece had the right to claim its ancient heritage, including its symbols, flags and name. This was echoed, loud and clear both inside and outside of Greece.

In reality, however, should we carefully examine history, specifically 19th and 20th century history, we would find that Greece is a new nation, created for the first time in 1829 where one never existed before.
It is a well known fact that 51% of Macedonia became Greek for the first time after Greece signed the Treaty of Bucharest on August 10, 1913.

So Greece is hardly in a position to make historical claims on Macedonia prior to 1913.

Allow me to elaborate. Greece, along with its allies Serbia and Bulgaria, annexed Macedonia by force in 1912 and partitioned it in 1913 without the consent of the Macedonian people. As a result of this forceful act, Greece illegally acquired 51% of Macedonia's territory, which it immediately named "New Territories". A few years later as it consolidated its power and control over the Macedonian people, Greece renamed the "New Territories" to "Northern Greece". Then during the late 1980's, when it became clear that the Republic of Macedonia was going to declare its independence from Yugoslavia, Greece renamed "Northern Greece" to "Macedonia" or more precisely "Makethonia".

If I may add, if Greece truly believes "historic Macedonia is Greek" why did it sign the Treaty of Bucharest on August 10, 1913 agreeing to divide it between itself, Serbia and Bulgaria? Why did Greece, while signing this treaty, not complain to the Great Powers that the entire territory of historic "Macedonia belonged to Greece"?

If Greece truly believed the name "Macedonia is Greek" why didn't it NOT complain when the Peoples' Republic of Macedonia was declared part of the Yugoslav federacy in 1945?

Also, if Greece is so much concerned about other nations using the name "Macedonia" why has it not complained to the United States of America for its use of the name Macedonia in US territory? Why is it that only Macedonians are not allowed to call their country Macedonia?

If "Macedonians are Greek", why did Greece change all Macedonian toponyms, family and given names to Greek sounding ones? Why did Greece forbid the use of the Macedonian language and made it illegal in Macedonia?

If "Macedonians are Greek" from many centuries ago, why did Greece implement assimilation policies to forcibly turn Macedonians into Greeks?

If "Macedonians are Greek", why then are Macedonians born in Greece, who left Greece, not allowed to return? Are there two kinds of Macedonians living in Greece? Those who feel Macedonian and those who serve the Greek cause?

If "Macedonia is Greek" then all of historic Macedonia must be Greek. By this logic then every Macedonian has a rightful claim to the ancient Macedonian heritage including the flags, symbols and most certainly the name. Why is Greece then objecting to the Republic of Macedonia calling itself Macedonia? Is not the republic of Macedonia part of historic Macedonia?

If "Macedonians are Greeks" after all these years, why hasn't Greece recognized them as a distinct national Macedonian minority? By "Macedonians" I mean those Macedonian people who are indigenous to the Macedonia territory that is today under Greek control. By Macedonian people I mean those people that lived in Macedonia before the 1912/1913 occupation and annexation. By Macedonian people I don't mean those people who were imported from Asia Minor and settled on Macedonian territory during the early 1920's or those people who were imported from Albania, the Caucuses and other realms.

Like many tens of thousands of Macedonians, I am a Macedonian from Greece but Greece is refusing to recognize me as a Macedonian. In fact many Greeks refuse to even accept the idea that I am a Macedonian from Greece. So who then are these "Macedonians who are Greeks"? What are the qualifications to be a Macedonian from Greece? How many of these so called "Greek Macedonians" does Greece have? Why haven't I seen any registered in their official statistics?

The fact is that being a Macedonian from Greece, I have more in common with Macedonians from the Republic of Macedonia than I do with the Greeks with whom I share my citizenship.

I speak the same (mother) language as the Macedonians from the Republic of Macedonia,

I enjoy the same songs, dances and food as the Macedonians from the Republic of Macedonia.

I go to the same Macedonian Orthodox Church as the Macedonians from the Republic of Macedonia.

Goce Delchev is as much of a hero to me as he is to the people of the Republic of Macedonia.

I am as much a part of those Macedonians who fought in the 1903 Ilinden uprising to liberate Macedonia from the Ottoman as are the people from the Republic of Macedonia.

Conversely, I have very little if anything in common culturally or historically with the Greeks.

My natural (mother) language is Macedonian, not Greek. I had to learn Greek in school.

Historical figures which some Greeks call their heroes are in fact my enemies because they committed atrocities against Macedonian people, all in the name of Hellenism.

So please do not be offended when I ask you to call me Macedonian, the same as you would call my Macedonian compatriots in the Republic of Macedonia.

No compromise on the name "Macedonia" either inside or outside of Greece means that Macedonians everywhere, inside or outside of Greece, will not accept to be called anything but Macedonian. It is not okay for Greece to call me anything other than Macedonian. I am Macedonian and that is what I want to be called by everyone, including Greece.

Many tens of thousands of Macedonians from Greece, like me are not Greek and feel akin to:

the Macedonians from the Republic of Macedonia,

the Macedonians from Bulgaria,

the Macedonians from Albania, and

the Macedonians in the entire Diaspora.

We are all Macedonian because that is what we are.

lieber Quintus ...ich möchte bitte diese steintafel sehen schicke mir bitte einen link oder noch besser den beitrag zu deinen ständigen euserungen..

sollte es sich um diese Steintafel handeln..
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so mus ich dir sagen.. diese steintafeln konnten lange nicht übersetzt werden,erst jetzt wurden sie von einem "slovenischen lingvist in der alt-slavischen [kirchen-slavisch] übersetzt" Die Neu-Griechen können es zwar lesen ,doch nicht verstehen da es sich um eine alt-slavische sprache handelt...und diese haben immer noch ähnlichkeiten mit dem alt-kirchenslavisch das von den Brüdern Kyrill-Method aus Solun.
In Ohrid wurde die erste slawische Universität gegründet nahe Ohrid, wo er selbst von 886 bis 893 über 3000 Studenten unterrrichtete, von denen viele Priester wurden und die die slawische Litertur in der Region und bis nach Russland verbreiteten.

das es in den Hahrhunderten zu vermischungen kamm ist ok doch hier die makedonen als Griechen darzustellen ist nicht Korekt..

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