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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Die Werksabnahmetest des von Aselsan hergestellten Miisionssystem ASOJ-23A sind abgeschlossen, nun können die Arbeiten an der Integration in die vier Bombardier Global 6000 Business Jets beginnen.
Es sollen auch Drohnen vom Typ Akinci für die Stand Off Jammer Aufgabe ausgerüstet werden.
Zitat:Aselsan Advances Airborne Stand-Off Jammer Program for Turkish Air Force
Aselsan’s Bombardier Global 6000 Hava SOJ airborne stand-off jammer programme is progressing well, a company spokesperson said at WDS
The Turkish air force requirement to stop enemy radar and communication systems from functioning during offensive operations will allow offensive aircraft to enter safe zones. The Hava SOJ will stay airborne during operational missions for up to eight hours.
The three main onboard communications systems, comprising a communications jammer, radar jammer and communications intelligence/electronic intelligence (COMINT/ELINT), have all been developed by the Turkish company.
Testing was completed on the test-bed simulator last December and the system will be integrated into the first Global 6000 at Ankara-based Turkish Aerospace, which is partnering with Aselsan on the programme.
First flight awaits certification, a lengthy process that is expected to take up to two years.
Factory acceptance for the second and third Hava SOJs is expected this year, and integration will then follow the first example. All four Hava SOJ Global 6000s ordered in this configuration should be delivered to the Turkish air force by 2028.
In another similar project, known as IHA SOJ Hedet (UAV, stand-off jammer, communication electronic warfare), two Bayrak Bayraktar Akinci unmanned aircraft systems are being developed for jamming operations as well. One example will house a COMINT system and a COMINT jammer, and the other a ELINT system and ELINT jammer, with the ability to stay airborne for 17-18 hours.
Contracted in late 2023, both versions should be delivered by late-2026.
Aselsan has also worked on a Bayraktar TB2 jammer that was delivered in 2022 and which the company says is already combat-proven. Equipped with a 11kg electronic attack pod under each wing, the system operates in three different frequencies. The same source claims it can be fitted onto any Bayraktar TB2 within an hour.
The pod has also been fitted on the Turkish Aerospace Anka as well as the Bayraktar Akinci.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Bayraktar TB3 UCAV operated in EFES-2024 for the first time
by Talha Batın Şahan May 31, 2024
Bayraktar TB3 UCAV operated in EFES-2024 for the first time
Bayraktar TB3 UCAV operated in EFES-2024 for the first time
Bayraktar TB3 UCAV was used for the first time as part of the EFES-2024 Combined Joint Practical Firing Land Exercise.
One of the largest planned exercises of the Turkish Armed Forces, EFES-2024 Combined Joint Practical Firing Land Exercise’s Practical Firing Land Phase is being carried out between 9-30 May in the Gulf of Izmir and Doğanbey Firing Area.
On this matter, the Ministry of National Defence held a press briefing on the Distinguished Observer Day of the EFES-2024 Exercise. In the statement made by the Ministry of National Defence, remarks were made about the systems used during the exercise. The following remarks were made in the statement:
‘Our high-tech weapon systems, developed in line with the goal of a fully independent defence industry under the leadership of our President, are successfully used in the exercise. During the EFES-2024 Combined, Joint Practical Firing Land Exercise;
Beiträge: 3.888
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Derzeit arbeitet die Türkei an einer mehrschichtigen die auf die Abwehr verschiedener Bedrohungen ausgerichtet sein wird. Die Flugabwehrraketen Hisar-A + , O + & D RF befinden sich im Inventar der türkischen Streitkräfte und sind im Zulauf. Bald dürfte auch die erste Batterie des eigenentwickelten Langstrecken FlaRak System Siper Product-1 einsatzbereit sein. Hisar A +, O + & D RF dürften sobald die Entwicklung der Hisar-U abgeschlossen ist im Bereich zwischen Mittel und Langstrecke ergänzt werden. Reichweite der Hisar-U dürfte bis zu 80 km betragen.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Laut dem Geschäftsführer von Aselsan Ahmet Akyol wurden 400 Millionen US $ in die Entwicklung von Mikroelektronik, FLIR, Luftverteidigunggssystemen etc. Investiert.
Positive Ergebnisse wurden bei Flugtests von MURAD AESA Radar erzielt.
Flugabwehrsysteme der Typen Hisar A + & O + bei einer Luftverteidigungsübung des türkischen Heeres.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:HİSAR-A and HİSAR-O in the Land Forces exercise
by Abdihakim KALALE June 20, 2024
HİSAR-A and HİSAR-O in the Land Forces exercise
HİSAR-A and HİSAR-O air defence systems were used in the Air Defence Command and Control Exercise.
According to the sharing made on the official X account of the Ministry of National Defence, HİSAR A+ and HİSAR O+ air defence systems developed with domestic and national means were used in the Land Forces Air Defence Command and Control Exercise organized by the Land Forces Command.
HİSAR A+ (Low Altitude Air Defence Missile System) and HİSAR O+ (Medium Altitude Air Defence Missile System), which entered the inventory as of 2021, impressed with the performance they showed in the exercise. In addition, the relevant systems were also used in the exercise held in 2022.
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Themen: 967
Registriert seit: Sep 2020
Türkei: Wie hoch sind die Verluste in Kurdistan?
Raids (französisch)
Ist es möglich, dass die Regierung in Ankara die tatsächlichen Verluste der Streitkräfte und Sicherheitskräfte gegenüber der kurdischen Guerilla verschweigt? Die Hêzên Parastina Gel (HPG), die Volksverteidigungskräfte, der bewaffnete Arm der Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK), behaupten, dass sie den türkischen Streitkräften folgende Verluste zugefügt haben: Achthunderteinundsechzig getötete Soldaten und Gendarmen und einhundertachtundzwanzig Verletzte im Jahr 2021; zweitausendneunhundertzweiundvierzig weitere Getötete, darunter sechsundzwanzig hochrangige Offiziere, und vierhundertacht Verletzte im Jahr 2022; neunhundertneunzehn Getötete, darunter sieben hochrangige Offiziere, und einhundertachtundzwanzig Verletzte im Jahr 2023; schließlich mehr als hundert Tote und etwa die Hälfte der Verletzten im ersten Quartal 2024.
Diese Zahlen, die an eine Hekatombe grenzen, lassen einen aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung nachdenklich werden. Die Verheimlichung der eigenen Verluste ist für Ankara mehr als nur eine Gewohnheit geworden. So veröffentlicht es Berichte, die eine - zu - hohe Zahl von Soldaten aufdecken, die bei Trainingsaktivitäten getötet wurden, Opfer von Verkehrsunfällen wurden, Selbstmord begingen und ... "vom Blitz getroffen wurden oder sich auf dem Weg zur Moschee verirrt haben". Diese Aussagen werden natürlich von der kurdischen Guerilla dementiert, die dazu neigt, die Verluste ihres Gegners aufzublähen, auch wenn es stimmt, dass die HPG regelmäßig die Ausweispapiere der im Kampf getöteten türkischen Soldaten veröffentlicht.
Wie dem auch sei, die Zahl der von Ankara offiziell gemeldeten Selbstmorde spiegelt jedoch eine Realität wider: Viele türkische Soldaten, sowohl im Feld als auch nach ihrer Rückkehr von der Front, sollen unter posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen leiden.
Mehreren übereinstimmenden Quellen zufolge werden sie gemobbt, unterernährt und gezwungen, unvorbereitet und ohne angemessene Unterstützung in Guerillagebiete vorzudringen, wodurch sie häufig Opfer von Hinterhalten und Anschlägen mit improvisierten Sprengkörpern (IEDs/EEIs) werden. Diese Situation würde nicht nur ihren Kampfeswillen brechen, sondern einige von ihnen auch in den Selbstmord treiben.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:ASELSAN achieves firsts in NATO Exercise
by Kazım Mutlu June 27, 2024
ASELSAN achieves firsts in NATO Exercise
Türkiye participated in the NATO Ramstein Legacy 2024 Integrated Air and Missile Defense Exercise held in Romania with ASELSAN systems, and successfully demonstrated its NATO integration by strengthening its air defense capacity.
Taking its place in the exercise with its products, ASELSAN is present with Transportable Battery Command Control Operation Center (HAKİM-ADOC/T), Fire Control Device (KORKUT 130/35), Pedestal Mounted Stinger (KMS ZIPKIN) and MANPADS Team Equipment systems. In the exercise, ASELSAN Systems took their place as the first short-range air defense systems to conduct an integrated air defense exercise with NATO elements of Türkiye.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Delivery of Anti-tank vehicles and Radars to the Land Forces
by Kazım Mutlu July 7, 2024
Delivery of Anti-tank vehicles and Radars to the Land Forces
The Ministry of National Defense announced that the acceptance activities of various OMTAS Turret Armored Anti-Tank Vehicles and Mobile Mortar Detection Radar were completed by the Land Forces Command.
The Ministry of National Defense organized a weekly press briefing on current issues, primarily the activities of the Ministry. The meeting, conducted by the Press and Public Relations Advisor Rear Admiral Zeki Aktürk, provided remarkable information on current operations on our borders, neutralized terrorists, and the training and exercise activities of our forces.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:ÇAKIR Cruise Missile Enters Serial Production
09 Jul 2024, 05:23 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
ÇAKIR Cruise Missile Enters Serial Production
ROKETSAN’s ÇAKIR compact cruise missile for a variety of platforms has entered serial production, according to Spain-based news site Defensa. Production will likely start not only for Turkiye but also for the export customer(s), as at least one deal was signed for export in 2023.
ÇAKIR was tested for the first time in 2023 spring from an AKINCI UCAV. In 2024’s first quarter, the missile successfully hit a target at sea using its IIR seeker. In time, ÇAKIR will be integrated into fighter jets, naval platforms, and ROKETSAN’s BARBAROS coastal defence complex.
ÇAKIR, with a range of 150 km, offers various guidance and warhead options to fulfil different needs. The seeker options include IIR, RF, Hybrid (RF+IIR), and swarm sensor; three options for the 70 kg warhead are available: HE-FRAG, penetrating-shaped charge, and thermobaric. In Turkish service, ÇAKIR is expected to be used by the Air Force, Navy, and the National Intelligence Agency.
The first export customer might have ordered the missile for AKINCI UCAVs because the UCAV is the first platform to fire the missile. A surface-launched missile version will follow as design changes like booster and folding fins will be made.
Vor einigen Tagen wurde der türkische Kommunikationssatelitt Turksat 6A ins All geschossen. Ich verlinke ein Video vom Start und einen Tweet mit wichtigen Informationen.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Die Rechnung der Çakir AShM beträgt 150 km, auf dem Tweet wird der Wirkungsradius landgestützer AShM dieses Typs gezeigt.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Bei der Parade anlässlich zum 50 Jahrestag der Friedenoperation wurde das SHORAD/SHORT Flugabwehrsystem Gürz gesichtet das innerhalb der nächsten drei Jahre bei den türkischen Streitkräften eingeführt werden soll.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:GÜRZ Air Defence System Spotted in TRNC Parade
20 Jul 2024, 06:48 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
GÜRZ Air Defence System Spotted in TRNC Parade
ASELSAN’s GÜRZ hybrid air defence system has been spotted in a parade conducted in the TRNC for the 50th anniversary of Cyprus Peace Operation. The gun-missile air defence system onboard a Seyit 8x8 truck of Anadolu Savunma was present in the parade, displaying various ground vehicles.
Turkiye has made a large-scale exhibition of its new defence equipment with the arrival of AKINCI UCAVs, TCG İstanbul (F515) frigate’s appearance and GÜRZ in TRNC. GÜRZ is set to serve in the Turkish Armed Forces as a solution combining a 35 mm gun capable of firing ATOM airburst munition and two types of short-range missiles. The first missile will be GÖKSUR (BOZDOĞAN AAM variant) or HİSAR-A for a range of approximately 15 km, while the other will be a smaller CLOS-type missile with low cost. The sensor suite consists of four AESA radar panels (Likely to be AURA) and a fire control radar with onboard EO/IR. The 360-degree coverage of AESA radar panels is an advantage in asymmetric scenarios like kamikaze UAV attacks.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:ASELSAN Modernises E-7T AEW&C Aircraft
24 Jul 2024, 08:22 1 min
Air E/W Modernisation
ASELSAN Modernises E-7T AEW&C Aircraft
TUSAŞ has announced the maiden flight of the E-7T Peace Eagle AEW&C aircraft modernised with ASELSAN's ESM/ELINT systems. The modernisation carried out by ASELSAN replaced the Israeli EL/L-8382 system, and the maiden flight was made in June 2024, according to TUSAŞ magazine's 137th issue. Following the ESM/ELINT system localisation, the E-7T aircraft will additionally receive a more comprehensive modernisation.
E-7T is one of the backbones of Turkiye's situational awareness, with its long-range radar and onboard ESM/ELINT systems performing detection and providing information to all forces. The modernisation of ESM/ELINT capability with locally made systems is important, as well as the freedom of modifications and single libraries that can be formed without the risk of foreign observation.
E-7 is also used by the ROK (as Peace Eye) and Australia (as E-7A Wedgetail). The aircraft will serve as an interim replacement for the ageing E-3 Sentry during the AFSC family of systems development as the future NATO AEW&C platforms.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan AAMs Enter the Inventory
29 Jul 2024, 03:36 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan AAMs Enter the Inventory
Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır has announced the entry of Turkiye's indigenous air-to-air missiles to the inventory at TUBİTAK's 61 anniversary. Turkish Defence Ministry has not made any statement yet. The introduction might be revealed on a routine Thursday press briefing.
TÜBİTAK SAGE has developed Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan AAMs, marking a significant step towards ending Turkiye's dependence on U.S.-made AIM-120 AMRAAM and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles used on F-16 fighters. This indigenous development not only enhances Turkiye's self-reliance in defence technology but also strengthens its strategic position in the region.
The Gökdoğan BVRAAM, equipped with an active radar seeker and a range of 100 km, represents a significant leap in missile technology. Its use of a laser proximity fuse with sensors around the missile to increase resistance against jamming in the terminal phase is a testament to its advanced design. Bozdoğan WVRAAM is significantly larger and faster than AIM-9 missiles.
The missile weighs 140 kg and reaches a speed of more than Mach 4, whereas AIM-9X weighs 85 kg and reaches a speed of Mach 2.5. In addition to the F-16, the missiles will be used on other combat aircraft like KAAN fighter and KIZILELMA unmanned fighter. ASELSAN will also use the missiles on its new air defence systems:
GÜRZ hybrid air defence system
GÖKSUR PDMS (Bozdoğan)
GÖKDEMİR medium-range air defence system (Gökdoğan and alternatively Bozdoğan)
Following the two missiles, TÜBİTAK SAGE's former Director, Gürcan Okumuş, initiated the Gökhan liquid fuel ramjet-powered air-to-air missile to have a longer range and better kinematic performance than Gökdoğan
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Registriert seit: Nov 2021
Kommt das nur mir so vor, als würden die Türken quasi wöchentlich neue Systeme entwickeln und einführen?
Gefühlt zumindest mehr, als vom Rest der Welt öffentlich wird.
Bei der Schlagzahl stellt sich mir die Frage, ob "das Zeug auch was taugt", mal abseits von den Drohnen, oder ob das nur Publicity für die Allmachtsfantasien eines gewissen Herren ist.
Meine Erfahrungen mit Arbeit in der Türkei sind begrenzt und auch durchwachsen, aber auf Grund derer kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass diese Systeme auch wirklich (alle) performant sind.