Luftkrieg im 21. Jahrhundert
...und erstmal den Objektschutz für Flughäfen etc beschaffen, der dann mobil sein muss.
Über zukünftige Luft-Luft Raketen:

Zitat:When we talk about the future of competition for air-superiority, often we focus on the most high-profile platform - the current and future generation fighter aircraft. With cutting edge sensors and systems, new generation fighters are likely to give their pilots access to a level of information and performance beyond what even current fifth generation platforms can offer.

But situational awareness doesn't have the same value if it can't be connected to a weapon system capable enough to leverage it - which the air-to-air missile comes in.

In the past decade, multiple nations have fielded new missiles that challenge or eclipse existing US missiles like the AIM-120. In this episode we're going to look at some of those systems, ask how the US fell behind in the range game, and ask what the plan might be to equip the USAF with tools to reclaim its previous advantage in the air.
Transporterbomber in polnischen Diensten:

Zitat:Poland got authorization to purchase... (checks notes🤔)... 821 (❗️) AGM-158B-2 JASSM-ER 🇺🇸 cruise missiles. Until now only 70 were in 🇵🇱 arsenal. The weapon can carry a 900kg warhead for the distance of ~1000km. There are 3 platforms in 🇵🇱 air force that can launch it - F-16, F-35 (to be delivered) & C-130 Hercules transport planes (🇵🇱 owns x10) which are capable of dropping the Rapid Dragon - palletized weapons module, pictured below
(06.04.2024, 00:23)Quintus Fabius schrieb: Transporterbomber in polnischen Diensten:

Mit dem Transportbomber können die F16, F-35 für andere wichtige Aufgaben herangezogen werden als als Cruise Missile Truck zu dienen. Für Polen ist der Transpotbomber vollkommen ausreichend.
Da ich keinen passenden Thread zum Thema Stealth Tanker gefunden habe poste ich ihn hier, da ich denke das Stealth Tanker besonders im Pazifik an Bedeutung gewinnen werden und die A2/AD Strategie so einen Schritt für die Zukunft notwendig macht.

Zitat:The U.S. Presents Stealth Tanker Aircraft Concept
15 May 2024, 09:53 2 mins

The U.S. Presents Stealth Tanker Aircraft Concept
Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works has revealed a concept for stealthy tanker aircraft to solve the issue of survivable tankers in the future. For years, the USAF and naval aviation have been working to create low-observable tankers that can operate in A2/AD environments. The latter came up with the carrier-based MQ-25 unmanned tanker with low observability features, but this design can’t be described as sufficient for the former because tankers like KC-135 dwarf it in range and fuel capacity. The Drive has reported that this new tanker with stealth features is being developed under the Next Generation Air-Refuelling System programme. A rendering of the tanker was released, including a tanker with an angled fuselage, only vertical fins, and an F-35 being refuelled by the tanker. No planned technical specifications have been released. With the USAF operating with F-35 and F-22, and the promising developments from the NGAD programme, a stealthy tanker is not just a luxury but a strategic necessity for the future, with all aircraft bearing this common trait. Because of the engine arrangement, the tanker will retain the boom-type refuelling system with a central mount instead of a tail one. In addition to refuelling, the tanker may have secondary roles like electronic warfare and UAV control. The latter has been tested by the USAF with existing tankers to explore the idea of a tanker defending itself with UAVs. However, Skunk Works isn’t the only future tanker idea. JetZero, known for its work in the bid body-wing aircraft, which offer increased lifting performance due to the body and wing being virtually the same, is also offering this concept for air-to-air refuelling.
Food for thought oder warum man bei NGAD vor einigen Fragezeichen steht

The Debrief: Tactical Airpower Has ‘Limited Utility’ In 2050, U.S. Air Force Says
PERUN über die Programme für das Kampfflugzeug der nächsten Generation:

Zitat:Last week we looked at some of the new military aircraft China showed off in the closing days of 2024.

Today, I continue my discussion with RUSI's Justin Bronk to cover off other nations efforts to develop their own next generation platforms, from the US NGAD effort to European and Russian programs.

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