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Nichts neues aber dennoch passend zum Thema.
Zitat:Turkey’s Baykar reveals its future unmanned combat aircraft
Colton Jones
Jul 20, 2021
Modified date: Jul 20, 2021
A Turkish drone maker will combine its skillset in advanced technology weapons, autonomous systems with Ukrainian-made jet engines to develop new unmanned combat aircraft.
Turkey’s Baykar has begun the conceptual design phase of what it hopes will become the jet-powered unmanned aircraft system, better known as Combat Unmanned Aerial System (MİUS).
The company also has released an official rendering of its future unmanned fighter jet, which shows new combat drones during sorties from TCG Anadolu, Turkey’s first amphibious assault ship.
Beiträge: 13.043
Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Chinese air force equips 16th Air Division with WZ-7 HALE UAVs
Video footage provided by Chinese state-owned media indicates that the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has been equipping its 16th Special Mission Air Division with the WZ-7 Xianglong (Soaring Dragon) high-altitude, long-endurance (HALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Released by China Central Television (CCTV) on 10 November, the footage shows at least two examples of the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR)-capable UAV painted in a low-visibility, grey colour scheme and featuring PLAAF insignia.
The UAVs, which reportedly took part in a training exercise featuring J-20 and J-16 multirole fighters, J-16D electronic warfare-capable aircraft, Y-20 transport, KJ-500 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft, as well as HQ-9B air-defence systems, were shown bearing serial numbers ‘21071' and ‘21074' respectively. [...]
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Themen: 108
Registriert seit: May 2004
Zitat:PLA Air Force's new WZ-7 high-altitude reconnaissance drone has been put into practical training
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Turkey’s Baykar, Ukrainian firm ink deal for unmanned aircraft engine
Nov 12, 2021 6:42 pm GMT+3
A Bayraktar TB2 drone is pictured at the Geçitkale military air base near Gazimağusa (Famagusta) in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Dec. 16, 2019. (AFP File Photo)
Ukraine to buy another batch of Turkish drones in 2022
Turkey’s drone magnate Baykar has signed a contract with the Ivchenko-Progress, one of the leading engine companies in Ukraine for the procurement of engines for its Combat Unmanned Aircraft System (MIUS) project, according to a company statement Friday.
The deal was signed between the parties at the SAHA EXPO Defense and Aviation Hybrid Fair organized by SAHA Istanbul.
Ivchenko-Progress will supply the AI-322F Turbofan engine for MIUS under the agreement.
MUIS will be jet-powered, with a payload of up to 1.5 tons. The autonomously maneuvering craft will be capable of operating in tandem with piloted aircraft and may carry air-to-air missiles.
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Themen: 108
Registriert seit: May 2004
Es geschehen noch Zeiten und Wunder: eine chinesische Drohne die so weit ich es beurteilen kann nicht von irgend jemandem raubkopiert wurde. Ein genuin chinesisches Konzept, man sehe und staune:
Zitat:Chinese Army Recently Tested Tandam Roter Drone At Ladakh, Types Of Such Being Tested In Past
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Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Airbus expects Eurodrone contract in coming weeks
Airbus expects to finalise the contract to build the Eurodrone unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) “in the next couple of months”.
Speaking at the company's annual Trade Media Briefing on 30 November, the chief engineer for the programme at Airbus, Daniela Lohwasser, said that with the industrial team now ready to proceed, the programme is awaiting approval from all four participating nations. [...]
France, Germany and Italy have approved their participation in the Eurodrone project, with only Spain left to sign off on its involvement.
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Themen: 108
Registriert seit: May 2004
Was beim ganzen aktuellen Drohnen-Hype natürlich wenig berücksichtig wird ist, wie anfällig diese für Kampfflugzeuge sind. Beispielsweise wäre der Krieg zwischen Armenien und Azerbeidschan in keinster Weise so verlaufen - wie es beispielsweise das GIDS behauptet ! - wenn entsprechend Kampfflugzeuge gegen die türkischen Drohnen eingesetzt worden wären.
Ein aktuelles Beispiel dazu aus Syrien, und der meiner Kenntnis nach erste erfolgreiche reale Einsatz von ASRAAM:
Zitat:An RAF Typhoon has shot down a drone over Syria, which posed a risk to a coalition base, using an ASRAAM air-air missile.
Derweilen experimentieren die Russen mit Drohnen vs Drohnen Konzepten und Luftüberlegenheitsdrohnen:
Zitat:Das Verteidigungsministerium der Russischen Föderation inszenierte einen Luftkampf von Drohnen auf einem Übungsgelände auf der Krim, bei dem die Orion-Drohne aus 4 km Entfernung. schoss mit einer Lenkwaffe ein UAV vom Typ Helikopter ab. Zum ersten Mal behauptet die Militärabteilung, dass russische Drohnen Kampffähigkeiten haben und feindliche Drohnen zerstören können.
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Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:New US Navy airwing elements take shape on carrier Bush
Two lynchpin aircraft of the future air wing of the US Navy (USN) achieved recent milestones during at-sea operations aboard the aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush (CVN 77) while the ship is under way in the Atlantic Ocean, USN officials reported.
The USN completed an Unmanned Carrier Aviation Demonstration of its MQ-25 Stingray unmanned air system prototype in December aboard Bush, laying the groundwork for future carrier-based unmanned aerial system operations, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) officials confirmed on 20 December. [...] The milestone appears to mark the first time that MQ-25 and F-35C aircraft were operated on the same carrier during the same under way period, USN officials confirmed.
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Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Russia tests Orion UCAV in air-to-air role
Russia has tested an Orion unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) in an air-to-air engagement against a rotary wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during tests in Crimea, the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) reported on 19 December.
The Orion was shown taking off with a missile tube under each wing and tracking the rotary wing target before engaging it with a missile that appears to be a variant of the 9M113 Kornet anti-tank guided missile family. The engagement reportedly took place at a range of 4 km. The UCAV also conducted air-to-ground engagements using the missile, the MoD said. The missile used may be a development of the Kornet-D that was referred to as X-BPLA by an industry source cited in an 18 December Sputnik article. [...]
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Themen: 108
Registriert seit: May 2004
Eine weitere Lobpreisung der Akinci (Akindschis = Renner und Brenner des osmanischen Heere) Drohne:
Zitat:The Bayraktar Akıncı is the world's first production multi-role unmanned combat aircraft. Arguably the most innovative aspect of the Akıncı is its capability to use air-to-air missiles (AAMs), consisting of the indigenous Bozdoğan IR-guided AAM and the (fire-and-forget) Gökdoğan BVRAAMs. Another novel feature is the ability to use the 275+km-ranged SOM family of cruise missiles designed to be used against enemy command posts, SAM sites, hardened bunkers ships or any other target that requires a precision hit.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Ich bin der Meinung das die türkischen Streitkräfte die Akinci als eine Art von "Bomb Truck" zu Einsatz von Abstandswaffen nutzen möchten. Dabei wirkt das System im Verbund mit AEW&C, EW, mit Raketenartillerie und Kampfflugzeuge. Auch als Mutterschiff für Kamkaze Drohnen wie der Shimshek findet die Akinci auch anwendung.
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Themen: 108
Registriert seit: May 2004
Unter anderem. Man kann die Akinci eben auf sehr viele verschiedene Weisen einsetzen, je nach dem Umständen. Die Vielseitigkeit dieses Systems, welche ja auch in dem vernetzten Artikel so hervor gehoben wird, ist schon herausragend. Schlußendlich bin ich in Wahrheit auch mehr als angetant von dem System. Das ist meiner Meinung nach die richtige Konzeption und zugleich die Zukunft von Schlachtfliegern / Erdkampfflugzeugen. Eventuell wird man in naher Zukunft auch gepanzerte Drohnen haben, analog zu einer A-10 Thunderbolt II, nur eben als Drohne.
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Themen: 108
Registriert seit: May 2004
Ein Blick auf die Drohnenkriegsführung - aus der Sicht des Feindes:
Zitat:Conclusion and Implications
Debates among policymakers and scholars have yielded very different claims regarding how drone strikes might have affected the quality of al-Qaeda’s personnel, its organizational efficiency and control, and its safe haven in the FATA. This study evaluated these claims through the systematic analysis of internal correspondence between al-Qaeda’s senior leaders. This section reviews the study’s findings and examines the implications they have for policy and scholarship.
In sum, this study found that drone strikes were an effective instrument against al-Qaeda, but were perhaps not as effective nor as decisive as the most assured accounts claim. Drone strikes depleted al-Qaeda’s talent pool — particularly its external operations branch — and eventually slowed the group’s organizational processes, while steadily degrading its safe haven in the FATA. Although the temporal scope of the available archival materials only allows me to evaluate these changes up to May 2011, there is little evidence to suggest that these observed trends reversed after bin Laden’s death.206 And yet, even as drone strikes reached their peak, al-Qaeda was still able to orchestrate rather complex organizational tasks. This suggests at least a portion of its internal control remained intact even as the group faced significant operational challenges.
The significance of these findings rests on their broader applicability, as the U.S. drone campaign in Pakistan is only a single instance of a fairly ubiquitous approach to counter-terrorism. The replicability of the drone campaign’s outcome depends on whether factors that facilitated its limited success will be present in future counter-terrorism campaigns. On the one hand, al-Qaeda’s combination of bucreacratic and decentralized organizational structures and practices rendered the group difficult to succesfuly degrade.207 On the other hand, the U.S. prioritization of defeating al-Qaeda during the period examined in this study may mean that this campaign was unusually well resourced.208 Future instances of lethal targeting against less organizationally robust adversaries may thus achieve more impressive results, just as dedicating fewer resources to future campaigns could limit prospects for success.209 With this in mind, one can draw broader implications from this single case, with the caveat that future work may find that variations in these and other contextual factors render it a somewhat idiosyncratic instance of middling results.
First, this study suggests that, in the aggregate, lethal targeting can yield favorable outcomes. Nowhere in any of al-Qaeda’s documents does the group reference the counterproductive effects that many pessimistic accounts claimed the drone strikes produced. This implies that the United States, its allies, and its partners can effectively employ targeted strikes against terrorist groups as an alternative to the large-scale deployment of ground forces to clear, hold, and restore local governance to territory held by transnational terrorists or local insurgents harboring them.
Second, the still modest results of the U.S. drone campaign may mean that future campaigns of this type will imperfectly contain or limit the reach of a terrorist group, not eliminate it outright. Despite having been the target of a considerable amount of counter-terrorism pressure, al-Qaeda’s senior leaders have remained active and influential.210 U.S. policymakers should thus anticipate incomplete and even impermanent results from future campaigns and should augment lethal targeting with ancillary instruments, including bilateral and multilateral law enforcement cooperation and efforts to limit terrorist groups’ access to financial resources.
Third, the results of future targeting campaigns may be slow to emerge. U.S. drone strikes did not yield an immediate, asymmetric effect on al-Qaeda’s ability to operate. Rather, the payoff from U.S. strikes generally rose as they increased in frequency. It took years of sustained pressure for al-Qaeda to begin reflecting on many of the detrimental effects that drones were having on its organizational capabilities and processes. The required time and resources needed to produce a similar outcome could increase as terrorist groups develop and share lessons learned in countering drones or as they rely more heavily on regional affiliates.211
Renewed U.S. emphasis on interstate competition has made small-footprint approaches to countering terrorist groups more attractive. The U.S. drone campaign in Pakistan presents one viable approach, although it is one that neither quickly nor comprehensively degraded al-Qaeda. Relying heavily on lethal targeting to contain future terrorist threats will likely achieve similarly real, but imperfect, results. U.S. policymakers would do well not just to understand these limitations, but to also consider the broader range of complementary counter-terrorism instruments they have at their disposal.
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Themen: 108
Registriert seit: May 2004