03.12.2003, 23:10
Über die anderen europäischen Fregattenprojekte hört man recht viel, über das der norwegischen Marine eher wenig. Deshalb, aus aktuellem Anlass, ein Thread über diese Schiffsklasse.
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/images/Nansen-04_big-s.jpg">http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... _big-s.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Quelle: Globalsecurity.org
Der aktuelle Anlass:
Zitat:Main Dimensions:.
Length Overall 132.0 m
Length on the Waterline 121.39 m
Max Height Above Water Line 30.0 m at Minimum Op. Displ.
Design Draft Baseline 4.90 m
Maximum Beam 16.80 m
Beam on the Waterline 15.90 m
Full Load Displacement Incl. Margins 5121 tonnes
Complement 120 (Accommodation Capacity 146)
Main Gun 76 mm OTO BREDA SR
Small caliber Gun 12,7 mm
ASW weapons Stingray Light weight torpedos
Depth Charges
AAW weapon Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile MK 41 VLS
ASuW weapon New Anti Ship Missile
Soft kill weapons Terma Decoy launcher
IR decoy, radar and acoustic decoy(...)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/images/Nansen-06_big-s.jpg">http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... _big-s.jpg</a><!-- m -->
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Quelle: Globalsecurity.org
Der aktuelle Anlass:
MOORESTOWN, NJ, December 2, 2003 -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE:LMT] marked the completion of the first Aegis Integrated Weapon System (IWS) with the SPY-1F radar for the Royal Norwegian Navy today with a pull-the-plug ceremony at its Moorestown facility. The system will be packed and shipped to Spanish shipbuilder IZAR for installation on the Fridtjof Nansen, the first ship of the F310 Norwegian frigate program, now under construction in Ferrol, Spain.
The system, which includes Lockheed Martin's SPY-1F radar, successfully completed a full range of acceptance tests during the past several months to verify system performance. Today's pull-the-plug ceremony marks the completion of testing and symbolizes the system is ready for shipboard installation.
"The work done by all parties in connection with the design, construction and testing that has taken place here is amazing," said Capt. Per Erik Goransson of the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organization. "Many skeptics declared that the plan was too ambitious when the program started. But you have proved them wrong!"(...)