Beiträge: 12.953
Themen: 210
Registriert seit: May 2006
Auch wenn sich die politische Lage oberflächlich betrachtet vllt. stabilisiert zu haben scheint, so ist die Versorgungslage der Bevölkerung im zerrissenen Land dennoch nachwievor mehr als katastrophal...
Zitat:Unicef - 200.000 Kinder in Somalia vom Hungertod bedroht
Genf (Reuters) - Bis zu 200.000 Kinder im Alter bis zu fünf Jahren sind nach Angaben der Hilfsorganisation Unicef in Somalia vom Hungertod bedroht. Sollten die Vereinten Nationen keine zusätzlichen Gelder zur Bekämpfung des Notstands in dem Gebiet bekommen, seien die Kinder bis Ende des Jahres dem Tode geweiht, erklärte Unicef am Dienstag in Genf. Die Organisation hat um 150 Millionen Dollar gebeten, eingegangen sind bislang 15 Millionen. [...]
Das Leben der Kinder sei in Gefahr, wenn nicht schnellstmöglich Therapien gegen ihre dramatische Unterernährung eingeleitet würden, warnte Unicef-Sprecher Christophe Boulierac. Wenn die Gelder nicht umgehend zur Verfügung gestellt würden, müsse Unicef in einem Monat seine lebensrettende Gesundheitshilfe in Somalia aussetzen. Somalia hat als Staat faktisch aufgehört zu existieren. Das Land ist zerrissen zwischen sich gegenseitig bekämpfenden Familienclans und islamischen Extremisten, die Verbindungen zur Al-Kaida haben.
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Beiträge: 2.472
Themen: 31
Registriert seit: Jan 2004
Ausnahmsweise wird in Somalia mal nicht gegen die Al-Shabaab gekämpft, sondern um die Präsidentennachfolge:
Zitat:As tensions rise in Mogadishu, residents of the Somalian capital flee their homes, fearing armed clashes will renew in their neighbourhoods.
Over the past few days, military forces opposed to President Farmajo's term extension, took over positions in Mogadishu, barricading roads along Maka al Mukarrama, a key road that is often used by the government officials.
On Sunday night, sporadic bursts of heavy gunfire rang out across the capital after fighting broke out between government forces and soldiers allied along clan lines to various opposition leaders.
Das macht die Lage für ausländische Engagements sehr komplex.
Beiträge: 12.953
Themen: 210
Registriert seit: May 2006
Nach Jahren der Zerrissenheit und des Bürgerkrieges scheint es so, dass sich am Horn von Afrika zumindest im Ansatz eine Art von Stabilität und Ruhe etablieren könnte. Zumindest weisen die Zeichen, vorsichtig ausgedrückt, in diese Richtung...
Zitat:Somalia: Former 'Failed State' Somalia On Fragile Path to Progress - a UN Resident Coordinator Blog
Somalia has been riven by decades of conflict and extreme weather events but, says Adam Abdelmoula, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in the country, there are signs of progress amidst a host of ongoing challenges. [...]
Afflicted by decades of conflict, recurrent climatic shocks, disease outbreaks and poverty, Somalia was often called a 'failed state.' The narrative is now changing and, although fragile, Somalia is on a path to stability, and the resilience of the Somali people is second to none. [...]
The UN has been closely supporting the Somali people since the birth of the Republic in 1960. Currently, the UN's various mandates are implemented through 26 Agencies, Funds and Programmes (both resident and non-resident), a political mission (the UN Assistance Mission to Somalia, UNSOM) and a logistical support mission (the UN Support Mission to Somalia, UNSOS). At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN marshalled support to help the Somali government respond to the virus outbreak. We continue to support the Somali authorities in seeking to defeat this pandemic and encouraging people to get vaccinated.
Elections are also on-going in Somalia. The UN is supporting the process to ensure that they are held in a peaceful and transparent manner, while at the same time advocating for a 30 per cent quota of women in the Somali legislature. [...]
While these are encouraging signs of progress, we must not forget Somalia's long-standing challenges. According to UN's projections for next year, an estimated 7.7 million Somalis (nearly half of the country's population) will require humanitarian assistance and protection, and women and children continue to bear the brunt of Somalia's complex humanitarian crises, especially among the internally displaced communities. In light of the current serious droughts, the Somali government declared a humanitarian state of emergency on 23 November. Nevertheless, neither the government nor the humanitarian community has adequate resources to respond. With one month remaining in the year, the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan, which seeks US$1.09 billion, remains only 70 per cent funded.
Beiträge: 12.953
Themen: 210
Registriert seit: May 2006
Offenkundig ein Massaker von Islamisten an Soldaten der (afrikanischen) Friedenstruppe AMISOM in Somalia...
Zitat:Bodies of 54 Uganda soldiers killed by al Shabaab discovered
(CNN) - Ugandan troops discovered the bodies of 54 Ugandan soldiers who were killed during an al-Shabaab attack on an African Union base in Somalia last week, according to Ugandan officials.
The discovery took place as the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) regained control of the forward operating base in Buulo Mareer, about 120 kilometers southwest of Mogadishu, State House Uganda said via Twitter Saturday. “During that operation, UPDF discovered the lifeless bodies of 54 fallen soldiers, including Lt Col Edward Nyororo, the commander….,” the agency said. [...]
Ugandan soldiers are stationed at the forward operating base as a peacekeeping force. Al-Shabaab launched the deadly attack on the military base using Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices and suicide bombers, the African Union said last week. Unverified images shared on jihadi media channels showed about a dozen Ugandan troops, with arms restrained behind their backs, being captured by the militants.
Beiträge: 2.505
Themen: 23
Registriert seit: Sep 2017
(06.06.2023, 09:29)Schneemann schrieb: Offenkundig ein Massaker von Islamisten an Soldaten der (afrikanischen) Friedenstruppe AMISOM in Somalia...
Zitat:Ugandan soldiers are stationed at the forward operating base as a peacekeeping force. Al-Shabaab launched the deadly attack on the military base using Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices and suicide bombers, the African Union said last week. Unverified images shared on jihadi media channels showed about a dozen Ugandan troops, with arms restrained behind their backs, being captured by the militants.
Für mich ist das wieder einmal völlig unverständlich. Warum ergibt man sich wenn das Ergebnis doch klar ist und man danach exekutiert und vielleicht vorher noch brutal gefoltert wird?
Beiträge: 3.870
Themen: 75
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:A New Initiative From Turkiye to Africa: Somalia EEZ
6 min read
about 2 hours ago
A New Initiative From Turkiye to Africa: Somalia EEZ
The Agreement signed between Mogadishu and Ankara puts Turkiye in a new position in world politics that benefits its host country.
By Özgür Ekşi
The constantly developing political, economic and military relations between the two countries since 2011 are evolving to a new stage with the signing of the “Defence and Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement”. According to the Agreement, Turkiye, a comprehensive military base in Mogadishu, will protect Somali territorial waters for ten years and contribute to developing maritime resources.
The Agreement was signed in response to the Agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland, which was trying to secede from Somalia to establish a naval base. With this Agreement, Turkiye aims to be a part of the solution to one of the most critical problems of the region called the Horn of Africa.
Somalia is experiencing problems in the fight against some radical organizations such as Al-Shabab, which is on the world’s list of “terrorist organizations”. Turkiye made significant infrastructure investments in the fields of education, health and economy to revive Somalia with the aid that started in 2011 and took military training and cooperation steps to enable the country to “fight against terrorism”.
Turkiye has a large military base known as TÜRKSOM in Mogadishu. Somali Turkish Task Force Command has been serving at this base since 2017. The Turkish Embassy, the Turkish military base and many other institutions built and operated by Turkiye are among the targets of the Al-Shabab organization from time to time.
Beiträge: 289
Themen: 6
Registriert seit: Dec 2023
(06.06.2023, 10:16)lime schrieb: Für mich ist das wieder einmal völlig unverständlich. Warum ergibt man sich wenn das Ergebnis doch klar ist und man danach exekutiert und vielleicht vorher noch brutal gefoltert wird?
Vielleicht handeln diese Soldaten nach dem Motto: "O selig, wer noch Hoffnung hat!". Kann sein, dass die Chance, dass sie freigekauft werden sehr groß ist. Vielleicht hat man diese Art "Handel" schon seit längeren etabliert?
Für uns als Mitteleuropäer schwer zu verstehen.