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OIC - Organization of the Islamic Conference - Shahab3 - 09.11.2009

Die OIC tagt ab heute in der Türkei und zum 40jährigen Bestehen könnte man ja auch mal einen OIC-Thread eröffnen:

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Zitat:About OIC

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations which has membership of 57 states spread over four continents. The Organization is the collective voice of the Muslim world and ensuring to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among various people of the world. The Organization was established upon a decision of the historical summit which took place in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco on 12th Rajab 1389 Hijra (25 September 1969) as a result of criminal arson of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

In 1970 the first ever meeting of Islamic Conference of Foreign Minister (ICFM) was held in Jeddah which decided to establish a permanent secretariat in Jeddah headed by the organization’s secretary general. Prof Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu is the 9th Secretary General who assumed the office in January 2005 after being elected by the 31st ICFM.

The present Charter of the Organization was adopted by the Eleventh Islamic Summit held in Dakar on 13-14 March 2008 which laid down the objectives and principles of the organization and fundamental purposes to strengthen the solidarity and cooperation among the Member States. Over the last 38 years, the membership has grown from its founding members of 30 to 57 states. The Organization has the singular honor to galvanize the Ummah into a unified body and have actively represented the Muslims by espousing all causes close to the hearts of over 1.5 billion Muslims of the world.

Charta der OIC:
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Zitat:OIC income shrinks in 2009

According to the annual report 2009, total GDP of member countries declined to 3.98 trillion dollars.

The Annual Economic Report on the OIC Countries 2009 was released during the 25th session of the COMCEC summit (Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation) in İstanbul.
The report says that GDP of OIC members will decrease from 4.59 trillion dollars in 2008 to 3.98 trillion dollars in 2009. In line with the trend, the OIC share in world GDP is estimated to decline to 7.2% from the previous figure of 7.5%.

According to the 2008 data, Turkey attained the highest GDP among members.

- Shahab3 - 12.11.2009

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Zitat:OIC secretary general: Dialogue among civilizations is important not only at level of intelligentzia of nations but also peoples
“The conference was dedicated to dialogue between the civilizations and this dialogue is of great significance not only at the level of intelligentsia of nations, but also for peoples. An important role is also given to NGOs,” Ihsanoglu said.
The event was organized in cooperation with the OIC by the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan jointly with the OIC General Secretariat. The event is devoted to the 40-year OIC anniversary.

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Zitat:Has Pakistan downgraded OIC?
By: Kaswar Klasra | Published: November 12, 2009

ISLAMABAD – Much to the surprise of many OIC member countries that instead of President Asif Ali Zardari, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan represented Pakistan in the Commerce Economic Summit of Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) in Istanbul on November 9.

The summit hosted by Turkish President Abdullah Gul was also attended by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, President of Iran Mehmood Ahmadinejad and OIC Secretary General Prof Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu.

Surprisingly, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan represented Pakistan in the summit instead of President or Prime Minister, who kept themselves away from participating in the high profile meeting for the reason to be known yet.

Serious questions have arisen among many as why did the head of state ignore to attend a meeting of OIC that has been very much active in promoting Pakistan’s point of view over Kashmir since years.

According to an OIC press release, OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu participated in the working breakfast on Afghanistan hosted by Turkish President Abdullah Gul in Istanbul on the sidelines of the COMCEC Economic Summit on Monday (November 9).