Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 09.04.2013
Die iranischen Medien und Meinungen werden zunehmend als Bedrohung für die Imperialisten wahrgenommen, daher werden weltweit die Sender von den Satelliten genommen.
Zitat:GlobeCast takes Iran's Hispan TV off air
Tue Apr 9, 2013 7:45AM
French company GlobeCast has halted the broadcast of Iran’s Spanish-language Hispan TV on an SES satellite in Latin America, in line with the Western campaign against free speech.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 12.04.2013
Der Westen hat bereits alle denkbaren wirtschaftlichen Sanktionen verhängt und damit sein Pulver bereits verschossen. Was offenbar nur noch bleibt sind Sticheleien gegen einzelne Personen, wie iranische Studenten, Händler oder auch iranische Medien. Erstere sollen den Druck gegen ihr Land spüren und letztere sind einfach schon länger unerwünscht und lassen sich nun im Zuge der Sanktionen hierzulande zensieren. Zumal dazu immer recht einfallsreiche Gründe vorgeschoben werden, schließlich gilt ja offiziell Pressefreiheit.
Zitat:Press TV CEO response EU sanctions
Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:55AM GMT
Press TV CEO Dr. Mohammad Sarafraz has slammed the illegal sanctions the Council of the European Union has imposed on him.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 15.04.2013
Möglicherweise hat die Grenzpolizei einen Infiltrationsversuch abgewehrt:
Zitat:Iran arrests illegal foreign nationals
TEHRAN, Apr. 15 (MNA) – Four Saudi and Tunisian nationals who were reportedly equipped with military imaging facilities have been arrested in southeastern city of Saravan in Sistan and Baluchistan Province.
Saudi nationals spoke English fluently, and inspections by the police discovered two laptop computers, filming and photography cameras, two cartridges of pistols with 7 bullets, and a number of books.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 19.05.2013
MKO Planning to Stir Tension in Iran's Election Days
TEHRAN (FNA)- The anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) is hatching different plots to prepare their members to infiltrate Iranian borders to create tension during the election time in June.
The MKO ringleaders who ordered the terrorist group's members to create tumult and carry out sabotage acts in Iran during the 2009 presidential election are now trying to find new ways to repeat the same events during the June voting.
In pursuit of the same goals, the MKO members have been ordered to make use of all means, including social networks, websites and weblogs, to incite conflicts in the Iranian society before the election and even kill people in Iran to blame the Iranian security forces for their deaths.
The MKO ringleaders, believe that killing people will increase the differences and radicalizes the Iranian society on the threshold of the June 14 presidential election.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Erich - 19.05.2013
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Die aktuelle militärische Lage zeigt sich im Wesentlichen unverändert und bleibt insgesamt ruhig. Die EISENHOWER Carrier Strike Group der US Navy (mit integrierter deutscher Fregatte HAMBURG) operiert weiterhin im nördlichen Arabischen Meer. US-Kampfflugzeuge führen vom Flugzeugträger Einsätze zur Unterstützung der Afghanistan-Operation „Enduring Freedom“ durch. Die EISENHOWER wird bis in den Juni hinein einziger US-Flugzeugträger in der Region bleiben. Die NIMITZ hat zwar einen Einsatz begonnen, soll aber vorerst im Operationsgebiet der 7. US-Flotte (Westpazifik bis Südostasien) bleiben. Die amphibischen US-Kräfte in der Region beschränken sich auf eine Amphibious Ready Group um den amphibischen Träger KEARSARGE, der in der letzten Woche einen Besuch in Eilat (Israel) durchführte.
In und vor Bahrain wird die am 6. Mai begonnene multinationale Minenabwehrübung “International Mine Countermeasures Exercise 2013” (IMCMEX 13) fortgesetzt. Die vom US Central Command ausgerichtete Übung mit Teilnehmern aus 41 Nationen dauert noch bis zum 30. Mai.
Am 12. Mai kündigte das iranische Verteidigungsministerium die Ausrüstung der Revolutionsgarden mit neuen Seeziel-FK an. Die meist kleinen Boote der für den inneren Persischen Golf und die Straße von Hormuz zuständigen “Pasdaran See” sollen mit gut 300 km weit reichenden Flugkörpern bestückt werden und damit den gesamten Golf effektiv abdecken.
Die US Navy verlegt weitere fünf Patrouillenboote der CYCLONE-Klasse in den Persischen Golf. Bisher sind in Bahrain fünf der insgesamt 13 Boote dieser Klasse stationiert. Am 14. Mai machten sich in Norfolk (Virginia) mit TEMPEST, SQUALL und THUNDERBOLT zunächst drei weitere Boote auf den langen Weg. Bis zum Frühjahr sollen ihnen noch zwei folgen.
Die Verlegung erfolgt auf Anforderung des US Central Command und der 5. US-Flotte. Die mit Rohrwaffen bestückten, 35 Knoten schnellen Boote sind die einzigen Einheiten im Bestand der US Navy, die zugleich hochseefähig und für Flachwasseroperationen geeignet sind. Vor dem Hintergrund des verspäteten Zulaufs der neuen Littoral Combat Ships kommt ihnen in der küstennahen Seekriegführung vermehrt Bedeutung zu, und sie sind in besonderem Maße für das operative Umfeld im Persischen Golf geeignet. Nicht von ungefähr hat die US Navy drei vor neun Jahren an die US Coast Guard abgegebene CYCLONE inzwischen wieder in ihren Bestand zurückgeholt.
Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 21.05.2013
Womöglich plant der Westen das Libyen und Syrien Szenario auch für den Iran?
Zitat:Tue May 21, 2013 11:55AM GMT
The Iranian Intelligence Ministry says it has disbanded two terrorist groups that smuggled weapons into the country.
In a statement released on Monday, the Ministry said, “The enemies of the nation have intensified their sabotage activities and [are] making arrangements for different types of seditious acts ahead of the upcoming … election.”
“Among the most recent plots uncovered by the [Intelligence] Ministry was the smuggling of a large cache of light weapons into the country."
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 08.06.2013
Zitat:China imported about 400,000 barrels of crude oil from Iran in the first four months of 2013, up 11 percent compared to the same period in 2012, a Reuters survey showed.
Three other major Asian buyers, namely India, Japan, and South Korea, reduced imports by 46 percent, 33 percent, and 28 percent, respectively.
Iran’s oil exports will average 1.38 million barrels a day in the current Iranian fiscal year starting March 21, 2013, the International Energy Agency estimates. That’s in line with the government’s budget expecting 1.3 million barrels a day.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 09.06.2013
Während man bei der NATO nach dem Auslaufen des Waffenembargos noch überlegt, wie man jetzt neue Waffen an die Terroristen liefern kann und während "klammheimlich" eigene Truppen und Waffensysteme an Syriens Grenzen zusammengezogen werden:
Iran Sends More Medical Aid to Syria
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran delivered its third consignment of humanitarian aid, including medicine and medical equipment, to Syria.
The Iranian medical supplies included 50 ambulances, hospital equipment and medications.
Syrian Health Minister Saad al-Nayef thanked Iran for sending medical assistance to his country, saying, "The help will prevent death of many people suffering from the war."
He said that a dozen Syrian hospitals were in need of ambulances and medical equipment to resume work.
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Zitat:Iranian Envoy Calls for Political Solution to Syrian Crisis
TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian diplomat stressed the necessity for an immediate halt to the ongoing bloodshed in Syria, and renewed Tehran's call for finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis.
"The victories of the Syrian Army proved that (the crisis) in this country has no other solution but dialog and all types of military (approaches) are doomed to failure in the Muslim country," Roknabadi said.
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Die USA lehnen die Teilnahme Irans an den Genf II Verhandlungen ab. Die "Rebellen" der SNC lehnen derzeit eine eigene Teilnahme an den Verhandlungen ab, weil die militärische Situation das nicht hergibt. Um das zu ändern will man dringend Waffen. Insofern wird es so bald kein Genf II geben und wenn dann wird es wohl nichts taugen.
Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 25.06.2013
Zitat:West obsessed with Iran regional influence
TEHRAN, Jun. 24 (MNA) – The Western governments and their Arab stooges in the Persian Gulf are stepping up their criminal acts in Syria due to their obsession with Iran’s growing influence in the region, an analyst says.
“From the Western imperialist viewpoint, if they lose in their covert war in Syria, then Iran’s alliance with Syria and its influence across the Middle East will be even greater,” Finian Cunningham wrote in a column for Press TV.
He added that Western governments are determined to “isolate and undermine Iran, an important ally of Syria and a key opponent to Western hegemonic ambitions in the vital oil- and gas-rich Middle East region.”
“Because of the deep strategic ties between the House of Saud and Washington and London, it can be safely deduced that Saudi concerns over Syria and Iran are intimately shared by the US and Britain, as well as France,” wrote Cunningham.
“The real, unswerving agenda for Washington, London and Paris is regime change through the use of unremitting state-sponsored terrorism,” Cunningham said.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 26.06.2013
Zitat:Exercise Anatolian Eagle is a huge success for the E-3A Component
25 Jun 2013
Hundreds of participates from several nations, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates, attended the exercise.
"I'm excited to see all the faces from NATO and our brother nations,” said Turkish Lt. Gen. Abidin Ünal, 1st Air Force commander.
"Sharing our experiences will help us work together in the future,” said Turkish Maj. Gen. Yilmaz Öskaya, 3rd Main Jet Base commander.
The scenarios for the exercise consist of a "Blue Team" which attacks tactical and strategic targets in a "Red Land" during Combined Air Operations. The Red Land is defended by opposing combat aircraft and surface-to-air missile systems.
During the exercise, AWACS aircraft gave command and control support to Blue Forces while a land-based radar gave support to the Red Forces.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 27.06.2013
Zitat:Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:36
Iran Blasts Violation of Human Rights in Canada
The Iranian Foreign Ministry in a statement congratulated native people of Canada on Canada's National Aboriginal Day, and asked Ottawa to respect the rights of Canadian aborigines.
The statement said Iran admires determination and bravery of Canadian aboriginals to follow their rights and felicitates anniversary of their national day and supports their legitimate demands and expresses its deep concern over continuation of systematic discrimination against these people.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 16.07.2013
Zitat:Russia, China block move by UN Security Council against Iran
Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:35AM GMT
Russia and China have reportedly opposed a decision and thus prevented a move by a UN Security Council committee to expand the sanctions on Iran over the allegation that the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile tests have violated UN resolutions.
“We are not in favor of increased new pressure or new sanctions against Iran,” a Chinese delegate stated.
US Ambassador to the UN Rosemary DiCarlo expressed disappointment that the committee had not been able to expand the sanctions on Iran over the report
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 05.08.2013
Zitat:Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:2
Rouhani Underlines Dialogue on Equal Footing as Only Way to Interact with Iran
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's New President Hassan Rouhani cautioned the West to drop its language of force and threat, and stressed that detente, talks on an equal footing, confidence building and mutual respect present the only fruitful way of dealing with Iran. [VIDEO]
President Rouhani made the remarks at the end of his swearing-in ceremony at the venue of the Iranian parliament in Tehran Sunday afternoon.
“Constructive interaction on equal footing and based on mutual respect and common interests will be the basis of our foreign relations with the other countries, and we will move to enhance our ties proportionate to the behavior and attitude of the other sides,” Rouhani said.
“I frankly say that if you want a proper response, speak to the Iranian nation not with the language of sanction, but with the language of respect,” the Iranian president said addressing the western countries.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 11.08.2013
Zitat:France wants new chapter in Iran ties
TEHRAN, Aug. 8 (MNA) – French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has expressed hope that the inauguration of Iranian President Hassan Rohani will open a new chapter in Paris-Tehran relations.
Pointing to Rohani’s expressed desire for dialogue, Fabius further called on the Islamic Republic to address international concerns about its nuclear energy program.
During the meeting, Fabius and Ahani also exchanged views on Tehran-Paris ties, human rights issues and regional developments, including the Syrian crisis.
On Tuesday, Rohani said during a press conference ... “We are prepared to enter serious and meaningful negotiations with determination and without wasting time.”
The Iranian ambassador, for his part, underlined the vast capacities for cooperation between Iran and France.
According to the Iranian ambassador, Iran’s nuclear issue can be resolved through dialogue in an atmosphere free from sanctions and pressure.
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Re: Nato vs. Iran - Shahab3 - 15.08.2013
Während man bei der NATO weiterhin eine wie auch immer geartete militärische Lösung für Syrien anstrebt...
Zitat:Salehi, Brahimi urge political solution to Syria crisis
Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:9PM
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and UN-Arab League Special Representative for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi have stressed the need for a political solution to the crisis in Syria.
Iran has repeatedly voiced its opposition to any foreign interference in Syria's internal affairs, calling for inclusive dialog and national reconciliation as well as free elections as the keys to the settlement of the crisis in the country.
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