
Normale Version: PLARF - People's Liberation Army Rocket Force
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Die Raketentruppen der rotchinesischen Armee (PLARF - People's Liberation Army Rocket Force) scheinen aktuell deutlichen Zulauf zu erhalten. Ich habe das Thema mal ausgegliedert bzw. hier einen neuen Strang zu aufgemacht, da es im PLA-Strang nur untergehen würde, das Thema - die strategischen (nuklearen) und taktische Raketen werden ja durch die Raketentruppe der Volksbefreiungsarmee kontrolliert - aber durchaus es wert ist, einzeln angegangen zu werden.
Zitat:China expands DF-26 launcher inventory

Umbra synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery captured at 1045L on 9 September 2024 shows that 59 DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) transporter-erector-launchers (TELs) remain parked in a new staging area at the Beijing Xinghang Electromechanical Equipment Factory.

Commercial imagery throughout 2023–24 suggests the factory has assembled at least 72 DF-26 TELs since the last batch was delivered to the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) in 2020–21. The number of TELs identified in 2024 could constitute up to two full 36 TEL brigades.

The US Department of Defense (DoD) 2023 China Military Power Report, which was published in October covering developments to the end of 2022, noted that China has continued to increase its DF-26 inventory, estimating that the PLARF had reached 250 IRBM launchers.

The Federation of American Scientists noted that the DoD figure likely includes TELs identified at the Beijing-based factory. However, monthly imagery observations in 2022 from multiple providers indicate there was likely insufficient visible DF-26 assembly activity that would have significantly impacted the Pentagon's estimate. Throughout most of the year, a singular DF-26 TEL was observed in a handling area, parked with a mobile crane and a possible dummy missile load.

This suggests that the DoD's reported DF-26 number likely reflects launchers estimated to be assigned to active units. Janes assesses that there are at least seven brigades that operate the DF-26, according to satellite imagery and handheld photography analysis.

Neben den DF-26 gibt es noch einige andere Typen - so rund 40 bis 50 TEL-gestützte ICBMs des Typs DF-31 und die noch recht nebulöse, verbunkerte DF-41. Von letzterer hieß es mal 2021, dass in Xinjiang bis zu 120 Silos für diesen Typ errichtet werden sollen. Ferner soll es noch ältere Typen geben wie die TEL-gestützte DF-5, von der es vermutlich noch um die 70 einsatzbereite Exemplare geben soll (eher weniger).

In Entwicklung befindet sich zudem die DF-27 mit wahrscheinlich bis 8.000 km Reichweite.
