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Baykartech möchte eine Fabrik zum Bau von Drohnen in der Mongolei eröffnen.

Zitat:Baykar to Establish TB2 Production Facility in Mongolia
19 Jan 2025, 07:31 2 mins

Baykar to Establish TB2 Production Facility in Mongolia TurDef

According to a report by Kyrgyzstan-based AKIPress, Baykar is planning to set up a production facility for TB2 UAVs in Mongolia near the capital, Ulaanbaatar.
The claim is based on statements made by Mongolian Defence Minister Byambatsogt Sandag during a visit to Turkiye with Mongolian President Khurelsukh Ukhnaa. The Minister mentioned that the construction of the UAV production facility would commence shortly. The announcement was reportedly made in an interview with Television Channel 25, a Mongolian private television channel. AKIPress stated that Turkish Minister of National Defence Yaşar Güler is expected to attend the facility’s opening ceremony.

Hisar - O hat den letzten Qualifikationstest erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Bei diesem Test wurde ein Ziel in großer Höhe und größstmögliche Enternung bekämpft. Die Reichweite der Hisar - O beträgt je nach Variante 25 km + bis 40 km + und die Rakete kann Ziele bis in 15 km Höhe bekämpfen. Wie auf dem Video zu sehen ist wird ein neues Fahrzeug auf Basis des Otokar Ural für die eletrooptische Zielführung verwendet. Pro Jahr sollen ca. 2 -3 Batterien der Hisar - O an die türkischen Streitkräfte ausgeliefert werden.

Zitat:Hisar O Finalises Serial Production Qualification Tests
19 Jan 2025, 00:33 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
Hisar O Finalises Serial Production Qualification Tests TurDef
ASELSAN and ROKETSAN’s Hisar O air and missile defence system passes its serial production test phase. Full-scale production is set to commence soon.
The Hisar O system successfully passed one of its serial production qualification tests. Sharing the development on social media, Defence Industry Secretary (SSB) Haluk Görgün stated, “This next-generation system, which we continue to deliver to the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces, has struck targets at long range and high altitude with pinpoint accuracy.”

Ein Video vom Test:

Eine Übersicht mit Grafik über die Auslieferung von Hisar A & O an die türkischen Streitkräfte.
Zitat:Baykar KALKAN VTOL UAV Breaks New Endurance Record
24 Jan 2025, 01:28 2 mins
Unmanned Systems
Baykar KALKAN VTOL UAV Breaks New Endurance Record TurDef
KALKAN VTOL UAV of Baykar, developed for ISR operations, has broken its endurance record at eight hours during its maximum endurance flight test.

The previous maximum endurance was given as seven hours. Changes to control systems or fuel tanks might have allowed the new endurance. Four vertical electric engines power KALKAN for take-off and landing, plus an 18-hp internal combustion engine from Erin Motor for normal flight.

Thanks to VTOL capability, KALKAN was developed for ISR to be used by bases, artillery units, and potentially warships without requiring a runway or catapult.

KALKAN UAV can use various electro-optical systems including Baykar's self-developed BG-160, BG-180, and BG-220.

BG-160, weighing 2.4 kg, was developed in day and thermal configurations with 1920x1080 px and 640x512 px resolutions, respectively. The thermal configuration was created in response to a request from Turkish Special Forces. Both versions of BG-160 feature a laser rangefinder with a range of three kilometres, a designator, and a coordinate feed to assist artillery units.

BG-180 day electro-optic with a weight of four kilograms has increased laser designation range to five kilometres.

The BG-220, weighing about 7 kg, is the most capable option, carrying day and MWIR optics simultaneously. The laser designation range is also longer, at seven kilometres.

Italien hat möglicherweise an bewaffneten Drohnen aus der Türkei Interesse und möchte diese mit Sensoren der Leonardo Gruppe ausrüsten.
Zitat:Türkische Rüstungsindustrie: Großer Boom am Bosporus
23. Januar 2025426
Die türkische Rüstungsindustrie ist seit Jahren im Aufschwung: Von Drohnen über Kampfjets bis hin zu Kriegsschiffen und Fliegerabwehrkanonen – es gibt mittlerweile kaum mehr Verteidigungsgüter, die nicht im Land hergestellt und zunehmend auch exportiert werden.

Der „Global Firepower Index” (GFP) bewertet 145 Länder nach ihrer militärischen Stärke. Seit Jahren stehen die USA, Russland und China auf den ersten Plätzen, im aktuellen Ranking folgen Indien, Südkorea, Großbritannien, Frankreich und Japan. So weit, so erwartbar. Auf Platz neun dann allerdings eine Überraschung: Noch vor Italien (10.), vor der Atommacht Pakistan (12.), vor Deutschland (14.), Israel (15.) und Polen (21.) ist die Türkei in den Kreis der militärisch potentesten Länder der Welt aufgestiegen.

Erreicht hat das Land diese Topplatzierung mit jahrzehntelangen massiven Investitionen in seine Streitkräfte. Profitiert hat davon neben der Armee aber auch die lokale Rüstungsindus­trie. Mit Konzernen wie Baykar, STM und Otokar ist „made in Türkiye” im Verteidigungsbereich längst weltweit bekannt. Die Branche umfasst national mittlerweile mehr als 2.000 Unternehmen mit knapp 100.000 Beschäftigten. Sie liefern ihre Produkte in 170 Länder und neben Aselsan (Platz 42) zählt das Branchenmedium Defence News in einer aktuellen Übersicht auch Turkish Aerospace Industries (50.), Roketsan (71.), Makine ve Kimya Endustrisi (84.) und Askeri Fabrik ave Tersane Isletma (94.) zu den 100 global größten Rüstungs­unternehmen.
Zitat:Baykar Chooses Morocco as the Next Location for Production
30 Jan 2025, 19:29 1 min
Morocco Turkiye
Investment Unmanned Systems
Baykar Chooses Morocco as the Next Location for Production TurDef
Following the ventures for production in Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and Mongolia, Baykar has picked Morocco as the next production location outside of Turkiye.

Morocco-based Le Desk news agency reported the new off-country production location of Baykar. As Baykar is a prominent player in the Africa section of the UAV/UCAV market, the new production facility will strengthen its standing in the continent. Morocco is among the customers of the Bayraktar TB2 armed UAV.

Production in an African country means existing customers can take deliveries more quickly and with less transition time. This might also draw new customers as Baykar will have the closest proximity compared to its competitors.

Aside from the business standpoint, this will also strengthen the Turkish-Moroccoan relations with new job opportunities at the site. While a straightforward foreign military sale affects government-to-government relations, establishments and sales have an extra positive impact on public opinion.
Zitat:Türkiye's TAI eyes selling helicopter to Germany, UAV to US
by Daily Sabah with Agencies
ISTANBUL Feb 02, 2025 - 2:51 pm GMT+3
The upgraded version of the T129 Atak helicopter flies over the capital, Ankara, Türkiye, May 17, 2021. (IHA Photo)
The upgraded version of the T129 Atak helicopter flies over the capital, Ankara, Türkiye, May 17, 2021. (IHA Photo)
Türkiye's aerospace and defense giant, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) eyes expanding its reach and opening up to the European market as the chief executive of the company highlighted the aim of selling its Atak helicopters to Germany.

“Our goal is to increase our exports by 50% this year. As TAI, we especially care about opening up to the European market. I have a dream. As TAI, I want to sell ATAK helicopter to Germany," the CEO of Turkish Aerospace Industries Mehmet Demiroğlu told an interview with a Turkish daily on Sunday.

The T129 Atak helicopter, dubbed the "most effective" attack helicopter in its class, can be used in various roles, including anti-armor, armed reconnaissance, ground attack, escort, asymmetrical, fire support and short-range anti-aircraft missions.
Zitat:Turkish Defence Industry Sets New Record in January 2025
04 Feb 2025, 15:40 2 mins
Turkish Defence Industry Sets New Record in January 2025
According to Görgün, the defence and aviation industry hit a new milestone in January 2025, with a 16 per cent increase in exports over the previous year.

Haluk Görgün, Secretary of Defence Industries, wrote on his X account that they had started the year with a hard and unwavering commitment to accomplishing their long-term export targets. He claimed that the sector's exports in January were $383.1 million, a 16 per cent rise over the same month last year.

Secretary Görgün said the sector has seen significant growth: "Defence and aviation industry exports have increased from $281 million to $383 million over the past two years (January 2023-2025), a 36 per cent increase." Last year, our military sector enterprises, now permitted to sell commodities globally, reached a big milestone by exporting products to 180 countries. We will soon resume our global efforts to increase the number of exporting firms, including huge corporations and small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). I want to convey my deepest congratulations to all of our defence industry enterprises and workers who have contributed, directly or indirectly, to the growth of our exports and the advancement of our nation. I hope that these successes will greatly help our country.
Zitat:ASELSAN Opens Its New Office in Oman
05 Feb 2025, 20:11 1 min
Turkiye Oman
ASELSAN Opens Its New Office in Oman TurDef
The new office of ASELSAN in Oman is aimed at improving export opportunities and cooperation following Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol made the following statement at the opening ceremony of the Oman office located in the capital, Muscat:

“This expansion is a testament to our dedication to providing advanced defence solutions and fostering partnerships in the Gulf region. Our Muscat office will focus on marketing, business development, customer satisfaction, and providing comprehensive post-sales support for end users of ASELSAN technologies. We are excited to contribute to the security and technological advancement of Oman and its neighbouring countries.”

SSB President Haluk Görgün, Roketsan General Manager Murat İkinci, Havelsan General Manager Mehmet Akif Nacar attended the ceremony.
Zitat:Why Türkiye’s new Gürz 150 air defense system could surpass the Russian Pantsir-S1 in modern air defense.

6 Feb, 2025 - 13:30
Defense News Army 2025
As reported by Sam Cranny-Evans on January 4, 2025, Aselsan's Gürz hybrid air defense system entered serial production in 2024, positioning itself as a potential alternative to the Russian Pantsir-S1. The Turkish system was first presented at international exhibitions such as the World Defense Show 2024 in Saudi Arabia and SAHA 2024 in Türkiye. The Gürz 150 is designed as a multi-effector air and missile defense system capable of autonomous operation, threat evaluation, and weapon assignment through its fire control algorithm, integrating advancements that may offer advantages over existing systems like the Pantsir-S1.
Follow Army Recognition on Google News at this link

The final configuration of the Gürz 150 air defense system is expected to incorporate several defensive measures, such as RF jamming, AESA search and fire control radars, the Kangal jammer, and the Gökberk laser weapon. (Picture source: Army Recognition)
Zitat:Saudi GADD-Roketsan Cruise Missile Project: Challenges and progress

Defense and Security
Saudi General Authority for Defense Development (GADD) and Turkiye’s Roketsan are still in talks regarding a joint research and development (R&D) project to develop intelligent cruise missiles.

The note provides an overview of the following aspects:

- The status of talks

- The points agreed on

- The remaining points of difference
Zitat:GERGEDAN 3-U Paves Way for UCAV-Based Communication Jamming
10 Feb 2025, 22:57 2 mins

GERGEDAN 3-U Paves Way for UCAV-Based Communication Jamming TurDef
ASELSAN’s GERGEDAN 3-U jammer will allow UCAVs like AKINCI, ANKA, and AKSUNGUR to attack and record enemy communications as an onboard system.

Based on the technology of GERGEDAN (Rhino in Turkish) portable communication electronic warfare system, GERGEDAN 3-U is intended as an integrated system instead of a pod for UCAVs.

ASELSAN’s brochure shows ANKA, AKSUNGUR, and AKINCI UCAVs as compatible platforms with the placement of subsystems. GERGEDAN 3-U marks another expansion for Turkish UCAVs’ electronic warfare capabilities with communications coverage.
Zitat:Indonesia Joins Forces with Turkish Defence Firms
12 Feb 2025, 18:10 2 mins
Indonesia Turkiye
Bilateral Relations
Indonesia Joins Forces with Turkish Defence Firms TurDef
The Strategic Defence Cooperation MoU signed between Turkiye and Indonesia includes local production of various products from Turkish firms.

Some of the defence products from Baykar, ASELSAN, and ROKETSAN will be locally produced in Indonesia as part of the Strategic Defence Cooperation MoU signed during Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's official visit.

As Indonesia-based Tribun News reported, Baykar’s large-scale order consists of 60 sets of Bayraktar TB3 STOL UCAV and nine sets of AKINCI UCAV.

Thanks to its proven STOL capabilities, Bayraktar TB3 is believed to be used on future LHDs and island bases with shorter runways than dedicated airbases. Towards the end of 2024, the UCAV performed take-off and landing tests on the Turkish Navy’s TCG ANADOLU (L-400) LHD. An equally important feature of Bayraktar TB3 is the presence of SATCOM and a significantly longer range compared to Bayraktar TB2, considering the wide theatre these UCAVs have to operate in.

AKINCI, on the other hand, is more than likely to be used in maritime patrol missions in addition to armed ISR and strikes, thanks to its long endurance and capability to use a wide range of payloads.

In ROKETSAN's case, a joint venture (JV) will be formed to produce "anti-ship cruise missiles and multi-platform missiles" in Indonesia. While the former is pointing at the Atmaca anti-ship missile, the multi-platform missile is likely referring to the newer Çakır cruise missile that was test-fired from AKINCI UCAV. To support this claim, export agreements for both missiles were announced before President Erdoğan's visit.
Zitat:TUSAŞ’s T625 Gökbey Multi-Purpose Helicopter Pass Winter Tests
13 Feb 2025, 13:47 2 mins
Sweden Turkiye
TUSAŞ’s T625 Gökbey Multi-Purpose Helicopter Pass Winter Tests TurDef
Developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ), the T625 Gökbey Multi-Purpose Helicopter successfully completed low-altitude cold weather tests in challenging winter conditions.
These cold weather tests, one of the most crucial stages of civil and military certification processes, were conducted in the Kiruna region of Sweden.
The T625 Gökbey Multi-Purpose Helicopter, which made its first flight on September 6, 2018, has passed another significant milestone in its development process. After delivering the first three serial-production Gökbey helicopters, the helicopter was sent to Sweden to undergo necessary tests for the civil and military certification process. The cold weather tests, conducted in the Kiruna region, lasted for a month and demonstrated Gökbey’s durability in extreme cold conditions.
Zitat:Roketsan Exhibits Next-Gen Defence Systems at IDEX 2025
17 Feb 2025, 19:13 2 mins
United Arab Emirates Turkiye
Weapon / Missile Expo and Air Show
Roketsan Exhibits Next-Gen Defence Systems at IDEX 2025 TurDef
Roketsan will showcase its advanced defence solutions at IDEX 2025 in the UAE, featuring next-generation missiles, guidance kits, and air defence systems.
Leading military industry company Roketsan from Turkiye is presenting its newest technology at the International Military Exhibition & Conference (IDEX) 2025 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Attracting leaders in the defence business worldwide, IDEX is among the most well-known defence displays in the Gulf area.
Roketsan is showcasing a wide range of its innovative products at IDEX 2025: the Cirit Laser-Guided Missile, Air-to-Ground Ballistic Supersonic Missiles UAV-122 and UAV-230, TEBER and Laçin Guidance Kits, and the next-generation Mini Smart Munitions MAM-L IIR and MAM-T IIR. The business also exhibits the LUMTAS-GM Long-Range Anti-Tank Missile System, L-OMTAS Laser-Guided Medium-Range Anti-Tank missile System, and KARAOK Short-Range Anti-Tank Weapon.
Zitat:Mega-Auftrag für türkischen Drohnen-Spezialisten
Indonesien kauft fast 70 Drohnen des türkischen Unternehmens Baykar und will eine eigene Industrie für unbemannte Fluggeräte aufbauen.

Patrick Hoeveler
Türkische Kampfdrohne Akinci schießt auf Seeziele
Foto: Baykar Technologies
13 Bilder

Im Beisein der Staatspräsidenten Recep Erogan und Prabowo Subianto vereinbarten die Türkei und Indonesien während eines Treffens in Jakarta die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet unbemannter Fluggeräte. Im Rahmen des zwischen Baykar und dem indonesischen Rüstungsunternehmen PT Republikorp geschlossenen Joint-Ventures sollen die in der Türkei entwickelten Drohnen für die indonesischen Streitkräfte im eigenen Land gefertigt werden.

Der Auftrag umfasst bis zu 60 Exemplare der TB3, einem MALE-Fluggerät (Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance) sowie neun Akinci-Langstrecken-Drohnen (High-Altitude Long-Endurance, HALE). Die TB3 dient zu Aufklärungseinsätzen, kann aber auch Waffen tragen. Im vergangenen November erfolgten erste Versuche vom Deck des amphibischen Angriffsschiffs TCG Anadolu aus. Als Antrieb kommt der türkische Turbo-Dieselmotor PD170 zum Einsatz, der eine Flughöhe von fast 11.000 Meter ermöglicht.
Zitat:ASELSAN Exhibits ASAF 155 Multi-Mode Artillery Fuse in IDEX
18 Feb 2025, 18:37 1 min
United Arab Emirates Turkiye
Weapon / Missile Expo and Air Show
ASELSAN Exhibits ASAF 155 Multi-Mode Artillery Fuse in IDEX
ASELSAN is exhibiting the ASAF 155 MOFA (multi-mode artillery fuse) for 155 mm artillery shells at the IDEX 2025 exhibition, which is held in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Among the ground systems exhibited by ASELSAN in IDEX 2025 is the ASAF 155 MOFA fuse to optimise the lethality of artillery units.

The ASAF 155 MOFA multi-mode fuse includes point detonation, delayed, and proximity modes (6-12 m settings). ASELSAN has also developed the ASAF 155 CCF course correction fuse, which adds a course correction kit to the fuse's features.

Other products of ASELSAN in IDEX 2025 are YENER 100-G ground-penetrating radar for mine/IED detection, ALKAR 100/120 automated mortar system, and KORKUT 35 mm air defence system on Calidus Wahash 8x8 armoured fighting vehicle.

Zitat:ASELSAN’s ASELFLIR-600 Set to Double the Targeting Range
19 Feb 2025, 01:03 2 mins
ASELSAN’s ASELFLIR-600 Set to Double the Targeting Range TurDef Photo: Kaan Azman
ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol stated that the ASELFLIR-600 EO/IR being developed for larger UCAV platforms would have double the current laser designation range.

In his interview with TRT News, Akyol underlined ASELFLIR-600 as the next step after the ASELFLIR-500, which has been integrated into Bayraktar TB2, Bayraktar TB3, Akıncı, and Anka-III UCAVs.

Intended for larger platforms with significantly greater performance compared to ASELFLIR-500, ASELFLIR-600 will have nearly double the laser designation capability. ASELFLIR-500’s laser designation range is given as 35 km, which would mean the upcoming EO/IR will have a range of around 70 km.

The laser designation range getting this much push will allow laser-guided munitions at longer ranges and expand ISTAR capabilities for friendly units.

Zitat:MKE Unveiles Various Loitering Munition Projects at IDEX
20 Feb 2025, 14:27 3 mins
United Arab Emirates Turkiye
Land Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show
MKE Unveiles Various Loitering Munition Projects at IDEX TurDef
MKE Deputy General Manager Ümit Kıyak revealed in an exclusive statement to TRT Haber that the first tests for these new munitions will begin at the end of March. Speaking at the IDEX exhibition, Kıyak announced that MKE is actively working on various loitering munitions in response to recent global defence trends.

The company is currently developing five to six different types of munitions, each with specific operational roles. “Jammers, also known as signal disruptors, are the biggest threat to loitering munitions. Our first step is to develop a munition that intercepts these threats. Once deployed, it will autonomously target jammer sources,” Kıyak explained.

Die Tests einer bodengestützten SDB die Göktan genannt wird haben begonnen. Göktan setzt sich aus einer Tolun SDB von Aselsan und einem Hybrid Raketenmotor von Delta V zusammen.