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Zitat:Baykar Becomes the New Owner of Italian Piaggio Aerospace
27 Dec 2024, 17:03 2 mins

Air Modernisation Unmanned Systems Engine and Transmission Investment
Baykar Becomes the New Owner of Italian Piaggio Aerospace TurDef
Baykar Makina became the new owner of Italian Piaggio Aerospace following the approval of Italy’s Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy.
Italy's Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy have approved the sale of Piaggio Aerospace to Baykar. Baykar, the world's largest UCAV manufacturer, outbid competitors from several countries in a competitive process for the sale of Piaggio Aerospace, founded in 1884. The company collaborated with Pragma Consulting on financial valuation throughout the process.
Zitat:Roketsan’s ALKA DEW Blows Up ERA Block with Laser at Test
28 Dec 2024, 20:57 2 mins

Weapon / Missile
oketsan’s ALKA DEW Blows Up ERA Block with Laser at Test TurDef
ROKETSAN has shared a test footage of the ALKA Directed Energy Weapon (DEW), where it detonated a 10 mm Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) block with the laser.

Other types of targets included in ALKA's target portfolio, such as rotary/fixed-wing UAVs and IEDs, were also destroyed. However, blowing up an ERA block is the most interesting part, as the engagement of armoured vehicles is not among the goals at the moment.

ROKETSAN might be aiming for ALKA to act as a scarecrow against incoming armoured vehicles in addition to defence against UAVs by soft/hard kill. With sufficient range, the enemy tank's crew might lose composure upon the ERA detonating, thinking the tank is receiving fire. Additionally, taking chunks off ERA can increase the chances of ATGMs or kamikaze UAVs successfully damaging the tank.

However, this is the case assuming ALKA could detonate the ERA before the tank can engage the tank, which requires further advancement in power generation considering the current effective range.

Zitat:Bayraktar TB2 UAV Test Fires KEMANKEŞ 1 Mini Cruise Missile
28 Dec 2024, 23:41 2 mins

Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems
Bayraktar TB2 UAV Test Fires KEMANKEŞ 1 Mini Cruise Missile TurDef

During a recent test, Baykar released a video of KEMANKEŞ 1 mini cruise missile, which was fired at a target on the ground from the Bayraktar TB2 Armed UAV.
The mini cruise missile's engine was started before the drop, as seen in the footage.
Another essential detail is an antenna under the wing, also present under AKINCI UCAV, used in the tests of the UAV-122 aeroballistic missile with a TV seeker. This suggests the antenna allows communication between the launch platform and optically-guided munitions with MITL capability so the operator can control the munition.

KEMANKEŞ 1 is a mini cruise missile weighing 40 kg, light enough for Bayraktar TB2 to carry two. Thanks to turbojet propulsion, KEMANKEŞ 1 can reach a range of 150 km in fire-and-forget mode and 50+ km with MITL. The guidance consists of GNSS and gimbal EO/IR, tripling as a terminal seeker, ISR tool (By feed to the operator), and navigation sensor. The five-kilogram warhead allows KEMANKEŞ 1 to engage fragile and critical targets like radars and missile launchers.
Bayraktar TB3 STOL UCAV will also be capable of using KEMANKEŞ 1, which will provide stand-off strike capability for supporting the operations of its mothership TCG ANADOLU (L400) LHD.
Zitat:ASELSAN Exports Air Platform Payloads to the Middle East
30 Dec 2024, 14:48

Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software
ASELSAN Exports Air Platform Payloads to the Middle East TurDef
ASELSAN informed Public Disclosure Platform that it signed an export contract with a Middle Eastern country for $ 42 million in direct sales of payloads.

ASELSAN informed the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) about a new export agreement. The agreement announcement reads, “ASELSAN has signed an export contract with a customer located in the Middle East with a total amount of 42 Million USD regarding the direct sales of air platform payloads.”
Zitat:FULMAR 200-A AESA SAR Pod Flies with Bayraktar TB2 UAV
31 Dec 2024, 22:58 2 mins

Unmanned Systems Sensors
FULMAR 200-A AESA SAR Pod Flies with Bayraktar TB2 UAV TurDef
ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol stated that the first flight test with the FULMAR 200-A AESA SAR pod was performed onboard Bayraktar TB2 UAV in his 2024 summary.

Akyol stated that the first SAR images were received from the pod’s first fight test.

FULMAR 200-A will be distinct from the previous UAV SAR systems developed in Turkiye due to its under-wing instead of integrated carriage and lower weight.

FULMAR 200-A is being developed for smaller UAVs/UCAVs like Bayraktar TB2 and ANKA as a second sensor alongside the electro-optical system. The new SAR system weighs 23 kg and has a range of 40 km.

Zitat:Work Begins on Serial Production of GÜRZ Air Defence System
31 Dec 2024, 23:37 1 min

Weapon / Missile
Work Begins on Serial Production of GÜRZ Air Defence System TurDef
ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol stated that the work for the GÜRZ hybrid air defence system’s serial production began in 2024 in his 2024 summary of developments.

GÜRZ, combining gun and missile solutions for low-altitude air defence, will be a hybrid component of the Steel Dome Integrated Air Defence System.

Zitat:KORKUT’s C-RAM Variant Successfully Completes Firing Tests
31 Dec 2024, 22:32 1 min

Weapon / Missile
KORKUT’s C-RAM Variant Successfully Completes Firing Tests TurDef
ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol stated that the KORKUT 35 mm air defence system’s C-RAM variant successfully completed its firing tests in 2024 in his review.

KORKUT C-RAM was officially teased during IDEF’23 as part of the Steel Dome (Formerly Skydome) IADS. Compared to KORKUT SPAAG, KORKUT C-RAM is fixed and swaps out the KALKAN 200-G (MAR) searching radar for STR 400-G (SERHAT), oriented against rocket, artillery, and mortar threats. KALKAN 100-G fire control radar is kept for the engagement as expected.
Zitat:TÜBİTAK SAGE Unveils GÖKHAN Ramjet-Powered BVRAAM’s Design
01 Jan 2025, 17:31 2 mins

Weapon / Missile
TÜBİTAK SAGE Unveils GÖKHAN Ramjet-Powered BVRAAM’s Design TurDef
GÖKHAN ramjet-powered beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile, first announced in 2021, has been put on TÜBİTAK SAGE’s updated website alongside the design.

The information published on the website states that the ground tests are ongoing. Following ground tests and captive flight tests, firing tests will begin.

GÖKHAN’s external layout shows similarities with the MBDA Meteor, its European counterpart, regarding air intake positioning. However, the rear fins have a significantly lower span, hinting that GÖKHAN is optimised for internal weapon bays. Meteor’s large rear fins are one of the reasons behind the missile’s integration issues with the U.K.’s F-35Bs.

Ein Link zur offiziellen Webseite von TÜBİTAK/SAGE die die Gökhan BVR Rakete entwickeln.

Auf der offiziellen Website von TÜBİTAK/SAGE wurde die Ramjrt betriebene BVR Rakete vom Typ Gökhan vorgestellt. Der Rakete stellt ein Equivalent zur europäischen Meteor Rakete von MBDA dar. Die Rakete soll in den im Rahmen des Özgür-II modernisierten F-16 integriert werden und im zukünftigen Jagdflugzeug Kaan.

Noch etwas zur Ergänzung, die Türkei hat insgesamt 5 Projekte für Luft - Luft Raketen am laufen. Wie es aussieht wird die Reichweite der Gökdogan BVR Rakete erweitert auf bis zu 160 - 180 km, wodurch die Rakete vergleichbare Fähigkeiten wie die AIM - 120 D AMRAAM haben wird. Nach der Gökhan die vorraussichtlich 2027 eingeführt wird, geht die Weiterentwicklung der Gökhan zur ER Variante weiter und diese soll eine Reichweite von ungefähr 300 - 400 km aufweisen. Die Gökhan-ER wäre damit zur Bekämpfung von hochwertzielen im Gegnerischen Luftraum, wie Tanker, MPA, ELINT - Flugzeuge und AWACS geeignet.
Zitat:Turkiye Approaches $7 Billion in Defence Export Volume
05 Jan 2025, 14:15 2 mins

Turkiye Approaches $7 Billion in Defence Export Volume TurDef
According to the Turkish Exporters Assembly figures, export volume of the Turkish defence and aviation industry continue to increase. The sector completed 2024 with $6.734 billion in exports. The sector reached its highest export volume in December with $996 million. The sector completed 2023 with $5.545 billion in exports.

On the other hand, Secretary of Defence Industries (SSB), Haluk Görgün presented different figures from TİM in his statement via x. Görgün said: "In 2024, our defence and aviation industry exports, including NATO and service exports, reached a new record by increasing by 29 per cent to 7.154 billion dollars! This figure was 11 per cent above our 2024 target of 6.5 billion dollars."
Zitat:Turkiye and Pakistan Talk About Kaan and the Helicopter
06 Jan 2025, 16:36 1 min

Air Bilateral Relations
Turkiye and Pakistan Talk About Kaan and the Helicopter TurDef
Turkiye and Pakistan discuss bilateral projects at the 8th Pak-Turk Industrial Expo Joint Working Group meeting. Some 32 institutions attended the meeting.
The 8th Pak-Turk Industrial Expo Joint Working Group meeting is held in Pakistan. National Aerospace Science and Technology Park and Defence Industries Secretariat (SSB) organised the meeting. The Turkish team was headed by Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) General Manager Dr. Mehmet Demiroğlu. Milsoft, Crypttech, SDT, ASELSAN, and Havelsan also attended the meeting on the Turkish side. Pakistan side attended the meeting with 23 companies.
TurDef has learned that two major cooperation subjects were mentioned during the meetings. These are the exports of Turkish Aerospace’s 5th Gen fighter jet, Kaan, to Pakistan. It was also learned that the design and co-production of a helicopter are also on the agenda. Sides have not mentioned the purpose of the helicopter.
This meeting has been held twice yearly since 2019, once in Turkiye and once in Pakistan.
Zitat:Bayraktar TB2 Flies with ASELSAN's ANTIDOT 2-U/S ESM Pod
07 Jan 2025, 22:57 2 mins

E/W Unmanned Systems
Bayraktar TB2 Flies with ASELSAN's ANTIDOT 2-U/S ESM Pod TurDef
Baykar’s Bayraktar TB2 UAV has gained a new capability in the electronic warfare field with the integration of ASELSAN’s ANTIDOT 2-U/S electronic support pod.

Following ANTIDOT 2-U LB/MB/HB mini-EW pod and ANTIDOT 3-U mini-EW pod against UAV data links and GNSS, Bayraktar TB2’s capabilities have seen a new addition with ANTIDOT 2-U/S to provide more extensive electronic support capabilities.

ANTIDOT 2-U/S can detect, identify, and locate signals from enemy radars. The pod has a power consumption of 300 W, which can be satisfied by tactical UAVs and UCAVs.

As the mounting is performed on weapon pylons, ANTIDOT 2-U/S can be quickly fitted before the mission, provided the integration work has been completed beforehand.

Detection and location capabilities against radars will increase the survivability of Bayraktar TB2 and other UAVs in the presence of enemy air defence systems by providing early warning. Munitions can be directed to destroy the air defence threats with the obtained location, giving a cheaper alternative for SEAD/DEAD operations.

Additionally, the recording feature can play an important role in intelligence, ultimately contributing to more refined and aware strategies.
Zitat:TUSAŞ’s ANKA UCAV Fires L-UMTAS ATGM at 15000 ft Altitude
10 Jan 2025, 13:51 1 min
Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems
TUSAŞ’s ANKA UCAV Fires L-UMTAS ATGM at 15000 ft Altitude TurDef
Turkish Aerospace’s ANKA UCAV fired ROKETSAN’s L-UMTAS laser-guided ATGM at an altitude of 15000 ft from a dual carriage rack and successfully hit the target.

This is the first time ANKA launched an ATGM missile, following tests with glide munitions. L-UMTAS, being a powered munition, might offer longer ranges than what is typically given for helicopter/surface launch as it is dropped from higher altitudes when used on a UCAV.

L-UMTAS and UMTAS have a range of eight kilometres when launched from the surface or hovering helicopters, and this might be pushed beyond ten kilometres with ANKA UCAV.

An advantage of using a powered munition over a glide munition is the speed advantage, which is important for time-sensitive and moving targets. This might also allow the engagement of helicopters and low-flying aircraft due to ATGMs’ secondary capability.
Zitat:BMC Delivers Tactical Armoured Vehicles with Local Engines
11 Jan 2025, 16:19 2 mins
Land Engine and Transmission
BMC Delivers Tactical Armoured Vehicles with Local Engines TurDef

BMC has begun delivering Vuran and Kirpi II tactical armoured vehicles powered by Indigenous 400 HP Tuna engines to the Turkish Land Forces and Gendarmerie.

The delivery ceremony took place at BMC’s İzmir Pınarbaşı facility and was attended by key officials, including the Secretary of Defence Industries Professor Haluk Görgün, Turkish Land Forces Commander General Selçuk Bayraktaroğlu, Gendarmerie General Commander General Ali Çardakcı, and BMC Chairman Fuat Tosyalı.
A total of 100 tactical armoured vehicles were handed over in batches. This included 50 VURAN vehicles for the Turkish Land Forces, 40 VURAN vehicles for the Gendarmerie General Command, and 10 KİRPİ II MRAP vehicles for the Turkish Land Forces.
The 400-horsepower TUNA engine powers the vehicles, Türkiye’s first domestically mass-produced engine. The TUNA engine underwent over 6,500 hours of rigorous laboratory testing and completed 140,000 kilometres of on-vehicle testing, including NATO durability trials.
Beim ersten Testschuss aus dem internen Waffenschacht hat ein Anka-III UCAV eine Tolun SDB von Aselsan abgefeuert und das Ziel erfolgreich getroffen.

Zitat:ANKA III Launches Tolun from Internal Bay for the First Time
13 Jan 2025, 12:09 2 mins

ANKA III Deploys Tolun from Internal Bay for the First Time TurDef
Turkish Aerospace’s ANKA III stealth UCAV launched ASELSAN’s Tolun munition for the first time from its internal bay, advancing airstrike capabilities.
According to Turkish Aerospace’s social media announcement, ANKA III, equipped with ASELSAN’s indigenous Tolun munition, conducted the release at an altitude of 20,000 feet while cruising at 180 knots. The UCAV demonstrated advanced operational capabilities by opening its internal bay and deploying the payload.

This internal launch showcased ANKA III’s engineering prowess and operational maturity, underscoring its ability to perform stealth strikes by maintaining a low Radar Cross Section (RCS) until the strike moment. The ANKA-III features a flying wing (delta wing geometry) design characterised by its flat structure and lack of vertical surfaces or axes. This configuration grants the aircraft a potentially low radar cross-section (RCS), but it lacks agile manoeuvrability in return. This milestone marks a critical step toward fulfilling the need for surprise attack capabilities in modern combat scenarios.

Zitat:SpaceX Launches Five Turkish Satellites with Falcon 9
15 Jan 2025, 01:17 1 min
USA Turkiye
Space Communication
SpaceX Launches Five Turkish Satellites with Falcon 9 TurDef
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 reusable space launch vehicle has launched Plan-S and Fergani’s satellites, along with 131 payloads, as part of the Transporter-12 mission.

Four of the satellites are Plan-S’s communication satellites: Connecta IOT-5, Connecta IOT-6, Connecta IOT-7, and Connecta IOT-8. Alongside Plan-S communication satellites is the FGS-100-d1 satellite developed by Fergani, Baykar’s space subsidiary.

Zitat:ATMACA UM Ground-Launched Cruise Missile Hits 400 km Away
15 Jan 2025, 00:45 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
ATMACA UM Ground-Launched Cruise Missile Hits 400 km Away TurDef
Secretary of Turkish Defence Industries Haluk Görgün stated that ROKETSAN’s ATMACA UM ground-launched land attack cruise missile reached a range of 400 km.
During the 2024 Evaluation and 2025 Goals press meeting, Secretary of Turkish Defence Industries (SSB) Professor Haluk Görgün disclosed the range of ATMACA UM (KARA ATMACA) cruise missiles as 400 km.
ATMACA UM will serve as the alternative land-based long-range missile alongside the BORA and TAYFUN ballistic missiles.
ATMACA UM was test-fired from ROKETSAN’s universal MLRS platform mounted on a Koluman DERMAN 8x8 vehicle towards the end of 2024. Equipped with the Kale Jet Engines' KTJ-3700 turbojet engine and IIR seeker with DSMAC capability, ATMACA UM successfully hit a container target on the sea.

Siper wurde in ein namentlich nicht genanntes Land exportiert.
Der FGN-100D1 Satellit hat die Erdumlaufbahn erreicht, dieser Satellit ist der erste von 100 Satelliten für die Konstellation Ulu Bey. Ulu Bey soll als Global Positionierungs und Navigationssystem für die Türkei und ihre Verbündeten dienen.

Zitat:Baykar’s Indigenous Satellite Fgn-100-D1 Reachs Space
15 Jan 2025, 12:58 4 mins
USA Turkiye
Space Communication
Baykar’s Indigenous Satellite Fgn-100-D1 Reachs Space TurDef
FGN-100-d1, the largest satellite ever built by a private Turkish company, was developed indigenously by Fergani Space and successfully launched into space.

FGN-100-d1, the largest satellite ever built by a private Turkish company, was developed indigenously by Fergani Space and successfully launched into space, where it has now entered its designated orbit.

The FGN-100-d1 satellite, which was developed indigenously by Fergani Space, a company established by Baykar Chairman and CTO Selçuk Bayraktar, was launched into space at 22:09 (GMT+3) on January 14, 2025, from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in the United States. This launch marks a significant first step for Fergani Space in completing its Positioning Satellite Constellation Project.

Zitat:ASELSAN Announced the Production at Radar Integration Centre
15 Jan 2025, 14:20 2 mins
Investment Sensors
ASELSAN Announced the Production at Radar Integration Centre TurDef
ASELSAN informed KAP that it started serial production at its new Radar Integration Centre. The centre will enhance ASELSAN’s design, testing capacity too.

ASELSAN informed KAP that it started serial production at its new Radar Integration Centre. The centre will enhance ASELSAN’s design, testing capacity and serial production capacities in radar domain. ASELSAN’s statement at KAP reads, “ASELSAN has made significant progress in AESA-based radar technologies in recent years and has become one of the radar design and production centres. Consequently, it has achieved significant momentum, especially in international orders. In order to meet this increased demand, ASELSAN launched the Radar Integration Centre, which was established with an investment of 50 million USD at the beginning of this year and achieved a significant increase in capacity and efficiency.

Moreover, in line with the planned orders and growth targets, the construction of an additional facility which will triple the company's current radar production capacity began this year. This facility, which will feature a total indoor area of 73,000 m2, is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2027.”

Zitat:ASFAT Completes First Batch Production of HGK-84 for TURAF
15 Jan 2025, 15:34 2 mins
ASFAT Completes First Batch Production of HGK-84 for TURAF TurDef
ASFAT, in collaboration with TÜBİTAK SAGE, has announced the successful delivery of the first batch of HGK-84 guidance kits for the Turkish Air Force Command.

Turkish Defence Ministry company ASFAT, in collaboration with Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye Defence Industries Research and Development Institute TÜBİTAK SAGE, has announced the successful delivery of the first batch of HGK-84 guidance kits for the Turkish Air Force Command.

Ein Video vom Test der Kara Atmaca, der Marschflugkörper welcher ein Ziel in 400 km Entfernung traf.
Zitat:Akyol Underlines ASELSAN’s Growth in 2024 and Plans for 2025
17 Jan 2025, 11:29 2 mins
Akyol Underlines ASELSAN’s Growth in 2024 and Plans for 2025 TurDef
ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol highlighted the company’s achievements in 2024 and its visin and targets for 2025 in an interview with Anadolu News Agency.

ASELSAN expanded its global footprint in 2024 by exporting to seven new countries and signing contracts for 30 products being exported for the first time. The company introduced 29 in

Zitat:Bayraktar TB3 Begins Armed Tests as it achieves UCAV Title
18 Jan 2025, 11:14 3 mins
Navy / Maritime Ammunition Unmanned Systems
Bayraktar TB3 Begins Armed Tests as it achieves UCAV Title TurDef
The Bayraktar TB3 UCAV, which recently took off and landed on a short-runway vessel, TCG Anadolu L400, has begun munitions integration tests with MAM-T.

Yesterday, the Bayraktar TB3 UCAV departed from the Baykar Flight Training and Test Center in Keşan, Edirne, with two Roketsan MAM-T munitions onboard. The aircraft successfully launched its first strike using Aselsan’s ASELFLIR-500 Electro-Optical Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Targeting System, hitting its designated target with pinpoint accuracy. Now an armed unmanned aerial vehicle, the Bayraktar TB3 will continue its payload and munitions integration tests as part of its ongoing development process, in line with the predetermined timeline.