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Auf Twitter habe ich eine Übersicht über aktuelle Flugabwehr & Flugabwehrraketen Programme der Türkei gefunden, auf dem letzten Tweet befindet sich ein Bild was von einer Aselsan Präsentation stammt.

Momentan befinden sich folgende wichtige Systeme in Serienproduktion:

- Korkut
- Sungur(MANPAD)
- Hisar-A + ,O+ & D RF
- Siper Block I

Die Jahre zuvor war in türkischen Foren die Rede von einem Hisar-U, wo man immer gedacht hat es würde sich um ein Langstrecken Flugabwehrraketen System handeln. Die Reichweite von Hisar-U soll ungefähr 60 +/-km betragen, damit liegt das System zwischen Hisar O + und Siper.

Es wird auch einem "Iron Dome" Equivalent gearbeitet.

Aselsan will 4 neue Einrichtungen bauen lassen, die für Produktion und Entwicklung dienen.
Zitat:İŞBİR and NARDAN Team Up for Electric Engines
28 Apr 2024, 07:34 2 mins

Unmanned Systems Engine and Transmission
İŞBİR and NARDAN Team Up for Electric Engines
İŞBİR Electric Industries and NARDAN Power Conversion Systems have joined forces to produce electric engines for the aerospace sector. Anadolu News Agency reports that the two companies agreed to cooperate for production. Electric engines are widely used in sized UAVs and recently flying cars. The cooperation will involve the production of electric engines designed specifically for the project. İŞBİR is known for the production of generators, some of which are used in defence products such as the HİSAR-O air defence system, Ada-class corvettes, and Hisar-class OPVs. NARDAN, founded in 2023, specialises in electronic circuit design and production. It is understood that contributing to the production of a pivotal component for UAVs, particularly the small ones, can bring a logistical advantage to the production lines. Recently, cheap and small UAVs have gained popularity thanks to their ability to perform observation, target designation and attack in the military sector. In the Russo-Ukrainian War, both sides systemised using such UAVs at even platoon level. First Person View (FPV) UAVs are known to be the prime example of this, with Ukrainian forces regularly using them to attack infantry and even armoured vehicles by fitting different payloads. Beyond this, such engines are already as critical for civilian UAVs. However, the emergence of plans for flying cars and cargo UAVs in the civilian sector adds another need layer. Introducing such larger platforms for widespread use requires more powerful and efficient engines. In addition, lighter batteries with higher energy density will be as important to save weight and gain sufficient range.
Zitat:Egyptian Chief of General Staff Visits TUSAŞ Facilities
30 Apr 2024, 03:27 2 mins

Air Bilateral Relations
Egyptian Chief of General Staff Visits TUSAŞ Facilities
Egyptian Chief of General Staff Lt. General Osama Aksar has visited TUSAŞ’s facilities and held a meeting with the staff. Osama Aksar and his delegation inspected TUSAŞ’s HÜRJET advanced trainer/light combat aircraft on the ground and attended a flight demonstration. Aircraft like HÜRJET are becoming a common sight in the Middle East and Africa thanks to providing both training and optionally light attack capabilities at significantly lower costs compared to full-sized fighter jets. Currently, Czechoslavakia with L-39, China with JL15 and FTC-2000G are among the major players in the region. TUSAŞ has previously attended the EDEX 2023 exhibition in Egypt, and an agreement for cooperation was signed with the Aircraft Factory of the Arab Organisation for Industrialisation. Additionally, in February 2024, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan announced the completion of an agreement to provide Egypt with UAVs. Following the end of the 10-year tension between Turkiye and Egypt, the Joint Declaration on the Restructuring of the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council Meetings was signed between the two countries. The declaration also included information on cooperation in the military and defence industries. Egypt and Türkiye severed ties in 2013 after Sisi, Egypt’s then-defence minister, led a military coup and took control of the country. He went on to win the presidential election in 2014. However, relations began to improve in 2021 when a Turkish delegation visited Egypt to discuss normalisation. Erdogan and Sisi shook hands in Qatar in November 2022, marking a new chapter in their relationship.
Ein sehr ausführlicher Bericht über die Entwicklung der türkischen Rüstungsindustrie in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Als PDF Datei zum herunterladen.

Dieser Tweet behandelt die Thematik das beim Prototypen der Bayraktar TB-3 kein SATCOM und kein FLIR zu sehen sind. Das FLIR wird bei der Bayraktar TB-3 einziehbar sein, dass Fahrwerk lässt sich einziehen und SATCOM kommt auch noch dazu.
Die Flügel bei der Drohne lassen sich für den Einsatz auf LHD oder Flugzeugträgern falten.
Zitat:Turkiye and Pakistan Cooperate on EW Aircraft
05 May 2024, 03:31 2 mins

Air E/W
Turkiye and Pakistan Cooperate on EW Aircraft
Quwa reported that the Pakistani Air Force will convert a Bombardier Global 6000 jet aircraft into a stand-off jammer with the Turkish TUSAŞ. The aircraft type to be used is no different than what is used for Turkiye’s airborne stand-off jammer, HAVA SOJ. Bombardier Global 6000 is a twin-engined multi-purpose aircraft used in both civilian and military areas. While it is usually utilised as a passenger aircraft for civilian use, it has recently been used as the platform for maritime patrol aircraft, airborne early warning/control, and electronic warfare aircraft with respective payloads. TUSAŞ’s HAVA SOJ is one of the examples of a stand-off jammer aircraft. HAVA SOJ comprises various electronic support and attack systems integrated into the platform. The aircraft is projected to support military operations by detecting/jamming radars and communication systems. An airborne electronic warfare asset can perform SIGINT/ELINT in peace times while additionally supporting combat aircraft against surface or airborne threats in the event of a conflict. Turkiye is also working on the UAV SOJ programme to develop electronic warfare variants of AKINCI and AKSUNGUR UCAVs. Differences in UAV SOJ variants, which will be specialised for specific tasks, will include integrated and/or pylon-mounted electronic warfare systems. The lower costs of UAVs and the risk of personnel loss not being on the table, as well as each variant specialising in one aspect, make UAV SOJ a supporting asset alongside HAVA SOJ.
Zitat:by Ahmet Çelik May 5, 2024
ANKA III MIUS: Bomber, ISR and Electronic Warfare

The plans regarding the design of ANKA III Manned-Unmanned Aircraft System (MİUS) were shared in the 136th issue of the magazine published by TUSAŞ. In this context, ANKA III is aimed to be used for bombing, intelligence-reconnaissance-surveillance (ISR), and various electronic warfare purposes.

Furthermore, activities such as implementing paint applications to reduce radar signature, utilizing chevron designs in the wing configurations, and updating exhaust designs to minimize infrared signature are planned.
Ein Beitrag von TRT World über Aselsan.

Zitat:Roketsan presents its solutions to the needs of Southeast Asian countries in Malaysia
by Sabri Çelen May 7, 2024
Roketsan presents its solutions to the needs of Southeast Asian countries in Malaysia
Roketsan is bringing its well-earned reputation in the development of groundbreaking technologies in the rocket, missile and weapon systems to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, where it will be exhibiting its state-of-the-art defence systems at the DSA (Defence Services Asia) exhibition.

DSA 2024, an event open only to industry professionals, is hosting its participants in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, from 6–9 May. Around 1,200 companies from 60 countries and over 400 delegations from 45 countries will be participating at DSA 2024, where Roketsan will be showcasing the state-of-the-art technology systems it is proposing to meet the needs of the region.
Zitat:KoçSavunma Presents Malaman Smart Sea Mine
08 May 2024, 06:36 2 mins

Navy / Maritime Ammunition Expo and Air Show
KoçSavunma Presents Malaman Smart Sea Mine
Koç Group company KoçSavunma presented the Malaman smart sea mine at the DSA expo in Malaysia. Defence Ministry Company MKE unveiled the mine previously at IDEF2023. The Malaman smart sea mine is the result of a collaborative effort between KoçSavunma, the state-owned research institute TUBITAK SAGE, and the Defence Ministry owned munition manufacturer MKE Inc. Each entity played a crucial role in the development, with MKE A.Ş. producing the warhead, TUBITAK SAGE contributing its research expertise, and KoçSavunma overseeing the project. Malaman is characterised as "smart" as it can detect enemy ships through magnetic field sensors, pressure, vibrations, and sound and "decide", depending on the target and its position, when and if it will explode. The weight of the cylindrical mine is 600 kg, its length is 1.8 meters, and its diameter is 533 mm. The sea mine will be laid on the bottom of the sea. KoçSavunma deals with underwater systems such as sonar, torpedo countermeasures, acoustic signal analysis, and marine data recording buoys. The Malaman Project was initiated in 2021 to meet the Turkish Naval Forces Command's needs.
Die Drohnen Version des EH Pod von Aselsan. Wie schon in einem anderen Thread angesprochen wird die Flugabwehr gegen Drohnen verbessert, was wiederum zu einer Verbesserung der Selbstschutz Systeme und Einführung von Abstandswaffen führt.

Das Aselsan Satelitten Kommunikationssystem für U-Boote.
Bald soll vorraussichtlich ein weiteres Prototyptriebwerk des TF-6000 fertig sein, dass für den Einbau in ein Anka-3 UCAV bestimmt ist.

Weiterhin habe ich in einem türkischen Militärforum gelesen das die Langstrecken BVR Lenkwaffe Gökhan Ende diesen Jahres oder Anfang nächsten Jahres mit den Tests beginnen soll, bei den ersten Tests soll die Rakete vom Boden aus abgefeuert werden. Die Gökhan BVR A2A Lenkwaffe soll eine Reichweite von ungefähr 200 km haben und von einem Staustrahltriebwerk angetrieben werden. Ab 2026 soll die Gökhan in LRIP produziert werden. Die Gökhan soll vergleichbar mit der europäischen Meteor sein.

Hatte ich fast vergessen, die Anka-3 hat jetzt eine neue Lackierung verpasst bekommen.
Zitat:RST Unveils C-UAS System in SEDEC 2024
24 May 2024, 09:14 2 mins

Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show
RST Unveils C-UAS System in SEDEC 2024 Photo By Kaan Azman
During the SEDEC 2024 event held in Turkiye, RST unveiled its combined C-UAS system design as a hard-kill solution. The system consists of DORUK 3D UAV detection radar, an EO/IR system, and a 20 mm Gatling gun. The firing tests are scheduled for August 2024. DORUK X-band radar can detect human, UAV, and helicopter targets with speeds between 0.2 and 100 m/s. Its rotational speed is 90 degrees per second, and it can track 200 targets simultaneously. The firepower of a 20 mm Gatling gun also allows the system to be used against better-protected helicopters and intruding ground threats. Turkiye has developed various hard-kill C-UAS solutions over the past few years. These include ASELSAN ŞAHİN with a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher firing ATOM airburst rounds, ROKETSAN’s laser and electromagnetic damage-based ALKA, and METEKSAN’s KAPAN with a laser weapon. These systems also have onboard radars, optics and jammers. CANiK intends to join the C-UAS field as well. The firm aims to introduce the VENOM LR 30x113 mm revolver cannon, which can fire proximity-fuse ammunition, as a potential C-UAS weapon. While not as effective as airburst ammunition in terms of creating a field of shrapnel, proximity-fuse ammunition is a cheaper and simpler option.
Zitat:TUSAŞ to Develop Twin-Engine ANKA-3 UCAV Variant
24 May 2024, 08:46 2 mins

Air Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Unmanned Systems
TUSAŞ to Develop Twin-Engine ANKA-3 UCAV Variant
TUSAŞ CEO Temel Kotil stated that a twin-engine configuration of ANKA-3 flying-wing UCAV will be developed to accompany the KAAN fighter jet. According to Kotil, the upcoming variant is being developed for supersonic speeds to keep up with the KAAN fighter jet that will have supercruise capability. ANKA-3 is planned as a part of TUSAŞ’s OKU system, which involves teaming the manned KAAN fighter jets with unmanned platforms. The prototype of the UCAV is powered by an AI-322 turbofan engine, which provides a max speed of 835 km/h. Twin engine configuration also means this variant will be larger and have more payload capacity for munitions. While Temel Kotil didn’t give details on other differences, it is safe to say that there will be noticeable design changes, such as a narrower profile to optimise for supersonic speeds. Smaller sweep angles cause performance losses when transitioning to supersonic speeds due to shockwave effects. This makes TUSAŞ one of the few firms to work on supersonic flying-wing aircraft. For example, the U.S. plans for its future fighter jets (NGAD and F/A-XX programmes) to be in this configuration.
Zitat:TUSAŞ Unveiles New Variant of ŞİMŞEK UAV
25 May 2024, 01:27 2 mins

Unmanned Systems
TUSAŞ Unveiles New Variant of ŞİMŞEK UAV (Photo Kaan Azman)
TUSAŞ exhibited the latest variant of its ŞİMŞEK target UAV alongside the ANKA-3 UCAV during its Teknik Gezi XL event, which was open to the public visit. The new variant is tailored for higher speeds, with its revised airframe, which has a sharper profile and smoother surface. Additionally, there is a camera on top of the air intake. This new variant’s overall profile bears some resemblance to the larger SÜPER ŞİMŞEK UAV, set to be used on ANKA-3 UCAV. TUSAŞ may intend to keep ŞİMŞEK alongside the higher-performance SÜPER ŞİMŞEK as a cheaper and lighter alternative with improvements on the design.
Airbus wird der türkischen Titra-Gruppe bei der Entwicklung einer bordgestützten Flugdrohne helfen.
OPEX360 (französisch)
von Laurent Lagneau - 27. Mai 2024
[Bild: alpin-20240527.jpg]

Im Rahmen des SDAM-Programms [Drohnen-Luftsystem für die Marine] entwickelt Airbus Helicopters den "DeckFinder", ein Gerät, das den automatischen Start und die Bergung einer Drohne an Bord eines Schiffes ermöglichen soll, unabhängig vom Seegang und von satellitengestützten Geolokalisierungsmitteln [GNSS/GPS].

Bei einer Anhörung in der Nationalversammlung im Oktober schwärmte Admiral Nicolas Vaujour, der Generalstabschef der Marine [CEMM], von dieser Technologie. "Mit dem SDAM gelingt uns etwas, das einzigartig sein wird. Die automatische Landung einer Hubschrauberdrohne auf einem Schiff ist in diesem Stadium noch nie gelungen. Außer von uns", sagte er.

Und er betonte: "Wir sind dabei, diesen technologischen Durchbruch zu schaffen. Der amerikanische [MQ-8C] Fire Scout [...] landet nicht automatisch auf Schiffen. Also wollen wir diesen technologischen 'Schritt' gewinnen. Unsere Industrie ist dazu in der Lage und wir können stolz darauf sein.

Aber nicht nur die französische Marine wird über eine solche Technologie verfügen, sondern auch die türkische Marine könnte davon profitieren. In der vergangenen Woche gab die türkische Titra-Gruppe auf einer Messe für innere Sicherheit in Ankara bekannt, dass sie eine "strategische" Partnerschaft mit Airbus für ihren unbemannten Hubschrauber Alpin eingegangen ist, den sie auf der Grundlage des CH7 des italienischen Herstellers Heli-Sport entwickelt hat.

"Titra hat eine strategische Kooperationsvereinbarung mit Airbus Defence and Space unterzeichnet. Im Rahmen dieses Vertrags haben wir den ersten Schritt zur Integration des DeckFinders und der ALPiN-Drohne unternommen", erklärte der türkische Unternehmer.

"Die Landung einer Hubschrauber-[Drohne] auf einem Schiff ist etwas komplex. Das ist das Ziel unseres Projekts mit Airbus. Wir haben ein Kooperationsprotokoll unterzeichnet, um den ALPiN in eine Plattform mit dieser Fähigkeit zu verwandeln. Danach hoffen wir, weitere Projekte in Zusammenarbeit mit Airbus durchführen zu können, z. B. den ALPiN von einem fahrenden Schiff aus starten zu lassen. Dies sollte innerhalb der nächsten sechs Monate möglich sein", erklärte Abdulkadir Şener, CEO von Titra Technology.

Bei einem Leergewicht von 340 kg kann die ALPiN-Drohne eine Nutzlast von 200 kg [einschließlich Treibstoff] mitführen. Nach Angaben von Titra hat die Drohne eine Reichweite von 200 km und eine Ausdauer von etwa 9 Stunden.