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Zitat:Saudi Arabia-Ballistic Missiles: Talks with Roketsan over Tayfun TOTNOTEabc
Published on June 01, 2023


The Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) is said to be in talks with Turkiye’s Roketsan regarding a transfer of technology (TOT) and license agreement to produce local variants of the short-range 500 km Tayfun ballistic missile.

Tactical Report has prepared a report (288 words) to highlight this matter, including:

- The status of negotiations between the two sides

- The main condition set by Riyadh for an agreement

- Roketsan’s position on the deal
Nach der Drohnenfabrik, jetzt die Raketen. Die Saudis rentabiliseren Ihre Devisenmillarden, mit der sie die türkische Wäḧrung
Mir ist noch nicht bekannt das es zu einem Deal mit Saudi Arabien wegen Beschaffung und Bau von Tayfun Raketen gekommen ist. Die Türkei ist dem MTCR Kontrollregime beigetreten, von der Seite wäre es fraglich ob man Raketen mit einer Reichweite über 300 km und der Sprengkopf mehr als 500 kg wiegt zu liefern.
Zitat:Türkiye presents BARBAROS long-range coastal missile system

REGION 30 October 2023 - 17:23

The Turkish defence company Roketsan has presented the BARBAROS coastal missile system, developed using national resources.

The BARBAROS system uses ATMACA anti-ship missiles with a range of more than 250 kilometres and CAKIR missiles with a range of more than 150 kilometres, Caliber.Az reports, citing the X page of

It is designed to defeat surface ships of various classes and types from amphibious formations, convoys, ship and aircraft carrier strike groups, as well as single ships and ground-based radio-contrast targets in conditions of intense fire and electronic countermeasures.
Zitat:Die neue Boombranche der Türkei
Stand: 14.11.2023 09:18 Uhr

Flugzeugträger, Kampfjets, Drohnen oder Kampfhubschrauber: Die türkische Rüstungsindustrie erlebt derzeit einen regelrechten Boom. Die Unternehmen exportieren in 170 Länder der Welt - und die Branche will weiter wachsen.

Karin Senz
Von Karin Senz, ARD Istanbul
Der Istanbuler Standort der Firma Baykar ähnelt einem Uni-Campus: Junge Leute, teils im lässigen Schlabberlook, topmoderne Gebäude und offene Büros hinter Glaswänden, in einer Halle spielen zwei junge Männer Tischtennis in ihrer Pause. Das Durchschnittsalter der 4.000 Mitarbeiter liegt bei 29 Jahren. Aber ganz so lässig, wie es scheint, ist die Stimmung nicht: keine Aufnahmen, keine Interviews ist die klare Ansage. Und spätestens auf dem Hof, auf dem eine echte Drohne steht, wird noch einmal deutlich warum: Baykar ist eines der Top-Rüstungsunternehmen der Türkei.
Angeblich soll Äthiopien MALE UCAV des Typs Akinci erhalten. Ich poste die Meldung mit Vorbehalt, da ich bisher keine seriöse Quelle gefunden habe die es bestätigt.
Zitat:The Ethiopian Armed Forces adopted the Turkish-made Akinci tank
Sections: Air, Markets and cooperation

Image source:
TSAMTO, November 16. The Command of Naval Aviation of the Ethiopian Navy has adopted a new unmanned aviation complex (TANK) "Akinci" of the Turkish company Baykar Savunma.

This is reported by Scramble Magazine, referring to a picture of one device of this type posted on the network by a Turkish resource . There are no details about the concluded agreement yet.
Bangladesch hat nun auch Bayraktar TB-2 in Dienst gestellt.
Der Countdown zum Erstflug des TF-X Kaan.
Roketsan hat ein Video des Test der LUMTAS-GM mit einer Reichweite von 16 km veröffentlicht.
Zitat:AKINCI UCAV Fires UAV-122 Supersonic Air-to-Ground Missile
1 min read
about 4 hours ago

AKINCI UCAV Fires UAV-122 Supersonic Air-to-Ground Missile
Baykar’s AKINCI UCAV fired ROKETSAN’s İHA-122 Supersonic Air-to-Ground missile following the larger UAV-230 missile.
The new missile fired from AKINCI UCAV hit the target 55 km distance. İHA-122 is developed from TRG-122 122 mm guided artillery rocket, much like its predecessor UAV-230, based on TRG-230 230 mm guided artillery rocket.

Considering the nature of air-launched ballistic munitions, UAV-122 will likely achieve longer ranges at the following firing tests. This can be explained by different altitudes of launch contributing to the range. This can be observed in the UAV-230 missile, where the range went up to 140 km from 100 km of the first firing test.
Zitat:ASELSAN Unveils ALP Radar’s Features

1 min read
8 minutes ago

ASELSAN Unveils ALP Radar’s Features
ASELSAN revealed the specifications of ALP radar to be used as a part of the SİPER Long Range Air Defence System.
ALP, (Formerly called AİR-Low Altitude Radar in Turkish), is dubbed All Altitude Radar, with a range of 200+ km, is capable of tracking fighter aircraft, UAVs, helicopters, cruise missiles, ballistic targets like rockets and mortar rounds.
The multifunctional S-band radar features a separate weapon-locating mode, allowing for firing and landing points to be calculated and the counter-fire to be directed. No details on how the mode switching works have been given. This can be attributed to the secrecy aspect of electronic warfare.
Zitat:TEI Starts TS-1400 Turboshaft Engine Serial Production
2 min read
43 minutes ago

TEI Starts TS-1400 Turboshaft Engine Serial Production
TEI prepares for TS-1400 turboshaft engine serial production for helicopters. TEI CEO Mahmut F. Akşit has announced the development.
TUSAŞ Engine Industry Inc. (TEI) CEO Mahmut F. Akşit stated the initiation of serial production for the TS-1400 engine, marking a pivotal moment in military technological advancement. In an interview with Anadolu News Agency, Akşit shared insights gained from the initial flight of the TEI-TS1400 turboshaft engine in collaboration with the GÖKBEY helicopter.
The post-flight examination has propelled TEI into the serial production phase, with raw material orders already underway. Akşit emphasized the pace, noting that continuous, mass-produced engines typically take 2-3 years for delivery, considering raw material supply and processing time.
Zitat:Turkiye and Hungary Deepen Relations with Gidran
2 min read
about 10 hours ago

Turkiye and Hungary Deepen Relations with Gidran
Turkish-Hungarian relations will be strengthened with the partnership established by companies in the defence industry of the two countries.
Marking the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkiye and Hungary, the defence industry has initiated a collaborative effort.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s two-day visit resulted in 17 bilateral cooperation agreements and specific investment in the defence industry. The Defence Industry Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between the Defence Industry Agency (SSB) and the Hungarian Ministry of Defence was signed by SSB President Professor Haluk Görgün and Hungarian Minister of Defence Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky.
Trotz der Verzögerungen beim Erstflug des Kaan gibt es eine Erfolgsmeldung. Das Nurflügel Jet UCAV Anka 3 hat seinen Erstflug absolviert.