
Normale Version: Türkische Rüstungsindustrie
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Zitat:Azerbaijan, Turkey produce multi-spectral camouflage for military equipments

Amman. Rashad Suleymanov APA. Turkish Oztek Company and the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan began production of multi-spectral camouflage for tanks, armored vehicles and other military equipments to prevent their detection by radars and thermal cameras, Ahmet Oztek, Chairman of the Companys Board of Governors told APA.

The joint production began last year, said Oztek. We are working with Azerbaijan for a year. I hope our joint production will be developed. We are doing serious job to develop production of such equipments in Azerbaijan to meet needs of Azerbaijan and to export the goods abroad.

Oztek said a part of multi-spectral camouflage produced in Baku was already delivered to the customers.

The chairman said Ozteks multi-spectral camouflage was cheaper and more qualitative and sustainable than same goods produced in the European countries.

The radars, thermal cameras and night vision devices can not detect the multi-spectral camouflage we produce. Our products have different characteristics.

Oztek said his company had several other projects with Azerbaijan, but he didnt give details.

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Die türkische Drohne TIHA von TAI (Turkish Aerospace Industries) ist startklar und fertig.

Hier Bilder von der TIHA

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Zitat:Türkische UAV-Drohne TIHA verlässt nach Fertigstellung den Hangar

Anlässlich der Fertigstellung der Drohne TIHA wurde im Werk von Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara eine feierliche Zeremonie abgehalten.

Die Drohne hatte am heutigen Freitag ihren ersten "Roll-out". Das unbemannte Luftfahrzeug wurde vollständig von türkischen Ingenieuren entwickelt. Das Model TIHA erreicht eine Höhe von 30.000 Fuß und kann 24 Stunden in der Luft bleiben.

Die türkische Drohne hat den namen Anka hier ein Video vom "Roll Out"

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Türkisches Upgrade Programm für die Leo-2A4:

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Zitat:Turkish defence industry grows past 51%

Turkey has successfully scored a silent revolution in its defense industry. Share of Turkish companies in Turkey’s annual defense spending has surpassed 51% for the first time since the early years of the post-Ottoman Turkish republic. In 2010, around 1,000 Turkish firms of all sizes have shouldered various defense projects worth around $3 billion.

Turkey’s Undersecreteriat for Defense Industries, or SSM, took a strategic decision in 2007 to open up to the country’s hundreds of well-established, but smaller firms that specialize in technical fields that compliment national defense. Within the frame of this decision, SSM started to include the many companies situated in the numerous organized industrial zones (OIZs) all around Turkey and forced larger defense companies (like Aselsan, TAI, Otokar and Roketsan) to choose smaller domestic partners where and when they needed to oursource parts, materials and even additional labor force.

This allowed Turkey’s defense industries to skyrocket in both technological abilities and the number of contracts signed. A few years ago, Turkish companies’ share in national defense constituted only 25% of Turkey’s overall defense spending. SSM’s new strategy was able to raise this ratio to 45% in 2009 and to 51% in 2010. This steep increase seems to have greatly benefited Turkey’s small to medium sized companies, who in many cases doubled or tripled their revenues and gained invaluable capabilities in defense technology and know-how. Only in OSTIM, a larger high-technology OIZ located near Ankara, about 250 firms are currently operating as subcontructors to Turkey’s bigger defense corporations.

A new, self-reliant Turkey

“Turkey will soon become a 100% self-reliant country in land and naval defense” said Mr. Murad Bayar, head of SSM, in an interview. ”This change in defense industry is of utmost importance. We’re very impressed by the increase in our smaller defense companies and their talents.” he added.

SSM’s new target for Turkish companies is 75% contribution to Turkey’s national defense by 2015.

Major ongoing projects that involve many smaller companies include:

National infantry rifle;
Altay main battle tank;
Ada class corvettes and TF-100 class light frigates under the Milgem (National Ship) program;
Unmanned reconnaissance and combat aerial vehicles;
C-130 aircraft modernization;
Gokturk-series reconnaissance satellites;
National torpedo development program;
Full-sclae simulators for training purposes;
Various other land, sea and air platforms.

Turkey to cooperate with European missile manufacturer

European weapon systems manufacturer MBDA has signed a preliminary agreement with Aselsan, Roketsan and Ayesas for development of a joint air defence system, MBDA officer for missile technologies Antonio Perfetti told reporters this week at the openning ceremony of a Finmeccanica office in Turkey. ”It is not a coincidence that we’re working with these specific companies. Our Turkish partners have the utmost knowledge, experience and success in their respective fields.” he added.

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Testabschüsse der Anti-Panzer Rakete Umtas und Lasergesteuerte Cirit Rakete.
Im mittleren Teil des Videos sieht man die heimische T-122 Raketenwerfer.

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Hier ein ausführlicheres Video über die T-122.

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Ich muß zugeben das mich die türkische Industrie zunehmend beeindruckt.
Diese Milgem-Klasse scheint z.B. echt brauchbar zu sein. Sicherlich nicht gerade das beste vom Besten, aber sehr weit entfernt davon Schrott zu sein.
Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis scheint exzellent.
Verglichen mit dem Flop K130 (na gut, jetzt funktioniert das Schiff, aber was hat das gekostet?) eine tolle Alternative für potentielle "ehemalige" Kunden der deutschen Werften.
Mondgesicht schrieb:Ich muß zugeben das mich die türkische Industrie zunehmend beeindruckt.
Diese Milgem-Klasse scheint z.B. echt brauchbar zu sein. Sicherlich nicht gerade das beste vom Besten, aber sehr weit entfernt davon Schrott zu sein.
Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis scheint exzellent.
Verglichen mit dem Flop K130 (na gut, jetzt funktioniert das Schiff, aber was hat das gekostet?) eine tolle Alternative für potentielle "ehemalige" Kunden der deutschen Werften.

Man kann noch gar nicht sagen wie gut oder wie schlecht es ist, da es noch in der Testphase ist. Aber man kann davon ausgehen, das man ein Wettbewerbsfähiges Schiff zur Stande bekommen hat. Die Waffensysteme sind zum Großteil Standard. Desweiteren hat man beim Design versucht wert auf Stealtheigenschaften zu legen, die vom optischem her ziemlich gelungen aussieht. Die elektrischen Systeme sind zum Großteil heimisch hergestellt. Man wird bei den nächsten Schiffen auch Veränderungen zu sehen bekommen.

Aufjedenfall ist es ein Sexy Schiff! Sieht sehr gut aus.
Zitat:Missile shield hits Turkey’s missile project

Following the approval of a missile-defense shield system at the NATO meeting in Lisbon last week, eyes have turned to a long-range missile defense system on which Turkey has been working on for itself; however the ambiguity over the details of NATO project has made Turkey to lay its project down to the table again.

Military sources who spoke to Today’s Zaman on condition of anonymity, said: “It is still not clear whether missiles will be placed in Turkish territory as part of the NATO project. If missiles are placed in our soil as part of this project, a tender which was opened for Turkey’s own missile-defense system could be postponed or the number of missile-defense systems that will be purchased may be lowered.” In an earlier statement, Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül said: “We have low, medium and high missile defense systems. If the NATO’s missile-defense includes a significant part of Turkey, we can make a saving from the costs of our own project.” The United States joins the tender for Turkey’s own missile defense system with Patriot, Russia with S-400, China with FD-2000 and a French-Italian partnership Eurosam with Samp-T models.

The air defense system aims to eliminate threats of long-range missiles before they enter the Turkish airspace. The missile-defense systems are expected to be placed in Ankara and İstanbul first.

The final decision about the tender of the project will be made by the Defense Industry Implementation Committee (SSİK) which is attended by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Chief of General Staff Gen. Işık Koşaner and Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül.

As part of its long-range missile-defense system, Turkey plans to purchase four different defense systems from abroad. The bidding process for the tender has expired. Giant missile-defense system companies are making constant lobby work in Turkey to get the tender. However, the approval of NATO’s missile-defense shield project may foil the hopes of these companies.

Defense circles who say NATO might place missiles in Turkey as part of its missile-defense shield process, note that the conditions of the tender might change in such a case. It is said that Turkey may by only two missile-defense systems instead of four or it may postpone its project.

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Zitat:FNSS Samur passes tough tests

FNSS’ amphibious assault bridge system “Samur” has passed vigorous physical and operational tests and proven to be ready for active duty, TRDEFENCE sources reported yesterday.

Samur is the direct product of a project called SYHK (Seyyar Yuzucu Hucum Koprusu) that was awarded to FNSS by Turkey’s undersecreteriat for defence industries SSM via a contract worth over $130 million signed on April 2, 2007. First tests were conducted in FNSS’ own armored vehicle testing facilities and amphibic pool. These were followed by more comprehensive combat and operational tests that took place in various lakes in Turkey. Samur aced all the strenous testing activities. Various other tests and miscellaneous improvements on the amphibious system will continueto be carried out throughout the first half of 2011, when the system is expected to enter service with the Turkish armed forces in significant numbers. A total of 52 Samurs are to be delivered by 2013.

Samur is a genuinely Turkish product that was fully designed and produced in Turkey using the country’s own resources. Each Samur is capable of rotating 360 degreen in water and can carry the weight of a 70-ton main battle tank.

FNSS is currently also working on amphibic engineering and earth mover vehicles for Turkey’s armed forces.

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Zitat:Otokar makes first Arma sale to overseas

Otokar’s new 6×6 “Arma” amphibic infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) found its first customer overseas in a $10.6 million export deal that also includes various spare parts, training supplies and technical support.

According to the agreement, Otokar will deliver the vehicles in a number of batches within a period of 15 months. Otokar’s general manager Mr. Serdar Görgüç said “We take great pride in the success of our indigenously designed and produced vehicles in international markets, as this proves Turkey’s advanced design and production capabilities to the world.” Arma has been an important addition to the company’s growing line of armored land vehicles, which will soon also include Turkey’s new generation main battle tank dubbed Altay. Turkish armed forces (TSK) will acquire 1,000 advanced Altay tanks in four planned bathces of 250 platforms. First two batches will feature MTU’s 1500hp 883-type powerplants.

“So far our 4×4 Cobra tactical armored vehicles and APCs have served in various geographical locations throughout the world, in addition to meeting the needs of TSK. With the technologic base and experience we’ve accumulated, we stepped into the realm of multiple-wheel armored fighting vehicles with the development of 6×6 Arma AFV. Thus, we’ve finally completed Otokar’s family of armored tactical wheeled vehicles.” Mr. Görgüç added.

“Our 6×6 Arma was first introduced to the world in the July-2010 Eurosatory exhibition in Paris, and attracted a great amount of interest from various armed forces. We received the first order from overseas. Our aim is to continue to represent Turkey’s rapidly advancing design and engineering capabilities in the world.”

6×6 ARMA can swim

Arma is Otokar’s first 6×6 IFV employing a modular engineering design. It can be configured for a long list of different missions and can carry a wide array of different weapon and turret systems for varrying tactical requirements.

Ability to float and transport a total of 10 personnel, including the driver and commander, across a body of water comes standard in the 19-ton Arma. Other important features included is its best-in-class ballistic armor, nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) protection for the personnel as well as superior survivability against land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Engine is placed in the front right corner of the vehicle, providing a larger interior volume and better ergonomics for the crew and troops carried.

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Die Türkei kauft Kampfhubschrauber ...
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Zitat:AgustaWestland/TAI T129 - Türkei (9)
8. November 2010
Zusätzliche Kampfhubschrauber im Wert von 150 Millionen Euro. Sie sollen in einer Basisausführung ab Mitte 2012 geliefert werden, und damit vor den voll entwickelten T129, von denen das türkische Heer 51 bestellt hat.
ich bin etwas irritiert, denn wenn ich mir das Video mit dem türkischen Präsidenten Gül anschau, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... erdir.html</a><!-- m --> dann sind da auch Kampfhubschrauber in der Montagehalle
Zitat:Turkey’s air-launched cruise missile ‘almost ready’

Turkey's new cruise missile developed by TUBITAK-SAGE is air-launched and can attack targets in a range of over 150 kilometers.
It has been recently unveiled that SSM, Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defence Industries, has awarded TUBITAK-SAGE a major contract for the development of Turkey’s first medium range high precision cruise missile program.

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Hallo mein erster Beitrag... (oute mich auch gleich... war vor langer langer Zeit Mitglied, wegen "Meinungsverschiedenheiten" wurde ich gesperrt, aber das ist wie gesagt sehr lange her... damals war das Forum noch in dunkelblau...)

Also, die Türksiche-Rüstungsindustrie hat sich rasant entwickelt. Ich verfolge seit Jahren das Forum, aber die User hier kommen nicht mit der Entwicklung mit, welche Schwellen man bereits erreicht hat. Das liegt warscheinlich auch an der wenigen Anzahl an türkischen / türkischstämmigen Usern hier.

Ich schieß mal los:

Aselsan hat seine Fähigkeiten bezüglich der Leopard2 Modernisierung gezeigt und wird sogar einer der großen Spieler, was die Leopard2 Modernisierung angeht. (meine Meinung)
Sieht auch sehr schick aus.

Wurde auf der IDEF2011 vorgstellt. Genauso auch ein Prototyp (bzw. Mockup oder wie man das nennt) des Türkischen MBT Altay, dass in eigener Regie mit koreanischer Hilfe entwickelt wird. In vielen Stellen im Internet wird von einer Lizenz-Produktion geredet, was aber nicht direkt stimmt. Die koreanische Firma Rotem dient hier als technischer Supporter und nach der türk. Wiki auch als Entwickler mit der türk. Firma Roketsan für die "reactive armour".

Die Entwicklung des UAV (MALE) Anka von der Firma TAI ist abgeschlossen bzw. Tests werden noch ausgeführt. Ebenso wurde auf der IDEF bekannt, dass TAI 4. Partner bei dem Talarion Programm ist.

Raketentechnisch erntet man gerade die Früchte der letzten 10 (oder mehr) Jahre. Das Cirit-Programm ist abgeschlossen (oder wird weiterentwickelt).
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Soll bei den T129 Hubschraubern zum Einsatz kommen.

Ebenso das Umtas-Projekt: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Es gibt noch weitere Projekte die mir jetzt auf die schnelle nicht einfallen. Im großen und ganzen versucht man ganz pragmatisch alles "machbare" in Eigenentwicklung zu lösen.
Im Bereich der Heeres- und Übersee- (Schiffe usw.) Produkte ist man im grünen Bereich. Schwierig wird es im Untersee- und Luft- Bereich. Aber auch da gibt es das eine oder andere Projekt. Der Verteidigungsminister hat schon angekündet, dass man einen Trainings- / Leichtkampf- Flugzeug bauen will.

Hier ein Paar Fotos (die ich im Web gefunden habe):

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... /IDEF2011#</a><!-- m -->
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Zitat:Roketsan’s Cirit attracts worldwide attention

Celebrated as Turkey’s first indigenously-developed guided missile system, Cirit (Jareed) has managed to attract worldwide attention at the IDEF 2011 international defence industry fair in Istanbul.

Developed by Roketsan, one of Turkey’s fastest growing defence firms and a prominent national center for weapons R&D, Cirit is a 70mm-diameter, lightweight, semi-active laser guided missile designed to be fired from primarily attack helicopters against lightly-armored and unarmored vehicles, as well as formations of ‘soft’ targets. Cirit fully complies with the highest NATO standards of MIL-STD 810 and MIL-STD 464, as well as MIL-STD 1760 for its M or LAU-type launcher interface. Capable of high precision strike with a circular error probable (CEP) of only a few centimeters, Cirit is also capable of tracking and destroying moving targets up to 8,000 meters from its launch point.

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