23.03.2008, 21:37
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06.05.2008, 21:06
Aselsan launches StoP with the Georgian MRTP33 FPB
The MRTP 33 Fast Patrol Boat [FPB] under construction by Yonca-Onuk for the Georgian Coast Guard and scheduled for delivery in June ‘o8, is to be equipped with a 25mm Stabilised Gun [StoP] turret of Aselsan. Currently under development, the remotely-operated StoP system can be armed with either a 25mm or 3omm gun. According to Aselsan officials the gun selection has not yet been made, however potential candidates are:
• Rheinmetall Italy SPA [former Oerlikon Contraves SPA]: 25mm KBA
• Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmBH: 3omm MK30-2
• ATK: 25mm M242 Bushmaster and 3omm M44
The advanced composite MRTP 33 Fast Patrol Boat for Georgia will be powered by two 2,72o kW MTU 16V4ooo M9o diesels and a MJP 753 water jet, allowing speeds of up to 64kt in calm waters and up to 4okt at Sea State 4. The boat will operate for three days with a range of 65onm at 34kt.
A stabilised and remotely operated gun platform, StoP will provide precision firing capabilities day and night. A 3omm gun version of StoP has already been selected for the Pakistani MRTP 33s, ordered in late ‘o6 and the first boat PNS ZARRAR inducted into Pakistani Navy fleet without any armament on November 26, ‘o7. PNS ZARRAR will be fitted with 30mm Stop and Harpoon Block II SSM for its role in coastal defence and offensive opperations.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.monch.com.tr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=88">http://www.monch.com.tr/index.php?optio ... view&id=88</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:New Orders for the Cobra
Celebrating its 45th Anniversary, Otokar, the leading supplier of 4x4 tactical and armoured vehicles for the Turkish Armed Forces [TAF], announced on March 19, ‘o8 that it had received an order from an undisclosed Gulf country for the delivery of Cobra 4x4 wheeled armoured vehicles [WAV]. The platforms, in 20mm Automatic Cannon Platform configuration, are to be delivered in ‘o9. Valued at around US$9 Million, the contract also covers spares, support equipment and training services.
In 20mm Automatic Cannon Platform configuration Cobra 4x4 WAV is fitted with Giat's 20mm 20M621 cannon and designed to meet surface to surface and surface to air missions including patrol, protection of sensitive areas and participation in defence roles.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.monch.com.tr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=86">http://www.monch.com.tr/index.php?optio ... view&id=86</a><!-- m -->
ARI Project Update: First T-38A Arrives at TAI
The T-38A Talon Advanced Jet Trainer Avionics Modernisation Project [dubbed ARI/Bee] has taken off with the arrival of the first Turkish Air Force [TuAF] T-38A on January 30, ‘o8, at TAI. The aircraft, operated by 121st Squadron [Call Sign ‘ARI’], was transferred from its home at the 2nd Main Jet Base Flight Training Centre Command, located in Çigli, Izmir.
The June 3o ‘o6 Defence Industry Executive Committee [DIEC] meeting saw Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. [TAI] receive the go-ahead for the local avionics modernisation of the T-38As. As a result, a Main Contract, valued at US$84.3 Million was signed between the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries [SSM] and prime contactor TAI for the avionics modernisation of 55 T-38As on June 21 ‘o7. 1st Air Supply and Maintenance Centre [1st ASMC] Command in Eskisehir will act as the main subcontractor. The ARI Project will be realised in two phases: Prototype and Serial Production, under which the first aircraft will be delivered to TuAF in ’1o and the last in June ’13.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.monch.com.tr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=89">http://www.monch.com.tr/index.php?optio ... view&id=89</a><!-- m -->
29.04.2009, 02:45
Die neuen einheimischen Transport und MRAP Fahrzeuge von BMC für die türkischen Streitkräfte.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iha.com.tr/haber/video/Guncel/4222-V-O-11/Tsk-ya-yuruyen-kale">http://www.iha.com.tr/haber/video/Gunce ... ruyen-kale</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iha.com.tr/haber/video/Guncel/4222-V-O-11/Tsk-ya-yuruyen-kale">http://www.iha.com.tr/haber/video/Gunce ... ruyen-kale</a><!-- m -->
29.04.2009, 12:05
Auf der IDEF 2009 wurden einige neue türkische Rüstungsprodukte der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Ich poste zwei Links zu Threads im WAFF wo Bilder dieser Waffensysteme zu sehen sind.
08.05.2009, 18:59
Weiss einer mehr was von diesen Projekt-Simsek von TAI???
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://trsavunma.com/files/galeri/fuar/2009/idef/gun-1/img7065.jpg">http://trsavunma.com/files/galeri/fuar/ ... mg7065.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Es soll sich um ein High-Speed Ziel Drohne handeln oder doch ein Marschflugkörper??
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://trsavunma.com/files/galeri/fuar/2009/idef/gun-1/img7065.jpg">http://trsavunma.com/files/galeri/fuar/ ... mg7065.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Es soll sich um ein High-Speed Ziel Drohne handeln oder doch ein Marschflugkörper??
10.05.2009, 19:03
Kaan schrieb:Weiss einer mehr was von diesen Projekt-Simsek von TAI???
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://trsavunma.com/files/galeri/fuar/2009/idef/gun-1/img7065.jpg">http://trsavunma.com/files/galeri/fuar/ ... mg7065.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Es soll sich um ein High-Speed Ziel Drohne handeln oder doch ein Marschflugkörper??
Bei "Simsek" handelt es sich um eine High Speed Ziel Drohne und nicht um eine Cruise Missile ! Eine Drohne wie "Simsek" kann zur Darstellung von Zielen auf Radarschirmen bei Flugabwehrübungen genutzt werden oder auch als Köder für die gegnerische Flugabwehr eingesetzt werden. Die ITALD Drohnen die die US- und die israelische Luftwaffe nutzt erfüllen einen nahezu den selben Zweck. Es wäre aber jederzeit denkbar das TAI die Drohne "Simsek" zu einer Abstandswaffe weiterentwickelt die gegen "weiche Ziele" zum Einsatz kommen kann, vergleichbar wie die israelische Delilah.
Informationen über ITALD: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.imi-israel.com/Product.aspx?FolderID=58">http://www.imi-israel.com/Product.aspx?FolderID=58</a><!-- m -->
Informationen zur Delilah: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.imi-israel.com/Product.aspx?FolderID=57">http://www.imi-israel.com/Product.aspx?FolderID=57</a><!-- m -->
10.07.2009, 11:29
Zitat:Turkish defense company sells equipment to Armenia
ANKARA - Nurol Machinery and Industry Inc., a Turkish firm in the defense business, is preparing to sell vehicle-mounted water cannons to Armenia and hopes its new armored personnel carrier will continue its popularity abroad.
"Armenia contacted us. Talks have been going on for some time now," said Nurol Machinery’s deputy general manager of marketing, Tanju Torun, during a demonstration for the firm's new six-wheeled armored personnel carrier, named "Ejder" (Dragon) yesterday.
Vehicle-mounted water cannons are typically used for crowd control. Torun did not give the exact number of water cannon vehicles destined for Armenia if the talks end positively. Eight people were killed last March when the Armenian police intervened against activists who were protesting the Feb. 19 elections and claiming that they were rigged by the opposition.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/english/domestic/10920628.asp">http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/english/dome ... 920628.asp</a><!-- m -->
11.08.2009, 22:03
Zitat: (gen) Turkish Scientists Develop Material Neutralizing Impact Of Chemical Weapons
ANKARA (A.A) - 10.08.2009 - The leading scientific research institution of Turkey has developed a material that neutralizes the effects of chemical weapons.
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) has developed a material that can absorb liquid chemicals and eliminate the dangerous effects of such chemicals by destroying their structures.
The material named "T 1", which comprises of numerous micro channels and silicate-based ceramic components, absorbs the liquid chemicals that are found on the skin, weapons, clothes, equipment and vehicles or in the fields and buildings.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://haber.turk.net/ENG/2312385/-gen--Turkish-Scientists-Develop-Material-Neutralizing-Impact-Of-Chemical-Weapons">http://haber.turk.net/ENG/2312385/-gen- ... al-Weapons</a><!-- m -->
16.08.2009, 16:32
Azerbaidschan, Turkmenistan und Kasachstan zeigen Interesse an türkischen Patroulienbooten des Typs MRTP-33.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=96535">http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=96535</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Azerbaijan Coast Guard looks forward to purchase MRTP 33 patrol crafts produced by Turkey’s YONtech Company
[ 05 Feb 2009 11:31 ]
Baku. Rashad Suleymanov –APA. Azerbaijan State Border Service’s Coast Guard takes interest in MRTP 33 fast patrol/attack crafts (“Kaan 33 Class) produced by the Turkish Yonca Onuk Company (YONtech), Orhan Gencer, YONtech marketing coordinator told APA. He said in near future they would meet in Baku with the border officials of Azerbaijan to discuss the issue. ONUK MRTP®33 is built in advanced composites to satisfy the very tough requirements of an intensive professional use together with a long service life, said Gencer.
YONtech is producing its second MRTP 33 for the Georgian Coast Guard now. The first one was handed over in May 2008. Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan also take interest in the YONtech’s products, particularly MRTP 33 crafts.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=96535">http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=96535</a><!-- m -->
25.08.2009, 19:47
Zitat:Turkey Focuses on Fire Control Integration
Published: 24 August 2009
WASHINGTON And ANKARA - Turkey's military, the second largest in NATO, has prioritized the integration of communications and fire control systems of key weapons.
"Chief of the General Staff Gen. Ilker Basbug and his staff attach special importance to boosting IT [information technology] capabilities, and the military is moving in that direction," said one military official.
Turkey's largest military electronics company, Aselsan, based near Ankara, over the past year has completed the integration of fire control systems on more than 100 German-made Leopard 1 tanks.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=4246886">http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=4246886</a><!-- m -->
02.10.2009, 10:20
Zitat:Azerbaijani defense officials to visit Turkey’s Aselsan Company
[ 01 Oct 2009 14:28 ]
Baku. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. Officials of the Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry will pay working visit to ASELSAN Company, Turkey on October 5-10, defense officials told APA.
The defense officials will be familiarized with production process and equipments produced by the company and will meet with the company officials.
Azerbaijani armed forces use the communication facilities, electro-optical sensors and other equipments produced by ASELSAN. The company takes interest in the project of modernization of the Tank Repair Plant of the Azerbaijan Defense Ministry and participates in the modernization of control systems of the tanks (T-72 tanks were supplied with Leopard’s Volcano system).
The Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan and ASELSAN reached $2.3 million deal on sale and purchase of PRC-5712 radio-stations last year.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=108516">http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=108516</a><!-- m -->
06.10.2009, 06:27
Zitat: Acoustics Ambitions
Meteksan Building Strength in Turkey's Sonar Market
ANKARA - A new-generation defense electronics firm, Meteksan Savunma, is becoming Turkey's first underwater acoustics center, with several programs in this so-far-unexplored market already in its portfolio.
In June, the country's civilian defense procurement office, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, or Savunma Sanayi Mustesarligi (SSM) in Turkish, selected Meteksan Savunma, based here, as Turkey's "acoustics excellence center." Meteksan was competing with local rivals Aselsan, Gate Elektronik and Koc Savunma.
Ganzer Text hier : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=4296899&c=FEA&s=BUS">http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i= ... =FEA&s=BUS</a><!-- m -->
06.10.2009, 06:40
Der türkische Radschützenpanzer Pars 8x8 vom Hersteller FNSS bei einer Testfahrt in den VAE
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JRZYFCSF5g&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JRZYFCS ... re=related</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JRZYFCSF5g&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JRZYFCS ... re=related</a><!-- m -->
06.03.2010, 03:59
Der erste türkische MRAP (Prototyp) Fahrzeug vom einheimischen Hersteller BMC ist fertig.
BMC wird vorerst 500 Stück für die türkischen Streitkräfte herstellen
BMC wird vorerst 500 Stück für die türkischen Streitkräfte herstellen
12.05.2010, 05:59
Zitat:$500M Vehicle Sale Would Set Turkish Export Record
A preliminary agreement to sell 250 armored personnel carriers to the Malaysian Army would be the Turkish defense industry’s largest single export deal, a senior Turkish procurement official said May 6.
The letter of intent was signed in mid-April by FNSS, based here, and the Malaysian government. The two sides are expected to sign a formal contract soon, said the official.
FNSS is a joint venture between Turkey’s Nurol Holding, the majority partner, and U.S.-based BAE Systems Land & Armaments.
The vehicle, the eight-wheel-drive Pars, will be coproduced with Malaysian partners in Malaysia.
“With planned follow-on orders, the program is expected to become much larger, and FNSS’ share is expected to exceed $500 million,” the Turkish procurement official said.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.trdefence.com/?p=835">http://www.trdefence.com/?p=835</a><!-- m -->