Die türkische Rüstungsindustrie auf der IDEX-2005 in Abu-Dhabi
Zitat:Bild: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sections/moxiepix/a55.jpg">http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sectio ... ix/a55.jpg</a><!-- m -->
There’s no hiding from Volkan
Brian Walters
Combat conditions today require battle tanks to be transformed into new-generation war machines, and to meet this need, Aselsan (Turkish Pavilion, Hall 9) has employed the latest advances in technology to develop Volkan, a highly versatile modernisation system for main battle tanks (MBT). It features enhanced fire and command control communication and information (C3I) capabilities, claimed to be the most accurate and reliable in comparison with its competitors.
The new FC and C3I systems have been integrated by Aselsan to Leopard 1 MBTs, which have demonstrated their capabilities through extensive battlefield trials. These showed that targets can be detected, recognised, identified and tracked from long range in adverse weather conditions, even when the main battle tank is on the move.
The Aselsan FC and C3I systems also provide tanks with a high first round hit probability. Moreover, the modular and flexible structures of the systems enable them to be installed in the majority of battle tanks as a complete system or in the sub-system level, and they can also be integrated to the existing battle space command control systems (C4ISR).
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sections/daily/day1/theres-no-hiding-from-vol.shtml">http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sectio ... -vol.shtml</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Chance for first glance at Turkish ACV-SW
Bild: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sections/moxiepix/a64.jpg">http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sectio ... ix/a64.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Christopher F Foss
Being shown for the first time in public anywhere in the world is the Turkish FNSS Savunma Sistemleri ACV-SW (Outdoor B8, Turkish Pavilion) fitted with the complete turret of the Russian BMP-3 infantry combat vehicle (ICV) that is used in significant numbers in the Middle East.
So far, some 2,500 of the standard FNSS Armoured Combat Vehicle (ACV) have been built for the Turkish Land Forces Command and an increasing number of export customers, including one in the Gulf.
The latest generation Armoured Combat Vehicle – Stretched (ACV-S) has an additional road wheel either side to give the vehicle greater internal volume and payload. When fitted with the BMP-3 weapon system, the combination is called the ACV-SW IFV with BMP-3 turret. In addition to the crew of three – commander, gunner and driver – a total of seven infantry can be carried, all of whom can rapidly dismount via the power-operated ramp at the rear.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sections/daily/day1/chance-for-first-glance-a.shtml">http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sectio ... ce-a.shtml</a><!-- m -->
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Zitat:Turkey Seeks Local Solution to UAV Need
February 14, 2005
Turkey’s military and procurement authorities have begun work on indigenous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to meet the country’s long-term needs, even as they assess international bids for the short-term requirement.
“The national program … aims to meet our long-term requirement,” one military official said. “We also have a short-term need for the UAVs which we hope soon to meet through a foreign supplier.”
Turkey’s defense procurement office, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, or Savunma Sanayi Mustesarligi (SSM) in Turkish, recently inked a deal with Turkish Aircraft Industries to develop a UAV prototype “that will have features similar to that of the U.S.-made Predator.”
A procurement official familiar with the program said the prototype will fly at an altitude of 30,000 feet and be able to operate for 24 hours.
He said the government has earmarked $30 million for the development phase of Turkey’s national UAV program. Turkish Aircraft Industries, also known by its Turkish acronym TUSAS, will work with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), he added.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.c4isrjournal.com/story.php?F=658524">http://www.c4isrjournal.com/story.php?F=658524</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Otokar introduces new version of Cobra
Turkish company Otokar has developed a Light Armoured Tactical Vehicle (LATC) version of its Cobra (4x4) light armoured vehicle. This retains its bullet-proof windscreen at the front but the upper part of the sides, rear and roof hatch have been removed.
A roll-over protection cage has been fitted over the crew compartment and the upper part of the vehicle can be covered by a tarpaulin cover. Half doors are fitted in either side and at the rear of the vehicle to provide for rapid exit. Over each of the rear wheel stations are racks that can be lowered to enable an additional 300kg of supplies to be carried. It would typically have a crew of four, including commander and driver.
The LATC is well suited to special operations roles and can be fitted with roof-mounted 7.62mm or 12.7mm machine guns.
Automotive components for the Cobra are from the AM General HMMWV (4x4). Standard equipment includes powered steering and a central tyre inflation system. A wide range of optional equipment can be fitted, such as a winch and electrically operated smoke grenade launchers.
The first pre-production example of the LATC was completed last year and has undertaken a successful series of trials in the Middle East.
Cobra has been in service with the Turkish Land Forces Command for some years in a variety of roles and missions. More than 100 vehicles have been manufactured and an amphibious version has been in service with an export customer for several years.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sections/daily/day4/otokar-introduces-new-ver.shtml">http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sectio ... -ver.shtml</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Rapid launcher from Roketsan
Christopher F Foss
Turkish company Roketsan is showing for the first time at IDEX a concept demonstrator of a 107mm (24-round) rocket launcher system mounted on the rear of an AM General High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) chassis. The concept demonstrator being shown at IDEX was developed in response to a specific customer requirement in the Middle East.
In the cab of the vehicle would be the computerised fire control system coupled to an inertial navigation system to rapidly lay the rocket launcher onto the target within one minute of coming to a halt.
It is envisaged that no chassis stabiliser would be required at the rear of the HMMWV since the computer would ensure that rockets are launched at the correct sequence to avoid over-stressing the chassis.
Once fired, the system would redeploy to a reloading area where new composite pods each of 12 rockets would be rapidly reloaded using a crane.
Currently two types of spin stabilised rockets can be fired – TR-107 high explosive and TRB-107 steel ball – which have a maximum range of more than 11,000m. These are manufactured by Roketsan for the home and export markets.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sections/daily/day3/rapid-launcher-from-roket.shtml">http://idex.janes.com/docs/idex2/sectio ... oket.shtml</a><!-- m -->
Bei Janes Anmeldung erforderlich
Für welche länder werden die hergestellt zB die HMMVS?
Hab ich nicht ganz mitbekommen
Zitat:CRAZY-S postete
Für welche länder werden die hergestellt zB die HMMVS?
Hab ich nicht ganz mitbekommen
In der Türkei werden keine HMMVS hergestellt, Roketsan stellt 107 mm Raketenwerfer her die auf einen HMMV montiert werden können. Roketsan plant das Konzept HMMV mit 107 mmm Artilerieraketen an HMMV Nutzer im Nahen-Osten zu vermarkten.
Mittlerweile wurde schon ein Model der Korvetten für das MILGEM-Projekt vorgestellt, hier ist ein Bild von einem Modell. das Bild stammt im Originalen von der türkischen Militärzeitschrift S & H.
Ulak project is developed by TUSAS engineers and executed with 1st Air Supply Maintenance Center Command(1st ASMC) in accordance with the operational requirements and needs of TuAF.
Ulak project is performed with support of Air Logistics Command and Ministry of Defence Undersecreteriat for Defense Industries.
The aim of the ULAK Project is to implement digital data communications using IDM(Improved Data Modem) within a prototype application on F-4E/2020 and F-5B/2000 aircraft, thus providing a basis for evaluation of the system effectiveness and technical maturity.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tusas.com.tr/e-ozgun.htm">http://www.tusas.com.tr/e-ozgun.htm</a><!-- m -->
Das ULAK Programm, das von Tusas Ingeneuren entwickelt wurde sieht vor F-5/2000 Kampflugzeuge/trainer mit einem Datenlinkmodem auszurüsten das in Echtzeit Zieldaten vom EL/M-2032 Radar der F-4E/2020 erhält. Die F-5/2000 Kampflugzeuge/Trainer der türkischen Luftwaffe verfügen über kein eigenes Bordradar, sondern über einen Radaremulator der das APG-68 Radar für Trainingszwecke emuliert. Das Datenlinkmodem überträgt Luft-Luft und Luft-Boden Zieldaten in Echtzeit zu den F-5/2000 Kampflugzeugen, was ihren Kampfwert unter realistischen bedrohungsszenarien steigert.
ANKARA [MENL] -- Turkey plans to upgrade surplus Leopard-2A4 main battle tanks from Germany.
Officials said the Leopard-2A4 would undergo several modifications to enhance the capabilities of the tank. They said the focus would be an upgrade of the Leopard-2's fire control system.
Turkey has sought to purchase at least 200 Leopard-2A4 main battle tanks in a first stage. Officials said a total of 400 such tanks could be purchased by the end of the decade. The Leopard-2 has been manufactured by Krauss-Maffei Wegeman.
Germany has not formally decided on the sale of the Leopard-2A4 to Turkey. In November 2004, German Defense Minister Peter Struck visited Ankara where he discussed the Leopard-2 tank sale. Struck said he favored such a sale, but would not elaborate.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.menewsline.com/stories/2005/march/03_01_4.html">http://www.menewsline.com/stories/2005/ ... _01_4.html</a><!-- m -->
Keine Schlechte Idee mit dem Link zumindest bringen die Dinger jetzt etwas mehr.
Was ist eigentlich jetzt mit dem Heliprojekt und gibt es schon neue Infos über die eigene Panzerentwicklung.
Wieso ein link mit der radar von F-4 und nicht mit eine boden station die eine großere reichweite hat?
Und ob mit den Leos was wird.

Zitat:ChrisCRTS postete
Wieso ein link mit der radar von F-4 und nicht mit eine boden station die eine großere reichweite hat?
Und ob mit den Leos was wird.
Naja Struck hätte ja gerne...
@ Azrail
Angeblich sollen 91 Hubschrauber gekauft werden, aber mich wundert inzwischen nichts mehr bei dem Generalstaab....
Rücktritt wäre das beste...
Also kann auch sein das Morgen die Nachricht kommt und alles gekippt wird.
@AGM: Das ist ja. Glaubst du jemand wurde wieder Rot-Grün Wählen?
Zitat:ChrisCRTS postete
@AGM: Das ist ja. Glaubst du jemand wurde wieder Rot-Grün Wählen?
Was meinst du?
Das niemand Rot-Grün wählen würde wenn sie den Panzerverkauf an die türkei genehmigen würden?
CDU/CSU - FdP haben nichts gegen Waffenlieferungen an die Türkei, genauso wie auch die Grünen und SPD.Die Zeiten haben sich geändert.
1999 war mal - 2005.....

@AGM: Nein nein. Missverstanden.
Nicht wegen die waffen. Wegen die arbeitslose, wirtschaftpolitik etc.

Hier geht es um türkische Rüstungsprodukte und nicht um die TR Armee, Arbeitslosigkeit und deutsche Rüstungsexporte.
Das ist :ot:
Zitat:Ethiopia pursues military ties with Turkey
ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi on Wednesday sought to strengthen military ties with Turkey after agreeing on a raft of cooperation deals with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Aware of the implications of this military move, Meles, whose nation is locked in a strained peace process with Eritrea after their 1998-2000 border war, said Addis Ababa would not resort to an arms-buying spree.
"We have defence industries here in Ethiopia ... the cooperation in this area is something that we are looking into," Meles told a press conference, flanked by Erdogan.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.turkishpress.com/news.asp?id=37885">http://www.turkishpress.com/news.asp?id=37885</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Industry Skeptical of Turkish ProposalBY BURAK EGE BEKDIL, ANKARA
Many Turkish industry leaders and analysts are unnerved by the government’s plan to consolidate the country’s biggest defense companies.
The plan would create a government-owned entity to be given majority stakes in large government-owned firms, including Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI); the software company Havelsan; missile maker Roketsan; ammunition supplier MKEK; and military electronics manufacturer Aselsan, the country’s largest defense concern.
Murad Bayar, Turkey’s chief procurement official, described the plan to the National Security Council on Feb. 25, a senior government official said.
“Government and military leaders in principle have given their go-ahead for the plan,” the official said.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=694507&C=europe">http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=694507&C=europe</a><!-- m -->
Ältere Meldung aber trotzdem interessant.
Die türkische Küstenwache erhält von der Yonca-Onuk Werft insgesamt 12 MRTP-33 Fast Interventions Crafts. Der Vertrag wurde am 14.05.2004 unterzeichnet.
Zitat:TCG, Yonca-Onuk Cooperation Matures
In the light of the performance of the previously procured Onuk MRTP 15 [Kaan 15 Class] and MRTP 29 [Kaan 29 Class] Coast Guard Boats, the Defence Industry Undersecretariat [SSM] has awarded Yonca-Onuk with a contract for the procurement of 12 MRTP-33 Coast Guard Boats to meet the comprehensive requirements of Turkish Coast Guard Command [TCGC]. The contract was signed following the decision of the Defence Industry Executive Committee [DIEC] dated May 14, '04. Valued at US$64 million, the contract covers the construction of a further 12 boats [numbered 11-22] to the 10 procured between '00-'03. The project will be realised in three stages, each consisting of four boats.
A protocol covering the construction of the first four boats was signed on May 26 at the SSM Headquarters. The first boat is scheduled for delivery to the TCGC in 13 months, which covers a period of five months for the order lead-times of the subsystems and all the trials. The deliveries will then continue with one boat every two-and-a-half months for the remaining three. The projected local content share in the project is around 50%.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.monch.com.tr/SAVUNMA/sh101/sh101d.html">http://www.monch.com.tr/SAVUNMA/sh101/sh101d.html</a><!-- m -->
Diskussion über MRTP-33: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.forum-sicherheitspolitik.org/showtopic.php?threadid=1109&pagenum=2&time=1110399866">http://www.forum-sicherheitspolitik.org/show ... 1110399866</a><!-- m -->
Hallo ich hätte eine Frage zu der Luftabwehr der Türkei:
könnte mir jemand sagen wie gut die Luftabwehr der Türkei ist. Ausreichend oder Nicht?