Angesichts des beinahe schon inflationären Aufkommens von UAVs/UCAVs, gerade auch am Bsp. Türkei, wird es in den kommenden Jahren immer wichtiger werden, dass man in der Lage ist, solche Systeme auch zu bekämpfen und zu stören. Der reine und simple Abschuss mit Rohrwaffen oder SAMs ist die eine Sache, das Erkennen und Stören eine andere...
Zitat:Russia's Ataka-Shorokh acoustic UAV detector completes factory trials
Russia's Ataka-Shorokh acoustic detector of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has completed factory trials, state corporation Rostec announced in October.
“The system has fully completed its factory acceptance trials, which confirmed its functioning, including under harsh weather conditions,” said Rostec. [...]
When integrated with the Ataka-DBS, the Ataka-Shorokh acoustically detects a UAV at distances between 150 and 500 m, and the main system can then jam the UAV's satellite navigation datalink. As part of a multilayer security network, the device can cue cameras to focus on the noise source. The Ataka-DBS mast-mounted C-UAV system detects UAVs and suppresses their control, datalink, and navigation channels at distances of up to 1,500 m. It has a modular structure and can integrate additional jamming modules.
Angesichts des Drohnen-Booms und des weit verbreiteten Erfolges derartiger Systeme, von der Ukraine über Afghanistan und Bergkarabach bis in den Jemen, sicherlich enorm wichtig, dass solche Systeme zunehmend entwickelt werden...
Mit Mikrowellen gegen Drohnen
Das Air Force Research Laboratory hat einen Auftrag für Mjölnir, ein elektronisches Waffensystem der nächsten Generation zur Abwehr gegnerischer Drohnenaktivitäten, an Leidos Inc. vergeben. [...] Der THOR-Demonstrator nutzte starke elektromagnetische Wellen, um kleine unbemannte Flugsysteme (sUAS) sofort auszuschalten. "Die Erkenntnisse aus unseren erfolgreichen Einsatztests in Übersee legen nun die neuen Anforderungen für das Mjölnir-Programm fest und werden die Basiskonfiguration für künftige Systeme bilden, die weltweit eingesetzt werden sollen", sagte Lucero.
Der 26 Millionen Dollar teure Mjölnir-Prototyp wird dieselbe Technologie wie THOR verwenden, jedoch wichtige Fortschritte in Bezug auf Fähigkeiten, Zuverlässigkeit und Fertigungsbereitschaft aufweisen. "Wir geben die AFRL-Technologie an unseren Industriepartner Leidos weiter, der über ... die Fähigkeit verfügt, in Zukunft mehrere Systeme zu bauen", sagte Lucero. [...] "Das Programm wird in diesem Frühjahr beginnen und der Waffenprototyp soll 2023 ausgeliefert werden", sagte 1st Lt. Tylar Hanson, stellvertretender THOR-Programmleiter.
Und bezüglich der Ukraine:
Zitat:Ukraine conflict: Ukraine's electronic warfare systems in focus
The Ukrainian armed forces have acquired and fielded a range of electronic warfare (EW) systems in recent years, with a mix of new equipment and improved legacy systems. Most of the development has taken place since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, and was driven by its support for the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, which has seen Russian forces employ a range of EW assets.
Counter-unmanned aerial vehicle (C-UAV), direction finding, communications jamming, and precision-guided weapon jamming capabilities have been developed. Among these is the Bukovel-AD anti-UAV system, which was developed specifically to counter the Orlan-10 UAV that is employed as an EW asset to intercept and jam 3G, 4G, and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) cellular communications, as well as to broadcast text messages. [...] The Bukovel-AD can detect UAVs operating as far away as 100 km, with an effective range of up to 50 km. On detection of the UAV, the system can employ radio frequency (RF) countermeasures that are designed to interfere with the datalink between the UAV and its ground control station (GCS). It can jam the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) control and navigation signals, with a maximum suppression range of 16 km.
Exakt das von mir seit ca. 15 Jahren beschriebene Konzept, dass ich immer noch jedem anderen Abwehr-System für weit überlegen halte: man bekämpft Drohnen einfach mit Drohnen.
Zitat:Fortem Technologies, leaders in airspace security and defense for detecting and defeating dangerous drones, has announced a new, smaller portable counter-UAS system in direct response to the crisis in Ukraine. Working closely with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Fortem provided Ukraine with a number of the Fortem SkyDome man-portable counter-UAS solutions, as well as on site training and support. The solution includes the Fortem DroneHunter, which removes drones from the sky autonomously day and night.
Ukraine has a dire need for portable counter-drone technology to detect and disarm Group 1 and II enemy surveillance drones. Recognizing this, Fortem took its pre-existing portable counter-UAS system and further miniaturized and simplified it for use as an expeditionary rapid deployment system.
Was mir an dem vorgestellten Konzept besonders gefällt ist, die Zielsetzung die feindlichen Drohnen zu fangen und per Fallschirm zu landen. Damit kann man sie erbeuten, was den Feind zwingt seine Drohnen mit einem Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus auszurüsten usw usf
Unsere Nachbarn haben etwas neues zur Drohnenabwehr im Testdurchlauf...
Zitat:Austria receives Rheinmetall C-UAS system for evaluation
Austria has received a Rheinmetall Air Defence counter-unmanned aerial system (C-UAS) platform that defends against small unmanned aerial vehicles for six months of evaluation and testing, the German company announced in a press release on 23 May. [...]
The sensor unit elevates automatically and can be equipped with detection systems including X-band and S-band radar, a passive emitter locator, and ADS-B receiver, with verification and tracking provided by an integrated, stabilized 360° electro-optical pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) sensor. The command-and-control shelter is based on the Oerlikon Skymaster system, providing sensor data fusion, threat evaluation, and operational functions including integrated target cueing, weapon assignment, and links to higher command levels.
Auch sehr interessant: Ein Basis- bzw. Hafensicherungssystem, dass z. B. Sabotageeinheiten, Kampftaucher oder Unterwasser-Drohnen abwehren können soll.
Zitat:DSIT Solutions Unveils KnightShield UW Security System For The 1st Time
DSIT Solutions presented the KnightShield underwater security system at the UDT 2022 exhibition in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from June 07 to 09, 2022. [...]
The system supports task force underwater protection, simultaneously protecting multiple ships anchored at ports, port entrances, and designated areas of port basins from swimmers, UAVs, SDVs, and sabotage attempts.
Based on the sophisticated technology implemented in PointShield, DSIT’s advanced Diver Detection Sonar (DDS) Systems, KnightShield covers medium ranges in ports, delivering exceptional reliability and precision. Providing fully automatic detection, tracking, classification, and alerts regarding underwater intrusion, smugglers, and sabotage attempts, the system detects hostile divers – whether using closed or open breathing apparatus – as well as AUVs, SDVs, DPVs, and UUVs. [...] Housed in a 20 ft ISO container, KnightShield is easily transported, as needed, between platforms and dock locations such as ports, harbors, and terminals.
Und Rheinmetall darf natürlich nicht fehlen...
Zitat:Rheinmetall conducts laser weapons trials against drones for German army
Rheinmetall has successfully tested the technology demonstrator version of a laser weapon built on behalf of the Bundeswehr (German army). The first trials with the laser testbed were conducted at Rheinmetall’s proving ground in Unterlüß as part of a Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS) campaign.
The laser testbed serves not only as a technology demonstrator laser weapon but also as the basis for future R&D work at Unterlüß in Lower Saxony. It is designed so that all components of a future laser weapon system can be examined modularly. Every interface to the sensors – the radar, for example – or to the energy supply and laser source are “open” designs. This makes it possible to test every conceivable combination iteratively and then compare the results.
The objective of current studies in the laser testbed is to produce a suitable configuration for a mobile technology demonstrator with a laser output of over 10 kW for integration into a Boxer fighting vehicle by the end of 2022. [...] The laser testbed consists of a 20-foot container divided into three compartments: laser, operator and infrastructure. Encompassing five 2 kW-fibre laser modules, the laser source is installed in the laser compartment. Bundled via spectral coupling, the individual laser modules achieve a total output of 10 kW, producing excellent beam quality.
Russisches Anti-Kleinst-Drohnen-Radar - offenbar innerhalb von fünf Minuten aufstell- und einsetzbar. Allerdings sind nur eine Handvoll dieser Geräte bislang im Einsatz.
Surveillance system designed for the detection and tracking of UAVs - Russia
Repeynik radar, in English Burdock, is a cutting-edge surveillance system designed for the detection and tracking of ultra-small objects such as UAVs (Unmanned aerial Vehicles) within a range of up to 10 km, at altitudes of up to 5 km, and flying at speeds of up to 200 km/h. The portable system enables tactical autonomous use between populated areas in combat situations, as well as during security operations. [...]
According to open source information from April 2023, only 12 Repeynik radars are in service with the Russian army. [...] Assembly and preparation for operation at a designated position require no more than 5 minutes.
Kommt darauf an, was man genau erreichen will. Will ich die Drohne einfach nur zerstören, dann reicht es, wenn ich die Landschaft mit SHORAD oder auch rohrgestützten "CIWS" zustelle. Und diese Systeme sind dann auch zumeist gut gegen Bodenziele geeignet (manche alte Sowjetflak wird auch in der Ukraine massiv im Erdeinsatz eingesetzt).
Will ich aber die Drohne nur neutralisieren oder gar ggf. erbeuten, sie auswerten oder die Daten "auslesen", dann muss ich mit Störern, ggf. Laser oder elektromagnetischen Systemen arbeiten.
In der Ukraine ist sicher der Umstand der gewünschten Zerstörung das Hauptanliegen (zwecks Abwehr von Massen an Kamikazedrohnen, die eigentlich nur zum Erzeugen von Schäden da sind und deren Erbeutung nicht wirklich von Gewicht wäre), in anderen Szenarien könnte es aber sinnvoller sein, eine Drohne nur zur Landung zu zwingen - etwa am Persischen Golf oder auch bei einzelnen Bayraktars oder gar Aufklärungsdrohnen.