19.01.2021, 23:17
Who is killing tiger (von 2018, und schon damals wurde klar dass es interne politische Gründe sind und keine militärisch-technischen)
Zitat:It would seem that someone in Defence or Government, or both, is actively suppressing any good news stories regarding Tiger. ADM’s request to speak with subject matter experts from Army and CASG for the preparation of this article was denied by Defence in lieu of the promise of written answers to prepared questions.
Zitat:Tiger was singled out in the 2016 Defence White Paper for criticism, the only platform to be treated in this manner, and it was also the subject of an Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) report in September 2016, which many in Defence and industry considered was effectively a hatchet job. It listed no fewer than 76 ‘deficiencies’ which, according to informed sources, were actually capabilities not specified in the original ARH requirements, but which have become upgrade opportunities along the way.
The White Paper effectively cancelled a planned Capability Assurance Program (ARHCAP) in lieu of a limited series of upgrades which do address some capability deficiencies, but are largely obsolescence management activities. In its place, the White Paper called for an ARH replacement program (Land 4503) beginning in 2025, which again took many in Defence and industry by surprise, especially considering the amount of effort expended on remediation to that point.
Zitat:In the 2017-18 Defence Portfolio Budget Statement for example, the ARHCAP (part of Project Land 9000) was listed as a project in development for Second Pass approval consideration within the financial year. If this has actually occurred as predicted it has not been announced by either Defence or Government and the ongoing opacity of both organisations makes it problematic when seeking answers.