30.06.2015, 19:07
Nachdem die Argentinier ja schon ihre Luftwaffe durch chinesche Systeme aufrüsten wollen, kaufen sie auch im Bereich der Landstreitkräfte in China ein:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?cid=1101&MainCatID=11&id=20150617000010">http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subc ... 0617000010</a><!-- m -->
Vielleicht in Kürze MBT-3000 in Südamerika ?!
Nachdem die Argentinier ja schon ihre Luftwaffe durch chinesche Systeme aufrüsten wollen, kaufen sie auch im Bereich der Landstreitkräfte in China ein:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?cid=1101&MainCatID=11&id=20150617000010">http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subc ... 0617000010</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Argentina has finalized an order of 110 8×8 VN-1, the export version of ZBL08 wheeled fighting vehicles from China North Industries Corporation, reports Reference News, a subsidiary of China's state-run Xinhua News Agency.
Designed with an operational weight of 21 tons, a single VN-1 armored vehicle is capable of carrying 11 soldiers in full equipment and an additional three-man crew. The VN-1 Argentina was developed for amphibious warfare. Unlike other ZBL08, usually fitted with 105mm anti-tank gun or 155mm howitzer, it is only armed with a 12.7mm machine gun. Argentina is licensed to assemble the vehicles at its Tandanor-CINAR shipyards, according to the report.
Zitat:The VN-1 is not the first type of armored vehicle Argentina has purchased from China. Four WZ5516 wheeled fighting vehicles, made in China, were deployed to Haiti for peacekeeping operations by the Argentine Army before. Various Chinese military vehicles have been exported to other Latin American countries as well. Venezuela currently has VN-16 amphibious tanks, VN-8 infantry fighting vehicles and VN-1 armored personnel vehicles in service.
Vielleicht in Kürze MBT-3000 in Südamerika ?!