26.07.2022, 12:41
Zitat:Russia’s Borei-A SSBN Generalissimus Suvorov Begins Factory Trialshttps://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/202...ry-trials/
The Russian Navy's newest Borei-A-class SSBN, "Generalissimus Suvorov", has sailed out to the White Sea for factory trials. [...]
The Generalissimus Suvorov SSBN was laid by Sevmash Shipyard on December 26, 2014. The sub belongs to the fourth generation of nuclear-powered submarines developed for the Russian Navy under the improved Borey-A project designed by the St. Petersburg-based Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering.
The project features fundamentally new technical solutions, improved equipment, reduced physical fields and enhanced protection and indigenous components. The submarine will join the Pacific Fleet after passing the trials. Borei-A-class lead submarine the Knyaz Vladimir was delivered to the Russian Navy on June 12, 2020. The first serial Knyaz Oleg SSBN was handed over to the Navy on December 21, 2021. Borei- and improved Borei-A-class submarines carry 16 Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles and 533mm torpedoes.