
Normale Version: LOBL bei SAL
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Kann mir hier einer erklären wie bei einer SAL-Rakete der LOBL mode genau funktioniert? Bei einer IR-Rakete verstehe ich ja, nur nicht bei SAL. Gerade in Bezug auf einen smartlauncher einer 70mm SAL
Zitat:The first delivery mode is known as the Lock-on Before Launch (LOBL) technique. In this mode, the missile laser seeker acquires and locks-on to the coded laser energy reflected from the target prior to launch. The advantage to using this particular delivery mode is that the air crew is assured that the missile has already positively locked on to the target prior to launch from the aircraft, thereby reducing the possibility of a lost or uncontrolled missile. The disadvantages of a LOBL delivery revolve around the trajectory of the Hellfire missile. To compensate for a low cloud ceiling, an aircraft may need to expose itself to threat weapons ranges in order to ensure a successful engagement.

One method to reduce the maximum altitude of the Hellfire’s flight trajectory is to select the Lock-on After Launch -Direct (LOAL-DIR) delivery mode. This delivery mode results in the lowest of all trajectories during missile flight because it is employed using a laser designation delay. Overall, depending on the length of laser delay time, the maximum altitude reached during the flight trajectory is much lower; a distinct advantage over all other delivery modes. The downside to this method, however, is that air crew is not assured of positive lock-on prior to launch.

The last two delivery modes are unique in that they allow the launch aircraft to remain masked behind terrain to reduce its firing signature and increase aircraft survivability. These delivery modes are known as Lock-on After Launch - High (LOAL-HI) and Lock-on After Launch -Low (LOAL-LO). The first mode, LOAL-HI, allows the missile to clear a 1,000 ft. high terrain feature to front of the aircraft, provided the aircraft remains a minimum of 1500 meters away from that terrain feature. This technique is most effective in a remote engagement. The major disadvantage of employing the LOAL-HI method, however, is that the missile flies the highest trajectory of all delivery modes and is most susceptible to a break in missile lock due to penetration of low-lying clouds. Using the last delivery mode, LOAL-LO, will help to reduce the maximum altitude of the Hellfire trajectory somewhat, but will also limit the size of the terrain mask utilized by the aircraft for survivability.

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Zitat:Diehl Defence bietet dem deutschen Kunden für den Unterstützungshubschrauber (UH) TIGER zur Schließung dieser Fähigkeitslücke die 70 mm GILA (Guided Intelligent Light Armament)-Lenkrakete an. GILA könnte in Deutschland produziert werden und basiert auf dem Produkt GATR (Guided Advanced Tactical Rocket) des israelischen Partners Elbit.

Beim Bekämpfungsvorgang kommt die bewährte Technologie des semi-aktiven Laser (SAL)-Suchkopfs zum Einsatz, der die vom Ziel reflektierte Laserstrahlung erfasst. Das Ziel wird dafür mit einem Laser-Beleuchter markiert. Wenn der Hubschrauber selbst keinen Laser-Beleuchter an Bord hat, kann das entweder durch Bodentruppen, z.B. die „Joint Fire Support Teams“ (JFST) der Heeres-Aufklärungstruppe oder durch NATO-Luftfahrzeuge (z.B. Eurofighter oder unbemannte Flugsysteme) erfolgen.

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In Deutschland läuft das Projekt unter GILA sofern ich richtig gelesen habe.

Bin mir nicht sicher ob ich weiterhelfen konnte.