Zitat:U.S. Navy To Get New Unique Submarine: Virginia SSW
The USS Jimmy Carter is widely regarded as the most secretive submarine in the U.S. Navy. It is especially equipped for Seabed Warfare, unreported missions deep below the waves. Now a new seabed warfare submarine, using a Virginia Class hull, is planned. [...]
A single Mod VA SSW (Modified Virginia, Subsea and Seabed Warfare) version of the Virginia Class is expected to be built. Work is already underway at the famous Electric Boat shipyard in Groton, Connecticut. A basic outline of the design was shared by General Dynamics Electric Boat’s President, Kevin Graney, in a January 2022 at a Connecticut Economic Summit in 2022. Since then some information about the SSW design has slowly emerged in open sources, but naturally the details remain cloaked. According to the Congressional Research Service, a single boat will be procured in the U.S. Navy’s 2024 budget. The calculated cost is $ 5.1 billion, almost a billion more than the baseline Virginia Class. [...]
Seabed warfare has been brought into sharp focus by Russia’s ongoing efforts to map undersea infrastructure. And by the September 2022 with the attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic. [...] Extract details of the new Virginia SSW submarine are, as we should expect, unclear. Even the USS Jimmy Carter which has been in service almost 20 years remains something of a mystery. However we can expect the new submarine to carry specialist uncrewed underwater vehicles (UUVs), remote operated vehicles (ROVs) and special operations submersibles.
Sehr interessantes Schiff - also die
Carter -, welches bereits bei Indienstnahme eine Multi-Mission-Plattform erhielt, so zur Unterbringung von 30 bis 40 Spezialkräften und 2 bis 3 ROVs. Und es soll sich auch (anscheinend) eine Art von internem "Dock" zwecks der Unterwasser-Reparatur von Glasfaserkabeln an Bord befinden. Man kann von ausgehen, dass das neue SSW dies mit Sicherheit auch haben wird.
Die US-Atom-U-Schiff-Flotte kämpft mit Problemen bezüglich der Einsatzbereitschaft:
Zitat:Diminishing returns: the US Navy’s attack boat availability problem
A report from the US Congressional Research Service has outlined the current state of SSN availability across the UN Navy’s subsurface fleet. [...]
The US Navy (USN) had 31 of 49 nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSN) available for operations in FY2023, with the 18 remaining vessels either in maintenance or idle awaiting their turn in a shipyard, according to a report by the US Congressional Research Service (CRS). [...]
In total, 37% of the USN’s SSN fleet was unavailable for operations in FY2023, with 14 boats listed as undergoing maintenance and four vessels described as “idle” and still to undergo depot maintenance. [...] The ratio of active SSNs to those undergoing maintenance or idle is significantly worse compared to FY2015, which saw just 19% of the force unavailable for operations from a fleet of 53 boats. [...]
However, the USN’s fleet of SSNs could be reduced by up to 10% in the early-2030s should approval be given by the US Congress for the sales of three Virginia-class SSNs to Australia under the AUKUS SSN programme, with a further two boats on option.