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nach chinesischen Atom-U-Booten und Zerstörern sowie dem chinesischen Trägerprogramm und Korvetten folgen nun die Fregatten aus China.
Die Klasse 054 A (Jiangkai-II) scheint die neue Standardfregatte der PLAN zu werden. Die siebte 054A von HD und die achte 054A von HP scheinen inzwischen in Dienst zu sein.
Zitat:HP 8 YUEYANG 575 was one of the three 054A’s at Yulin for President Xi Jinping’s inspection (the others being YULIN 569 and HENGSHUI 572).
HP 8 was launched 9 May 2012, so a 11-month fitting-out period would conform to the normal pattern. HD 7 WEIFANG 550 was launched 9 July 2012 and would only be expected to be completed in June-July. I have seen a report that may be construed as HD 7 being commissioned, but I find that doubtful.
Und die sechzehnte Einheit liegt an der Ausrüstungspier.
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21 April


Another Proj 056 JIANGDAO class corvette about to complete fitting out at Huangpu shipyard … hull number 597, name given as QINZHOU.

JIANGWEI-II class frigate 565 renamed once more; the original YULIN had her name changed to SANYA (with commissioning of new frigate YULIN), now renamed HULUDAO.
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28 April

28 April

Hudong shipyard launches the overall 17th JIANGKAI-II frigate.

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03 May

JIANGKAI-II class frigate YUEYANG (575) commissioned into South Sea Fleet at Sanya (Hainan) naval base

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12 May

JIANGHU-I (053H) class frigate ZHENJIANG (514) decommissioned.

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22 May

The Chinese navy officially “bid farewell” to JIANGHU-I class frigate HUAYIN (513).
(rmks: may have been inactive for quite a while).

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21 June

Photos suggest JIANGKAI-II class frigate JIAONAN (550) formally commissioned

Die N°16 vom Typ 054 ist von Werfterprobungsfahrten zurück & liegt nun neben N°17, die sich noch (eingerüstet) an der Ausrüstungspiert befindet.
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29 September

Hudong-Zhonghua launches its 10th JIANGKAI-II class frigate … named HUANGSHI (576)

zur Erklärung zum Posting von 28. April: die Jiangkai-II werden von mehreren Werften gebaut, daher ist am 28. April die insgesamt 17te bei Hudong (HD) gewesen, und jetzt die 10te, die von Hudong gebaut wurde -bzw. die 19te insgesamt.
576 HUANGSHI kam vor einigen Tagen bei HP (die 9te dort), No. 18 insgesamt ...

die Reihenfolge nach der Kennung ist nach der Zählung von sinodefence:
FFG 529 Zhoushan,2006-12-21, HP
FFG 530 Xuzhou, 2006-09-30, HD
FFG 538 Yantai, 2010-08-24, HP
FFG 546 Yancheng, 2011-04-27, HD
FFG 547 Linyi, 2011-12-13, HP
FFG 548 Yiyang, 2009-11-17, HP
FFG 549 Changzhou,2010-05-20, HD
FFG 550 Weifang, 2012-07-09, HD
FFG 568 Hengyang,2007-05-23, HD
FFG 569 Yulin, 2009-04-28, HD
FFG 570 Huangshan, 2007-0318,HP
FFG 571 Yuncheng, 2009-0208, HP
FFG 572 HengShui, 2011-05-21HP
FFG 573 Liuzhou, 2011-12-10 HD
FFG 574 Shaoyang, 2012-11-30 HD
FFG 575 Yueyang, 2012-05-09 HP
FFG 576 Huangshi, 2013-09-28 HP
FFG 577(?) Sanmexia(?), 2013-04-28 HP
FFG 578(?) Unnamed, 2013-09-30 HD
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30 September

Correction / update: it seems that JIANGKAI-II class frigate HUANGSHI (576) was actually launched from Huangpu shipyard (not Hudong-Zhonghua) on 28 Sep … Hudong-Zhonghua for its part launched another JIANGKAI-II class frigate (name/number not yet known) on 30 Sep
ich glaub, dieses Tempo lässt unsere Marine vor Neid erblassen
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08 October

Huangpu shipyard finally launched its 9th JIANGKAI-II class frigate … floated without ceremony
(rmks: launch had been widely expected already on 01 Oct; photo does not show hull number yet).
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13 December


JIANGKAI-II class frigate SANYA (574) commissioned during a ceremony at Yulin..

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31 December

Hudong shipyard delivers JIANGDAO class frigate JI’AN (596) to the east Sea Fleet.
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25 July

CHINA (#China)
Huangpu shipyard launches overall 20th JIANGKAI-II class frigate, HUANGGANG (577).

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09 October
• A photo at an internet forum shows decommissioned JIANGHU class frigate ZHENJIANG (514) used (up?) as target ship in live missile firing … a (reportedly inert) anti-ship missile hit her at the bridge.
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