Zitat:Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay
The Dimona complex in the Negev desert is famous as the heavily guarded heart of Israel’s never-acknowledged nuclear arms program, where neat rows of factories make atomic fuel for the arsenal.
Over the past two years, according to intelligence and military experts familiar with its operations, Dimona has taken on a new, equally secret role — as a critical testing ground in a joint American and Israeli effort to undermine Iran’s efforts to make a bomb of its own.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/world/middleeast/16stuxnet.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp">http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/world ... =1&_r=1&hp</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.presstv.ir/detail/168375.html">http://www.presstv.ir/detail/168375.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Iran Navy overcomes Israel at sea
Sat Mar 5, 2011 6:34PM
A commander says during the Iranian naval mission in the Mediterranean the Israeli navy attempted to make contact at sea but was given a crushing response.
A two-vessel Iranian naval group received threatening signals from the Israeli navy, while sailing through Egypt's Suez Canal towards the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean.
“[They] even threatened [us] during the journey and tried to portray [the situation in] the region as dangerous but we paid no attention,” he added.
“Even at sea, Zionist (Israeli) forces asked our naval group to introduce itself, to which our naval group responded by saying, 'Shut up! It is none of your business' and then, ignoring the request from the Zionist regime [of Israel], it (the naval group) continued on its course.”
He hailed the Navy's reaction as a “determined response.”
Das fällt ja fast unter Realsatire. Aber auch nur beinahe.
Zitat:IDF seizes freighter of Iranian weapons headed to Gaza
The IDF seized a freighter ship with dozens of tons of weaponry from Iran headed for Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.
The ship, known as Victoria, was flying a Liberian flag, and was seized by the navy in the Mediterranean Sea, 200 miles off of Israel's coast.
The ship set sail last night from Turkey, and was expected to dock in Alexandria. There, it was supposed to unload the weapons, which would travel by land to Gaza. The IDF's assessment is that the weapons did not originate in Turkey, but that the containers were unloaded there and transferred onto the Victoria .
"The operation was approved as necessary in accordance with government directives in light of Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz's recommendations," an IDF statement read.
Gantz updated Defense Minister Ehud Barak about the findings on-board the vessel earlier in the morning.
"The IDF and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs alerted German authorities about the interception of the "Victoria" due to the German ownership of the ship," the statement said.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Article.aspx?id=212234">http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Article.aspx?id=212234</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Navy: Anti-ship missiles, Farsi manual found on seized vessel
(Video) IDF estimates some 50 tons of weapons found on Gaza-bound 'Victoria' vessel intercepted by commandoes; Rear Admiral Ben-Yehuda says Chinese-made C-704 anti-ship missiles would have threatened Israeli sea-based strategic installations, navy vessels had they reached Strip. Containers were loaded after Iranian ships docked in Syria two weeks ago, he adds
Einmal eine etwas die Lage entspannendere Aussage (obgleich natürlich die Frage bleibt, inwieweit, wenn von einem "offenen Showdown" abgesehen wird, der Showdown ums iranische Atomprogramm im Geheimen weiter vorangetrieben wird). Auf der anderen Seite ist dies auch eine interessante Aussage von jemandem, dem gerne aggressives Gehabe unterstellt wurde...
Zitat:Former Mossad chief: Israel air strike on Iran 'stupidest thing I have ever heard'
In first public appearance since leaving post as Mossad chief, Meir Dagan warns of regional war if Iran is attacked; says fall of Assad regime would benefit Israel. [...]
Dagan said that Iran has a clandestine nuclear infrastructure which functions alongside its legitimate, civil infrastructure. It is the legitimate infrastructure, he said, that is under international supervision by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Any strike on this legitimate infrastructure would be "patently illegal under international law," according to Dagan.
Dagan emphasized that attacking Iran would be different than Israel's successful air strike on Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981. Iran has scattered its nuclear facilities in different places around the country, he said, which would make it difficult for Israel to launch an effective attack. [...]
When asked about what would happen in the aftermath of an Israeli attack Dagan said that: "It will be followed by a war with Iran. It is the kind of thing where we know how it starts, but not how it will end."
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/former-mossad-chief-israel-air-strike-on-iran-stupidest-thing-i-have-ever-heard-1.360367">http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-d ... d-1.360367</a><!-- m -->
Einem Geheimdienstler, egal welcher Seite, würde ich garnichts glauben.
Zitat:Einem Geheimdienstler, egal welcher Seite, würde ich garnichts glauben.
Dagan dürfte schon wissen, wovon er spricht. Ob oder inwieweit hier Taktik eine Rolle spielt, ist letztlich aber zweitrangig. Ansonsten glaubt man bald gar nichts mehr...
Ich bezweifle nicht, dass er weiss wovon er spricht.
Ich bezweifle nur, dass er uns sagt, was er weiss.
Zitat:'US, Israel equip anti-Iran groups'
Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:44AM GMT
Senior Iranian cleric Hojjatoleslam Gholamreza HassaniA senior Iranian cleric says the US and Israel equip and support counterrevolutionary forces in northern Iraq to use them against the Islamic Republic.
Iran has recently deployed 5,000 military forces in the northwest of the country along its common border with the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://presstv.com/detail/190377.html">http://presstv.com/detail/190377.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:'Iranian forces to dismantle PJAK bases'
Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:52PM GMT
Iranian armed forces will continue their operations to dismantle the bases of the terrorist group of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) in the western Iran, an official says.
Mojahedi went on to say that the Iranian forced intensified their attacks on the terrorist group after families of the victims of PJAK's terrorist activities filed several complaints against the group.
On Monday, an Iranian military commander, Delavar Ranjbarzadeh, said that a number of PJAK members were killed in the clashes with the IRGC forces on Saturday and Sunday.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://presstv.com/detail/190171.html">http://presstv.com/detail/190171.html</a><!-- m -->
Die Kurden im Iran wurden anfangs von den Soviets unterstützt. Aber das wurde später eingestellt, weil man mit der iranischen Regierung Kontakte aufnahm. Und die Seperatisten wurde dann zerschlagen. Ob die USA diese Gruppe jetzt unterstützt ist durchaus möglich; andererseits auch seltsam. Schließlich hat man sie jahrzehtelang als Kommunisten bekämpft.
Die Verbindungen zwischen PKK/PJAK und USA/Israel sind hinreichend bekannt:
Intelligence report reveals links between PKK, Israel bzw.:
Israel has not only invested a lot in scores of business ventures in Iraqi Kurdistan, it has also extensively trained Kurdish peshmerga special commandos, who could easily share their knowledge with their PKK cousins.
The new PKK offensive coincides with a PKK flush with new mortars, anti-tank weapons, rocket-propelled grenades and even anti-aircraft missiles. And most of all, the PKK drive coincides with the mysteriously vanished scores of light weapons the Pentagon sent to Iraq with no serial numbers to identify 97% of them.
As much as the PJAK - and the PKK - use American largesse for greater Kurdistan ends, the Bush administration uses especially the PJAK for its wider "war on terror" target: the destabilization of Iran.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/IK02Ak01.html">http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/IK02Ak01.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Report: U.S. Sponsoring Kurdish Guerilla Attacks Inside Iran
AMY GOODMAN: And finally Reese Erlich, the relationship of Britain and Israel, both U.S. Allies with these parties.
REESE ERLICH: Israel is backing various Kurdish groups. Both among the Iraqi Kurds as well as the P.J.A.K. among the Iranian Kurds. For Israel that have a long history of supporting non-Arab countries in an effort to divide the Arab world so they supported the Shah of Iran, Hali Salasi in Ethiopia. Turkey, they were allied in Turkey for many years and they see trying to use the Kurds in the same way. You have Israeli security officials training the guards at the Arabial Airport in northern Iraq. You have training of special anti-terrorism squads. I think they’re working with P.J.A.K. although this is all denied by P.J.A.K. and the Israelis are also playing a very dangerous game because they are intervening in the affairs of Iraq and causing a great deal of trouble both for Iran and now they’re outs with Turkey who was their long-time ally.
AMY GOODMAN: You described in your forth coming book about Israel participating actively in — with Mossad agents posing as businessmen setting up shop in the K.R.G. soon after the 2003 U.S. invasion, in B.B.C. TV, discovering Israeli former special forces soldiers training Kurdish security at the airport. Say more about that.
REESE ERLICH: Yeah, exactly. The B.B.C. did a very good television special in which they interviewed these former Israeli intelligence agents who are now allegedly working as private contractors, much like the C.I.A. does with it’s agents around the world. So it was on TV and when I asked the Iran — the Iraqi officials about this, they denied everything, even though they had been on TV and an obviously reputable news organization. I had talked to various people who had met with supposed Israeli businessmen who were much more interested in arms trades and intelligence and that sort of thing.
So the Israelis have significantly stepped up their activities in northern Iraq. I think if ultimately the Iraq war goes very badly for the United States, as all indications are that it will, eventually Iraq will split into three different countries including an independent Kurdistan on the north and the Israelis hope to benefit from that by having a beachhead against the Sunni and the Shiia and Arab parts of Iraq and as well as the other neighboring Arab countries. That’s a long time goal of the Israelis.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.democracynow.org/2007/3/27/report_u_s_sponsoring_kurdish_guerilla">http://www.democracynow.org/2007/3/27/r ... h_guerilla</a><!-- m -->
etc... :wink:
Allerdings zeigt sich ebenfalls, dass die irakische Autonomieverwaltung im Irak die Terroristen wissentlich beherbergt. Das ist angesichts gleich mehrerer betroffener Nachbarn keine sehr gute Idee.
Gestern gab es offenbar große Verluste unter PJAK Kämpfern:
Zitat:IRGC kills 35 PJAK terrorists
Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:30PM GMT
Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has killed 35 members of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) during a clash with the terrorist group in the country's northwest.
During the clash that took place on Monday, some of the PJAK members were captured by the IRGC, a Press TV correspondent reported.
According to the report, PJAK terrorists moved their wounded members to Iraq, from where they were transferred to the city of Arbil by ambulances belonging to the Iraqi Kurdistan Democratic Party.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://presstv.com/detail/190761.html">http://presstv.com/detail/190761.html</a><!-- m -->
Bei den Israelis würde ich die Verbindungen durchaus glauben. Die sind Opportunisten und unterstützen jeden bzw. lassen sich durch jeden unterstützen, wenn es ihnen was zu bringen scheint. Bei den USA würde ich das eher nicht glauben, zumindest nicht als direkte Hilfe. Antikommunismus ist in den USA eine Keule mit der man da noch mehr erschlägt als bei uns mit Antifaschismus.
Und bezüglich des Irak würde ich mal, sagen, dass die Zentralregierung - oder meinetwegen auch Autonomieverwaltung - in den kurdischen Gebieten nichts zu melden hat. Im Prinzip bedeutet das nichts anderes als dass die Kurden im Irak die Kurden im Iran unterstützen. Das ist durchaus logisch.
Quellen versus Dein persönlicher Glaube? Schade um die Zeit...
Deine "Quelle" spricht überall von "würde" und "könnte". Es ist ausschließlich Spekulation und nichts anderes. Und tatsächlich behauptet die "Quelle" auch nicht Tatsachen zu schreiben. Außerdem ist sie von 2007. Und heute sollte es doch Fakten geben, die die Spekulationen von 2007 untermauern.
Aber du hast keine gepostet, sondern nur Spekulationen.
Der ganze Artikel strotzt nur so von überholten Entwicklungen, an die heute keiner mehr glaubt.
Es ist also nur dein persönlicher Glaube, den du mit noch anderen teilst. Wozu also dein lächerlicher Schrieb im letzten Post?
Dafür dass sich speziell die US Strategie gegenüber der PKK/PJAK und Iran in der letzten Zeit maßgeblich geändert hat, fehlen mir die Hinweise. Vielleicht kannst Du dazu in diesem Zusammenhang ja Quellen beitragen, die Deine Vermutung diesbezüglich stützen.