Hallo erstmal an alle!
@moderator: ich versuche mich so kurz wie nur möglich zu fassen.ich möchte mich jedoch etwas zudem, was der User merco hier geschrieben hat äußern, denn das was er hier betreibt ist keine darstellung historischer Fakten sondern dreckige Propaganda.
@merco: Habe selten so sehr gelacht :lol: :lol: :lol:
Du schreibst hier Sachen rein, welche absolut nichts mit der geschichtlichen Wahrheit zutun haben und kommst auch noch mit Arrian, Plutarch und Polybius daher! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lies erstmal, was diese oben genannten antiken Autoren niedergeschrieben haben Junge.
Ich poste nur ganz wenige Zitate antiker Autoren, damit es nicht allzu lang hier wird.
Also, du schiebst
Arrian, Anabasis. O.K.
Darin steht unter anderem geschrieben:
...............There are Greek troops, to be sure, in Persian service -- but how different is their cause from ours ! They will be fighting for pay--- and not much of it at that;
WE on the contrary shall fight for GREECE, and our hearts will be in it. As for our FOREIGN troops ---Thracians, Paeonians, Illyrians, Agrianes --- they are the best and stoutest soldiers of Europe, and they will find as their opponents the slackest and softest of the tribes of Asia.
Arrian (The Campaigns of Alexander) Alexander talking to the troops before the battle. Book 2-7 Penguin Classics. Page 112. Translation by Aubrey De Seliucourt.
Was meinst du dazu? Ich weiss schon, du wirst mir ausweichen.
Das sagt schon alles,aber..ich fahre fort:
Alexander III. in seinem Brief an den Perserkönig:
"Deine Vorfahren haben
Makedonien und den rest Griechenlands versucht zu besetzen und uns somit großen Schaden zugefügt. Obwohl wir euch nie zuvor etwas angetan hatten. Nun bin ich der
Hegemon aller Griechen. "
Alexander III (der Große) in Koversation mit Darius dem Perserkönig (Arrian, Anabasis von Alexander II,14,4)
He set the Persian palace on fire, even though parmenio urged him to save it, arguing that it was not right to destroy his own property, and that the Asians would not thus devote themselves to him, if he seemed determined not to rule Asia, but only to pass through as a conqueror.
but Alexander replied that he intended to punish the persians for their invasion of Greece, the destruction of Athens, the burning of the temples, and all manner of terrible things done to the Greeks: because of these things, he was exacting revenge. but Alexander does not seem to me to have acted prudently, nor can it be regarded as any kind of punishment upon Persians of long ago.
[Arrian Anab. 3. 18. 11-12].
Soviel zu ''haben die Griechen gehasst'' :lol:
Na,merkst was :?: :!:
Also, du schiebst
Plutarch. O.K.
Er hat unter anderem geschrieben:
On this occasion, he [Alexander] made a very long speech to the Thessalians and the other Greeks, and when he saw that they encouraged him with shouts to lead them against the Barbarians, he shifted his lance into his left hand, and with his right appealed to the gods, as Callisthenes tells us, praying them, if he was really sprung from Zeus,
to defend and strengthen the Greeks.
[Plutarch. Alexander (ed. Bernadotte Perrin) XXXIII]
But he said, ‘If I were not Alexandros, I should be Diogenes’; that is to say: `If it were not my purpose to combine barbarian things with things
HELLENIC, to traverse and civilize every continent, to search out the uttermost parts of land and sea,
TO PUSH THE BOUNDS OF MACEDONIA TO THE FARTHEST OCEAN, AND TO DISSEMINATE AND SHOWER THE BLESSINGS OF HELLENIC JUSTICE and peace over every nation, I should not be content to sit quietly in the luxury of idle power, but I should emulate the frugality of Diogenes. But as things are, forgive me Diogenes, that I imitate Herakles, and emulate Perseus, and follow in the footsteps of Dionysos, the divine author and progenitor of my family, and
[Plutarch's Moralia, On the Fortune of Alexander, 332A (Loeb, F.C Babbitt)]
Und du sagtest noch
Polybius schrieb unter anderem:
For on many occasions when
I and the other Greeks sent embassies to you begging you to remove from your statutes the law empowering you to get booty from booty, you replied that you would rather remove Aetolia from Aetolia than that law
[Polyvius, 18.4.8]
In the presence of Zeus, Hera, and Apollo: in the presence of the Genius of Carthage, of Heracles, and Iolaus: in the presence of Ares, Triton, and Poseidon: in the presence of the gods who battle for us and the Sun, Moon, and Earth; in the presence of Rivers, Lakes, and Waters: 3
in the presence of all the gods who possess Macedonia and the REST of Greece: in the presence of all the gods of the army who preside over this oath. 4 Thus saith Hannibal the general, and all the Carthaginian senators with him, and all Carthaginians serving with him, that as seemeth good to you and to us, so should we bind ourselves by oath to be even as friends, kinsmen, and brothers, on these conditions. 5 (1)
That King Philip and the Macedonians and the REST of the Greeks who are their allies shall protect the Carthaginians, the supreme lords, and Hannibal their general...
The Histories of Polybius, VII, 9, 4 (Loeb, W. R. Paton)
nun weiter..
Du hast geschrieben: ''..wenn Filip II. Hellene gewesen wäre..''
Von deinem Polybius
For on many occasions when
I and the other Greeks sent embassies to you begging you to remove from your statutes the law empowering you to get booty from booty, you replied that you would rather remove Aetolia from Aetolia than that law
[Polyvius, 18.4.8]
Dazu kannst du auch noch die Quelle oben von deinem Polybius nochmal lesen.
Dazu kommt noch:
Speech of the Macedonian ambassador to the Aitolians:
The Aitolians, the Akarnanians, the Macedonians, men of the SAME speech, are united or disunited by trivial causes that arise from time to time; with aliens, with barbarians, all Greeks wage and will wage eternal war; for they are enemies by the will of nature, which is eternal, and not from reasons that change from day to day.
Titus Livius, From the Foundation of the City 31
that these descendants of Perdiccas are Greeks, as THEY THEMSELVES SAY, I myself chance to know.
Herodotus V, 22, 1 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)
Alexander I, king of Macedon
Men of Athens... Had I not greatly
COMMON welfare of
GREECE I should not have come to tell you;
but I AM MYSELF GREEK by descent, and I would not willingly see Greece exchange freedom for slavery. ...If you prosper in this war, forget not to do something for my freedom; consider the risk I have run, out of zeal for the
GREEK CAUSE, to acquaint you with what Mardonius intends, and to save you from being surprised by the barbarians.
[Herodotus, The Histories, 9.45, translated by G.Rawlinson]
Tell your king who sent you how
his GREEK viceroy of Macedonia has received you hospitably... "
Herodotus V, 20, 4 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)
Dann noch etwas
von antiken Autoren zu der Zerstörung Thebens:
Von deinem Arrian merco :!: :!:
Then indeed the Thebans, no longer defending themselves, were slain, NOT SO MUCH by the Macedonians as by the Phocians, Plataeans and other Boeotians, who by indiscriminate slaughter vented their rage against them. Some were even attacked in the houses (a few of whom turned to defend themselves), and others as they were supplicating the protection of the gods in the temples; not even the women and children being spared.
Arrian 1a8
TURNED OVER over the decision of what was to be done with Thebes
TO THE ALLIES who participated in the military action.
THESE DECIDED to secure the Cadmea with a garrison, but to raze the city to the ground and distribute amongst the allies whatever lands were not sacred. Women and children, and any surviving Theban men, they would sell into slavery, with the exception of priests and priestesses..
Arrian 1.9.9-10
The Theban dead numbered more than 6,000 and the men taken prisoner upwards of 30,000. The amount of money that was taken as plunder was beyond belief.The king saw to the burial of the more than 500 Macedonian dead.
He then convened the delegates of the Greeks and put before their full council the question of how they should deal with the city of Thebes, When the deliberations began,
men who were ill-disposed towards the Thebans proceeded to advocate subjecting them to most cruel punishment, and jointed out that they had espoused the barbarian cause against the Greeks. They observed that in the time of Xerxes the Thebans had allied themselves with Persia and actually fought against Greece, and that they were the only Greek people to be honoured as benefactors by the Persian kings, with the ambassadors from Thebes assigned privileged seating before the kings.
By recounting numerous other instances of this sort THEY INFLAMED the feelings of the delegates against the Thebans, and these eventually voted to demolish the city, to sell the prisoners of war, to have the Theban exiles liable to arrest throughout Greece, and permit no Greek to harbour a Iheban.
In CONFORMITY WITH THE WILL OF THE COUNCIL, the king demolished the city and thereby instilled terrible tear in those ol the Greeks liable to detect, lie sold off the prisoners of war and by that accumulated 440 talents of silver.
Diodorus Siculus 17.14.1
Next he directed the army towards Thebes intending to show the same mercy if he met with similar contrition. But the Thebans resorted to arms rather than entreaties or appeals, and so after their defeat they were subjected to all the terrible punishments associated with a humiliating capitulation.
When the destruction of the city was being discussed in council, the Phocians, the Plataeans, the Thespians and the Orchomenians, Alexander's allies who now shared his victory, recalled the devastation of their own cities and the ruthlessness of the Thebans, reproaching them also with their past as well as their present support of Persia against the independence of Greece. This, they said, had made Thebes an abomination to all the Greek peoples, which was obvious from
the fact that the Greeks had one and all taken a solemn oath to destroy the city once the Persians were defeated, Thev also added the tales of earlier Theban wickedness - the material with which they had filled all their plays -
in order to foment hatred against them not only for their treachery in the present but also for their infamies in the past.
Justin 11.3.6
Zu der Schlacht bei Chaeronea :!:
Zuerst was anderes von dem
antiken Autoren Xenophon zum Vergleich:
Aus Xenophon Hellenika 4.3.3-18:
Those who were now drawn up against Agesilaus were
the Boeotians, Athenians, Argives, Corinthians, Aenianians, Euboeans, and both7 the Locrian peoples;
while with Agesilaus was a regiment of Lacedaemonians which had crossed over from Corinth, half8 of the regiment from Orchomenus
Also,fassen wir zusammen: Gegen die Spartaner standen Boetier, Athener, Argiver, Korinther, Aenianier, Euboear und beide Lokrischen Stämme.
Nach der Logik der Leute aus F.Y.R.O.M. wären hier:
1. Spartaner (Lakedaemonen) keine Griechen.
2. Sparta hat Krieg gegen Griechenland geführt.
3. Sparta setztede sich ein vereintes Griechisches Heer in den weg, welches Griechenland befreien wollte.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Und jetzt..
Partei 1:
Macedonia, Thessaly, Epirus, Aetolia, Northern Phocis, Epicnemidian Locrians*
Partei 2:
Athens, Beotian League (Thebes, etc), Euboean League, Achaean League, Corinth, Megara, Corcyra, Acarnania, Ambracia, Southern Phocis.
Neutrale griechische Staaten:
Sparta, Argos, Arcadia, Messene.
Die Makedonen waren nicht alleine, auch stand ihnen alles andere als ein vereinigtes griechisches Heer entgegen, wie man hier sieht. Als vereintes griechisches Heer kann man nämlich dann auch das ansehen, welches die Makedonen anführten.
Sieht ganz nach einem Bürgerkrieg von griechischen Staaten aus, wie üblich zu dieser Zeit.
Und zum Schluss:
Aus deinem Post merco:
''aus dem Buch:
Prof. Dr. Gustav Weigand: Ethnographie von Makedonien
Leipzig, 1924
Seite 3: "... aus den überlieferten Namen der Könige nicht den Schluß ziehen dürfen, daß wir es bei den Namensträgern mit Griechen zu tun hätten. Sicher ist, wie uns einwandfrei überliefert ist, das eine, daß die makedonischen Soldaten eine von den Griechen nicht verstandene Sprche redeten..."
Meine Frage hierzu:
Wo bitteschön ist das den überliefert :?: :?: :?:
Von welchem antiken Autor :?: :?: :?:
BITTE poste mir hier dann mal diese Überlieferungen mit der jeweiligen antiken Quelle :!: Bin mal gespannt,was kommt :roll:
Frage, was steht hier:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://members.fortunecity.com/fstav1/alexandros/thessaloniki.jpg">http://members.fortunecity.com/fstav1/a ... loniki.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Diese Steintafel ist aus dem 2.Jhd v.Chr.
@merco: Was meinst du dazu :?:
Geh in das Museum für Antike und Byzantinische Geschichte nach Thessaloniki und schau es dir dort an :!: Na..nix mit Solun Junge :!: Kannst du mir eine antike Inschrift posten, auf der Solun steht :?: :lol: :lol:
Und zum Abschied noch eine Münze aus dem 2.Jhd auf der 'THESSALONIKEON' steht
Schau dir gern alle Münzen an. Niergendwo steht Solun oder Voden oder Kutlesh oder Aleksandar oder Filip oder Makdonski :!: Vielmehr wirst du da auf Griechisch geschrieben sehen MAKEDONON PROTIS, PHILIPPOY, ALEXANDROY, THESSALONIKEON u.s.w.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cc.ece.ntua.gr/~conster/English/PageData/Archaeology/Images/small_korinthos.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cc.ece.ntua.gr/~conster/English/PageData/ancient_coins.htm&h=150&w=195&sz=21&hl=de&start=3&tbnid=OrZpK2bhGCQuWM:&tbnh=80&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dancient%2Bmacedonian%2Bcoins%2BThessaloniki%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DN">http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=h ... e%26sa%3DN</a><!-- m -->
Merco,es bedarf schon eine menge brainwashing aus Skopje, um nach solchen antiken Quellen und archäologischen Funden zu behaupten, dass die Makedonen keine Griechen seien 8)