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Ethnic and Historical Origins of F.Y.R.O.M - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


This Page is reserved to highlight the historic and ethnic origins of the Slavs of fyrom and the historical circumstances under which the first emergence of the ethnically artificial 'Macedonism' occured during the 19th century. These Macedonists were defined as a group favouring an autonomous or independent Macedonian state. As an extension of this they favoured in differing degrees, and the complete or partial seperation from the Slavo-Bulgarian consciousness in the region of a Slavic 'Macedonian ethnicity' and hence also a 'Macedonian' conciousness and language. It was an ideology which then later found its fruition when it was adopted, subsumed and exploited by Yugoslav Communists under Premier Tito and sponsered by the Soviets in the aftermath of WW2, in the 1940s. The situation exists today in the form where the Slavs of F.Y.R.O.M (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) have a 'Macedonian' nationality, a nationality having been constructed for over a century. Primary and secondary sources following will illustrate this point.

Overview of Slavic Migratory history in the Balkans and Macedonia

Slavs had arrived in the region after crossing the Danube during the 6th and 7th centuries AD. The inhabitants of Macedonia of significant numbers prior to the large Slavic migrations, were the Greeks, the Vlachs (A Romanized people), Albanians (North West). Smaller settlements of Turkish inhabitants came with the advent of Ottoman rule as well as a small percentage of Gypsy Roma who inhabited the area. Come the Slavic migrations, the bulk of the Vardar (FYROM) region's Slavs were recorded as being ethnic Bulgarians; and as well in the North around Skopje there was an encroaching Serbian influence.

Note* The fact that Slavic Migrations occured over 1000 years after the time of the ancient kingdom of Macedon in the 6th and 7th centuries, is obviously ignored by Skopjian revisionist historians who claim that a Slavonic Macedonian ethnicity has existed for 2000 years with a continuation of Ancient Macedon. Nevertheless we will not dwell on that fact as this page is specifically designed to describe the historic origins of F.Y.R.O.M and its 'Macedonian' ethnogenosis, an ethnogenosis which occured over a millenia after the first Slavic migrations to the area.

Introduction - Ethnogenesis

It is a fact that the Slavs of FYROM now have an artificial 'ethnic Macedonian' conscience and owe this to various historical and political circumstances. This political turmoil involved the forcefully competing interets of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and also the Ottoman Empire in Macedonia. The first origins of this 'Macedonism' are found in the mid to latter stage of the 19th century as an ideology with little influence on the Slavic population of Macedonia initially. The outcome of these circumstances is the Macedonian issue in the form of FYROM's historical revisionism we are opposed to here today.

These historical circumstances, under which the Slavic Macedonist ideology was constructed, climaxed in 1944. It was during this time, the aftermath of WW2, that the situation took a radical turn in terms of the completion of the construction of a seperate "Macedonian ethnicity" when Tito adopted the 'Macedonism' for his own political and expansionist reasons; notably Belgrade and Moscow's objectives were control of Greek Macedonia and the warm water port of Salonika on the Aegean. The first measures to codify a "Macedonian nation" taken by the CPY (Communist Party of Yugoslavia) following its take over of Yugoslavia (including modern FYROM) after WW2 was rename the Vardar region the 'Socialist Republic of Macedonia' and delegate a puppet Macedonian government in Skopje in 1944. An example of the first stages of ethnogenisis in 1888:

In a letter to Prof. Marin Drinov of May 25, 1888 Kuzman Shapkarev writes:

Zitat:"But even stranger is the name Macedonians, which was imposed on us only 10 to 15 years ago by outsiders, and not as something by our own intellectuals... Yet the people in Macedonia know nothing of that ancient name, reintroduced today with a cunning aim on the one hand and a stupid one on the other. They know the older word: "Bugari", although mispronounced: they have even adopted it as peculiarly theirs, inapplicable to other Bulgarians. You can find more about this in the introduction to the booklets I am sending you. They call their own Macedono-Bulgarian dialect the "Bugarski language", while the rest of the Bulgarian dialects they refer to as the "Shopski language".
(Makedonski pregled, IX, 2, 1934, p. 55; the original letter is kept in the Marin Drinov Museum in Sofia, and it is available for examination and study)

the original In Bulgarian:

"No pochudno e imeto Makedonci, koeto naskoro, edvay predi 10-15 godini, ni
natrapiha i to otvqn, a ne kakto nyakoi mislyat ot samata nasha
inteligenciya... Narodqt obache v Makedoniya ne znae nishto za tova
arhaichesko, a dnes, s lukava cel ot edna strana, s glupeshka ot druga,
podnoveno prozvishte; toy si znae postaroto: Bugari, makar i nepravilno
proiznasyano, daje osvoyava si go kato sobstveno i preimushtestveno svoe,
nejeli za drugite Bqlgari. Za tova shte vidite i v predgovora na izpratenite
mi knijici. Toy naricha Bugarski ezik svoeto Makaedono-bqlgarsko narechie,
kogato drugite bqlgarski narechiya naricha Shopski."

An deiner stelle wuerde Ich es SEIN LASSEN...den es folgen weitere beweise wie auch anerkannte historische politische fakten...Die euch als "Balkan Parasiten" blose stellen...
Macedonism - the ideology's first emergence in the 19th century and the ground it gained up until 1945 - Overview

Emerging in the middle to later stages of the 1800s, without ethnic/ historic reality, this Macedonist phenomena was never prolific enough to eventuate on its own and never consituted a fully fledged ethnicity. All foreign examinations attest to this, never deeming such Macedonism neither significant to constitute being mentioned as an ethnicity in official maps, censuses etc. The 'codification' of this artificial ethnisism occured in post-war Yugoslavia with the creation of the 'Socialist Republic of Macedonia', the "Macedonian language" as well as the "Macedonian Orthodox Church" in 1968 by the Yugoslav communist party.

In the years before WWII, the "Macedonists", as the Bulgarians called them, were clearly a minority, especially amongst the uneducated peasant masses of Macedonia. Yet their views were gaining ground; if only a little. The Macedonists are recorded as having told the peasants they were descendants of the glorious ancient Macedonians, that they civilised all the Slavs through St Cyril and Methodius and they looked down on the rest of Bulgarians. With the advent of Yugoslav rule and the forceful policies of Serbinization and de-Bulgarianization which occured on them, the Macedonists did gain ground however with the idea of an autonomous Macedonia gaining favour.

During WW2 Tito enjoyed the support of the leftist Slav partisans in Vardar who favoured 'Macedonism' as an alternative to the forceful nature of the Bulgarian fascist occupation. Yet at the same time much of the population welcomed the Bulgarians as liberators, despite having been under Yugoslav/ Serb rule since 1913 and being subject to Serbinization policies since that time. In some ways however, a German invasion and subsequent fascist Bulgarian occupation again gained more ground in popularity for the Macedonists and seperatism from Bulgaria in terms of conscience.

Tito capitalised in the growing support for an independent/ autonomous Macedonia eminatting from the leftist spectrum of Vardar, espcially through leftist groups such as SNOF, a group made up of Slav partisans taking its orders through Belgrade as a sub-branch of the Yugoslav Partisan movement. More on the collusion of the various communist forces of the region, Greek, Bulgarian and Vardarskan with Belgrade and Moscow and their contribution to the Macedonian affair can be found later on in this article.

Artificial ethnogenosis - an ideology in the minority and its struggle to materialise

This quote from an observer in the 1950s after 5 years of Yugoslav Communist rule gives an idea of the ground still needed to be gained:

"In regard to their own national feelings, all that can safely be said is that during the last eighty years many more Slav Macedonians seem to have considered themselves Bulgarian, or closely linked to Bulgaria, than have considered themselves Serbian, or closely linked to Serbia (or Yugoslavia). Only the people of the Skoplje region, in the north west, have ever shown much tendency to regard themselves as Serbs. The feeling of being Macedonians, and nothig but Macedonians, seems to be a sentiment of fairly recent growth, and even today is not very deep-rooted."

Elisabeth Barker, "Macedonia, its place in Balkan power politics", (originally published in 1950 by the Royal Institute of International Affairs), p.10

"Since they were closely related to both Bulgars and Serbs and had, moreover, in the past been usually incorporated in either the Bulgar or Serb state, they inevitably became the object of both Bulgar and Serb aspirations and an apple of discord between these rival nationalities. As an oppressed people on an exceedingly primitive level, the Macedonian Slavs had as late as the congress of Berlin exhibited no perceptible national consciousness of their own. It was therefore impossible to foretell in what direction they would lean when their awakening came; in fact, so indeterminate was the situation that under favorable circumstances they might even develop ther own peculiar Macedonian consciousness."

[Ferdinand Schevill, "A History of the Balkans", p.432]

[Bild: Misirkov.JPG]

Krste Misirkov is an example of the struggle of the Macedonist philosophy to materialise initially. He is also prime example of the often fluxuating ethnic conscience of some of the early Macedonists at the turn of the century. Many intellectuals were having to decide whether they favoured annexation by Bulgaria, or an autonomous Macedonia. While Misirkov is curiously heralded by Skopjians as one of the "founders of the Macedonian nation", he is also wrote that the Slavs of Macedonia "are more Bulgarian than those in Bulgaria!".

He was the first person to transform "Macedonian" as a literary language. While in Sofia in 1903, he published the book ''Za Makedonckite Raboti'' ('On Macedonian Matters') in which he laid down the principles of the 'Macedonian' language. According to this book, the language should be based on the central dialects of Vardar. He also used those dialects to write the book itself. Misirkov died in 1926. Decades after his death with the communist takeover of Yugoslavia, Misirkov's principles were used by the Yugoslav committees for the codification of the Macedonian language.

It appears that at one point in his life, under Russian sponsership, he favoured his own brand of Macedonism and this is when he published his book on the 'Macedonian language. Later he adopted a vehemently Bulgarian nationalist stance and abandoned his Macedonism, apparently beleiving it would never materialise as an ideology; though it ironically it did, long after his death after WW2.

In his book, ''The national identity of the Macedonians'', which he wrote in 1924, two years before he died, he uncompromisingly defends the Bulgarian character of the population of Macedonia saying "We [Macedonian Slavs] are more Bulgarian than those in Bulgaria!". He completley retracts everything he wrote in his book ''Za Makedonckite Raboti'' about the Macedonian language, with the explanation that "I wrote it as a politician". The book is considerably pro-Bulgarian, describing himself as a Bulgarian, nationalistically so.

Krste Misirkov
National Identity of the Macedonians. 1924 ã:
Krste Misirkov wrote:

Zitat:1. We speak Bulgarian language and we believed with Bulgarians is our strong power.

2. The Bulgarians in Macedonia. The future of Macedonia is spiritual union of the Bulgarians in Macedonia.

3. The Macedonian Slavs are called Bulgarians.
4. The biggest part of the population are called Bulgarians.

5. All spoke that Macedonians are Bulgarians. Until 1978 all including Russian Government spoke the Macedonians are Bulgarians. But after the Berlin Congress the Serbs came with pretension to have Macedonia. They try to change the European opinion that in Macedonia there are Serbian too.

6. If Ilinden uprising win we will be thankful to Bulgarians, but Serbians try to compete with Bulgarians and spend a lot of money and propaganda. If Macedonia is autonomic there will be no space for propaganda and the Serbs have to leave Bulgarian in peace.

7. The Ilinden Uprising Committee is Bulgarian.

8. Bulgarian Language and Bulgarian name. The Committee is ready to give guarantee to Europe that Macedonia will not unify with Bulgaria, but they can't take the Bulgarian name and language from Macedonia!

9. Unification between Turks and Bulgarians in Macedonia. Serbia and Greece do not want to give us autonomous and independent Macedonia, because they see this as a fist step to unification. In Macedonia have only pure Bulgarian population, which can't be unified with the Turks.

10. Serbia is against autonomous Macedonia. Serbia is afraid because Macedonia with the Bulgarian population will have tendency to united with Bulgaria and for this reason Serbia will not allow this.

11. They divided us and now they do not allow us to unify. We are living now 25 years divided from Bulgaria and they do not allow us to unify? We call ourselves Bulgarians or Macedonians and see us as separate and radically different from the Serbs with Bulgarian national consciousness.

12. Our Grandfathers call themselves Bulgarians. They never thing that we will be having such a problem to call ourselves so.

13. Bulgarian Literally Language. We the Macedonians voluntarily choose one and the same language with Bulgarians long before the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkey. The prohibition from the Serbs to use our literally language, which is the only one connection between us and Bulgarians is significant violation of our human rights. .. and further.. when they forbid us to call ourselves Bulgarians, to learn Bulgarian history and to be ashamed from everything which connect us with Bulgarians. It is enough to learn our Macedonian culture and history to understand that we are very different from Serbian nationality.

14. There no difference between Bulgarian and Macedonian Slav. The Greeks in 1804 long before Bulgarian exarchate do not make any difference between Bulgarian and West Macedonian dialect.

15. Bulgarian national name of Macedonians. In the IX century in the first Bulgarian kingdom we do not have anything against this Bulgarian national name for us and for the rest of Bulgarians in Bulgaria.

16. We Macedonian Bulgarians (Macedonians) like Bulgarian state as our own.

17. The Serbs are much inferior than we are. We demand freedom for all of us and not to be material for assimilation experiments of the Serbs, which stand much inferior from us in spiritual narrow-mindedness and chauvinism.

18. The Serbs come to the idea of the Macedonian nationality. The Serbs develop the concept for special Macedonian Nation, which they put in the south Macedonia. They declare north Macedonia as a pure Serbian land. Middle Macedonia as a transition between Serbian and Macedonian language.

19. The population of Skopje is pure Bulgarian. Bulgaria make a big error when recognize the territory for "neutral". It is pure Bulgarian and the population in Skopje and surrounding area is pure Bulgarian.

20. Why the Serbs want Macedonia? What Serbian you can find in this pure Bulgarian land, which is since 6 century till today Bulgarian, despite of all vicissitude of the historical destiny.

21. Serbian-Greek attempt on the Bulgarians in Macedonia. Because of the treaty between Serbia and Greece Bulgaria was robed and 2 Millions Bulgarians where conquered from Serbia and Greece. Yes! To many damage did the Serbs on Bulgaria, Macedonia and Dobrudja and with this they do not stop! They filled that their vicious work will be discovered and to be prosecuted by the Slavic consciousness because of the freedom of 1/3 of Bulgarians - the Bulgarians in Macedonia.

22. The lies about Bulgarian and Bulgaria. Restoration of the human rights of the Bulgarians in Macedonia and Dobrudja, despite of the lies spread for Bulgaria and Bulgarians! Who is against Great Bulgaria, he is against the Slavs!

23. Krali Marko songs in Macedonia are from Bulgarian origin. The songs of Krali Marko in Macedonia are from Bulgarian origin and speak for the Bulgarian influence over the Serbs and not the opposite.

24. The Serbs will coarse many wars, if the "Dushan empire" will not disappear. In the last quarter of the XIX century the Serbs start to dream to restore this abandon from Serbs it selves empire. With intrigues and and allies they conquer big part of Bulgarian Macedonia. But this Serbian advantages of 1912 coarse the war in 1913 and they coarse the war in 1915-1918 and will coarse many more wars, unless "Dushan empire" get liquidate in the same way as in XIV century on the principal of the self-determination of the nations.

25. Serbs falsify the history. In Bulgaria Macedonians have all personal rights, freedom of expression and self-determination in Bulgaria. The Serbs try to destroy the soul of the Macedonians and for that reason the falsify the hole history. In this Serbian logic and Serbian fillings there are something abnormal, which is prove of the failure of the Serbian state. They are afraid from the Macedonians in Macedonia and also this living outside.

26. The Macedonian population is against Serbs. You have to know that because your Serbian politics against Macedonians you have against you all past present and future Balkan governments and the Macedonian population.

27. The Bulgarians are our fellow citizens. The European recognize that only independent sate will put an end of the competition conquer and hegemony on the Balkan. An will end once forever violence of the new conquer. And everlasting peace on the Balkan and in Europe will rise. Greece and Serbia will loose territorially and les Bulgaria and will win all Macedonians.

28. The Serbs forbid us to celebrate all Bulgarian holidays. We are forced to celebrate St. Sava and forbid to celebrate St. Cyril and St. Methodius and Ilinden Uprising.

29. Our souls are in Bulgaria. Serbia conquer the land and the body of Macedonians, the souls are in Bulgaria and with Bulgaria.

30. Krste Petkov Misirkov defines himself as a Bulgarian. 1897 I was accepted in Petersburg University in Russia and five years I was Bulgarian student community as Bulgarian.

31. Self appreciation of the statement in the book "For Macedonian matters". The readers of this article will be very surprised of the big controversy opinion, which they will meet here in comparison with the article "For Macedonian matters". To understand this contradiction I will remember you, that I wrote as an improvised politicians

Another thing on Misirkov

Misirkov, was changing nationalities like we change underpants. He flirted with the Serbs but rejected them in favour of the Bulgarians and later, under the support of Russia, he developed his "Macedonianism", which he ditched after he realized that it would never materialize - ironically it did by a Croat after his death. Yet his true nationality should be considered Bessarabian (Surprised?) since he was a member of the Bessarabian parliament, just before the Bessarabians voted themselves Romanians (Bessarabia, much like "Macedonia", was a Russian experiment, that was later re-established as "Moldova".

Zitat:Soferaki das ist eben ist dein problem du stellst Makedoner als Serben ,Bulgaren oder Griechen dar .. Das wir nicht reines blutes sind ist schon klar, aber wer ist das schon ....ich und du leben in deutschland haben schon die deutsche staatsbürgerschaft und nennen uns Griechen oder Makedoner sind aber Deutsche geworden ?
späterstens unsere kinder oder enkelkinder werden sich nur als Deutsche bezeichnen.

Ich hab nie behauptet das, das Makedonische Volk ein Bulgarisches oder Serbisches oder Slavisches Volk ist es ist immer noch ein Griechisches Volk!
Und ich lebe nicht in Deutschland und ich hab die Griechische staatsbürgerschaft!
unter anderem und totally off topic...
Ich lebe auch nicht (seit 23 jahren) in Deutschland...und habe auch nicht die Deutsche staatsbuergerschaft...
Bin Makedone...aus Makedonien...Thessaloniki...also Hellene...(grieche)
ps...sory Mods...
Das mit den Slawen betrifft auch GRiechen ? :lol: Es ist eben so ...

..und die Archive des Auswertigen amtes sind tatsachen ..jetz machst du dich aber lächerlich ..den es geht nicht um Hitler den 2 weltkrieg sonder um die zeit 1878 - 1914 hier wird nachgewisen das es eine Makedonische Identität gibt !

eine frage wieso hatt Kyrill und Methodia nicht die Griechische sprache verbreitet ? ...wieso das Kirchenslava [ordhodox ] und das kyrillisch.

liebe griechen eure zeit kommt noch ..ihr seit zimmlich albernd.
Zitat:Das mit den Slawen betrifft auch GRiechen ? Es ist eben so ...

Ich weiss eben nicht was ein englisch kurs in DE kostet..aber Ich wuerde Ihn Dir gerne bezahlen...falls noetig...
Damit du endlich verstehen kannst um was es hier geht...

lesen...lernen...und sich schlau machen...

Zitat:liebe griechen eure zeit kommt noch ..ihr seit zimmlich albernd.

Hoffentlich bald...den dann wird eure 50 jahre "geschichte-Maerchen-zeit" vorbei sein...

Zitat:..und die Archive des Auswertigen amtes sind tatsachen ..jetz machst du dich aber lächerlich ..den es geht nicht um Hitler den 2 weltkrieg sonder um die zeit 1878 - 1914 hier wird nachgewisen das es eine Makedonische Identität gibt


Foreign Evaluation of the ethnic make-up of Macedonia around the time of the Balkan wars

"Macedonian" was a geographical label, not ethnic. For outside/ foreign observers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the first stages of Macedonist ethnogenosis had taken place, there was simply not sufficient evidence to distinguish the Vardar Slavs from the Bulgarians. Indeed there was simply no historic reality to a "Macedonian" race existing for thousands of years in the region. This is reflected through the fact that foreign records did not take into consideration the small faction of Macedonists when considering the pressing Macedonian Problem, its ethnic make-up and future in light of the crumbling Ottoman Empire.

Needless to say not one foreign record, map or census: be it Ottoman, English, French or anyother ever mentioned a seperate "Macedonian ethnicity" or real "Macedonian language" (see numerous maps and censuses below).

None of the following censuses identified any "Macedonian" language/ conscience/ ethnicity; only Greek, Bulgarian, Vlach, Turk, Albanian, Roma or Serb: -The League of Nations (forerunner to UN set up after WWI) never mentions any Macedonian race/ ethnicity.

-Journal "Le Temps" Paris 1905 (Gave a total population of 2,782,000 inhabitants and no "macedonian" race)

-Prof. G. Wiegland - Die Nationalen Bestrebungen der Balkansvölker. Leipzig 1898 (Gave a total population of 2,275,000 inhabitants and no "macedonian" race)

-1904 Turkish census of Hilmi Pasha for Thessaloniki, Monastiri, Scopje

-1906 Turkish census of Hilmi Pasha for the area of Macedonia.

-Official Turkish Statistic Ethnicity of Macedonia Philippopoli 1881

-Vassil Kantcheff - Macedonia Ethnicity and Statistic - 1900

-Leon Dominian - The frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe. Published for the American Geographical Society of New York 1917

-Richard von Mach - Der Machtbereich des bulgarischen Exarchats in der Türkei. Leipzig - Neuchatel, 1906

-Prinz Tcherkasky ethnographie 1877

Lingustically there is no doubting that the so called "Macedonian language" of today is a Bulgarian dialect. The Slavs of Vardar were traditionally described as Bulgarian by foreign obsevers and the Macedonists first dubbed their Bugarski dialect 'Makedonski' in the 19th century (As was described earlier in the page by Shapkarev in 1888). For more information on the Skopjian language and the history of its transformation from a Bulgarian idiom to a "Macedonian" language visit the page: Linguistic origins of F.Y.R.O.M - From Bulgarian dialect to "Macedonian" language

According to this 1899 edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica considering the respective Serb and Bulgarian for the Slavonic population:
"Almost all independent authorities, however, agree that the bulk of the Slavonic population of Macedonia is Bulgarian"

1903 London Times article outlining the Macedonian problem. Evidently the article does not consider Macedonism significant enough, or any revisionist claims of a "Macedonian ethnicity" a reality . The only ethnic groups mentioned are Albanians, Turks, Vlachs, Rumanians, Greeks, Servian and Bulgarian.

Slavonic population exerpt (Click for greater picture resolution

[Bild: 800px-Slavsofmak.JPG][/quote]
Und noch mehr fuer pupertierende junge zwerge....(klein staaten -wanaabies)

Foreign evaluation continued..

A later Encycolpedia Brittanica edition from 1911 on Macedonia refers to the diverse ethnic make-up of Macedonia, and does not mention any Macedonian ethnicity, only Macedonian Greeks, Macedonian Bulgarians, Vlachs, Turks, Albanians, Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, Armenian minority and so on:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Zitat:Population.The population of Macedonia may perhaps be estimated at 2,200,000. About 1,300,000 are Christians of various churches and nationalities; more than 800,000 are Mahommedans, and about 75,000 are Jews. Of the Christians, the great majority profess the Eastern Orthodox faith, owning allegiance either to the Hellenic patriarchate or the Bulgarian exarchate. Among the Orthodox Christians are reckoned some 4000 Turks. The small Catholic minority is composed chiefly of Uniate Bulgarians (about 3600), occupying the districts of Kukush and Doiran; there are also some 2000 Bulgarian Protestants, principally inhabiting the valley of Razlog. The Mahommedan population is mainly composed of Turks (about 500,000). In addition to these there are some 130,000 Bulgars, 120,000 Albanians, 35,000 gipsies and 14,000 Greeks, together with a smaller number of Vlachs, Jews and Circassians, who profess the creed of Islam. The untrustworthy Turkish statistics take religion, not nationality, as the basis of classification. All Moslems are included in the millet, or nation, of Islam. The~ RiZm, or Roman (i.e. Hellenic) millet comprises all those who acknowledge the authority of the Oecumenical patriarch, and consequently includes, in addition to the Greeks, the Servians, the Vlachs, and a certain number of Bulgarians; the Bulgar millet comprises the Bulgarians who accept the rule of the exarchate; the other millets are the Katolik (Catholics), Ermeni (Gregorian Armenians), Musevi (Jews) and Prodesdan (Protestants). The population of Macedonia, at all times scanty, has undoubtedly diminished in recent years. There has been a continual outflow of the Christian population in the direction of Bulgaria, Servia and Greece, and a corresponding emigration of the Turkish peasantry to Asia Minor. Many of the smaller villages are being abandoned by their inhabitants, who migrate for safety to the more considerable townsusually situated at some point where a mountain pass descends to the outskirts of the plains. In the agricultural districts the Christian peasants, or royal, are either small proprietors or cultivate holdings on the estates of Turkish landowners. The upland districts are thinly inhabited by a nomad pastoral population."

Zitat:"The typical Hellenic, with his superior education, his love of politics and commerce, and his distaste for laborious occupations, has always been a dweller in cities. In Salonica, Serres, Kavala, Castoria, and other towns in southern Macedonia the Hellenic element is strong; in the northern towns it is insignIficant, except at Melnik, which is almost exclusively Hellenic."

Zitat:"With the exception of the southern and western districts already specified, the principal towns, and certain isolated tracts, the whole of Macedonia is inhabited by a race or The races speaking a Slavonic dialect. If language is Slavonic adopted as a test, the great bulk of the rural popula- Population. tion must be described as Slavonic. The Slays first crossed the Danube at the beginning of the 3rd century, but their great immigration took place in the 6th and 7th centuries. They overran the entire peninsula, driving the Greeks to the shores of the Aegean, the Albanians into the Mirdite country, and the latinized population of Macedonia into the highland districts, such as Pindus, Agrapha and Olympus. The Slays, a primitive agricultural and pastoral people, were often unsuccessful in their attacks on the fortified towns, which remained centres of Hellenism. In the outlying parts of the peninsula they were absorbed, or eventually driven back, by the original populations, but in the central region they probably assimilated a considerable proportion of the latinized races. The western portions of the peninsula were occupied by Serb and Slovene tribes: the Slays of the eastern and central portions were conquered at the end of the 7th century by the Bulgarians, a Ugro-Finnish horde, who established a despotic political organization, but being less numerous than the subjected race were eventually absorbed by it. The Mongolian physical type, which prevails in the districts between the Balkans and the Danube, is also found in central Macedonia, and may be recognized as far west as Ochrida and Dibra. In general, however, the Macedonian Slavs differ somewhat both in appearance and character from their neighbors beyond the Bulgarian and Servian frontiers: the peculiar type which they present is probably due to a considerable admixture of Vlach, Hellenic~ Albanian and Turkish blood, and to the influence of the surrounding races. Almost all independent authorities, however, agree that the bulk of the Slavonic population of Macedonia is Bulgarian. The principal indication is furnished by the language, which, though resembling Servian in some respects (e.g. the case-endings, which are occasionally retained), presents most of the characteristic features of Bulgarian (see BULGARIA)"

Ethnic/ racial maps concerning the Macedonia and Vardar regions

None of these racial/ ethnological maps record a "Macedonian" race/ ethnicity. Indeed no contemporary racial cartographer deems the Macedonist seperatists significant enough to be recorded in any maps. Ethnologists only recorded Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Albanians, Turks, Vlachs/ Aromanians, Turks and other minorities such as Gypsy Roma, Armenians etc

Map from 1877 by the British Stanford firm, studying the ethnology of Macedonia at the time:
[Bild: 600px-British_stanford_large.jpg]

This Racial Map of Europe does not mention a Macedonian race and cites most of Vardar as Bulgarian. [Source Records of the Great War (National Alumni 1923 Volume VII)]

[Bild: 900px-Rmap1.jpg]
just to take a break from scholarly activities and to have a laugh heres some pics

The architypal communist red skopjian commitern:

[Bild: gypsies18hw5at.jpg]

anyone who can read maps...sees the differents between rights...and agreesivness towards Hellas...

Mit den hier anwesenden wollt Ihr nach Thessaloniki...??? Big Grin

Wachet auf Ihr Zwerge...(zitat )
Und natuerlich verstehen wir warum Ihr von zeit zu zeit...jedem/jeder Super power gerne die gerade modern den allerwertesten kriecht...
Nicht zu vergessen...warum Ihr doch so gerne auf Deutsche fakten zurueck greift...ts ts ts...(auswaertiges Deutsches Amt...das ich nicht lache...MIR so etwas vor zu weisen als seriousen

[Bild: Bulgars_in_vardar.JPG]

Bulgarian Slavs in Vardar (wanaabie Macedonians)welcome the Bulgarians as liberators, holding frames of Adolf Hitler and Bulgarian King Boris:There was of course Slavs in Vardar who supported Bulgarian occupation as mentioned. In 1941 when Hitler's army entered Skopje, there were thousands of Bulgarian flags there to greet them and the German army was welcome as liberators. King Boris of Bulgaria was received in 1942 in Skopje as a liberator. Partisansand Western literature was read in Skopje in the Bulgarian language. Even The Communist Part of Skopje left the C.P. of Yugoslavia and joined the Bulgarian Communist Party, despite the Vardar Partisans' close cooperation with and support from the Yugoslav Partisans.
pass in der zukunft auf was Du im Net ... verbreiten willst...ohne vorbereitet zu sein...

Das wollte das Deutsche auswaertige Amt mit euch...JA...seit anfang des 19 JHr...gab es ein plan...
Da Du kein englisch kannst...(ansonsten wuerdest Du diesen Thread schleunigst nicht noch mehr in verdrengniss zu geraten)
Zeige Ich Dir gerne NOCHMALS....eine karte...hoffentlich bist Du gut in geography ZUMINDEST...

[Bild: Map_balk1940.gif]

Makedonen waren...sind und werden NUR Griechen sein...end of the story
Wen du meinst , ich habe kein problem damit du kannst dich auch Pontier oder Türke nennen ich kann damit leben.

Wir sind Makedoner und du brauchst nicht die Makedonische geschichte neu zu erfinden.Sie ist nicht änderbar.

Also schreibe deine Griechische geschichte um .[auf english villeicht Idea !]

Kennst du das Google−Copy−Paste−Syndrom :?:
Regen sie sich doch nicht so kuenstlich auf...
Bitching and crying aint gonna help you...

Fakten eher schon...
Und wie WIR MAKEDONEN sagen...was der fuchs nicht haben kann macht er zum Gott... :lol:

Komm wieder in ein paar jahren mit deinen maerchen ...wenn Du bereit bist...

Skopjian revisionist falsifications - Rejected by the World's academia

This part of the thread will track the history of Skopjian revisionism as well as examining the flaws in the historical revisionism itself, relating to the following periods: Modern, Medival and Ancient. Historical revisionism is defined as the re-interpretation historical events and distortion of historical truth to further a vested interest. The first origins of the revisionism will be examined, leading up to the Yugoslav communist take over and the intensification of such revisionism which occured as a result.

The reaction of the world's academia to Skopjian (and Yugoslav) Macedonist revisionism will also be covered in this article. For instance in 1969, the "History of the Macedonian nation" was published by Yugoslav state authors. Encountering much international dissaproval, the book gave any reference in the world's archives to Macedonia and to historical figures and historical events connected in any way with Macedonia over the millennia, was manipulated and forcibly given a "ethnic Macedonian (Slavic) identity".

The letter of French Byzantist historian Rene Guerden to the Yugoslav state authors of the book, from 1969, can be seen as an example of the world academia reaction when the revisionism was first put to the world:

Dear Sir,

The magazine HISTORIA has just provided me with the very beautiful book that you so kindly sent me. I have first of all admired the presentation and then was struck by its contents.

Your thesis is brilliant. The Macedonians are and have always been Greeks, and the creation of a "Socialist Republic of Macedonia" with Skopje as capital is only a sad farce. I will not miss, when the opportunity arises, to pass this on.

In thanking you for having so kindly sent me your book, which has interested me even more, having myself written many works on Byzantium, I beg you to believe, dear Sir, by best feelings.

The history of Skopjian revisionist falsifications

Skopjian historical revisionism has its very first origins together with the first emergence of Macedonism in the mid 19th century. Those Slav Macedonists, the very first to advocate the idea of an independent/ autonomous 'Macedonian' state and a 'Macedonian' consciousness and language seperate of the Bulgarian consciousness dominant amongst the Slavic population of Vardar and Macedonia. Historical revisionism on the part of the Macedonists, first began to construct their ideology by appealing to the Slavonic peasant folk with these such claims:

-Saint Cyril and Methodius were claimed to have been 'Macedonian' monks who civillised other Slavs including Bulgarians. This can be seen as a concerted political promotion of seperatism from the dominant Bulgarian consciousness of the Slavs of the region.

-For the same ideological purpose as above they claimed that the Macedonian Slavs were pure Slavs while the Bulgarians were Tatars as well as Slavs:

"Certain Macedonists distinguish themselves from Bulgarians for other reasons as well, mainly that they are pure Slavs and that the Bulgarian are Tartars" [Makedonja newspaper, January 18, 1871]

-The Macedonists also began to write about Alexander the Great, as an important historical figure of Macedonia, however also implying an ethnic 'Slavic Macedonian' identity for Alexander in their writings:

The unsigned author of the editorial of the journal A vt onomna Makedoni 1903, states:

“When they say to us that we should protect the oppressed Macedonians, we should gladly do so. We are here delighted to recall that Alexander the Great, that tsar of the universe, bore witness to the virtues of the Slavic tribe when he said that the Slavs had heroic hearts and hence deserved to bear the great name Slavs, that is slavni [glorious]. Before his death this man who has endowed us so greatly said that he cursed anyone who would ever speak ill of the Slavs. In recognition of their military abilities he bequeathed to them all the lands from the Adriatic to the ocean of eternal ice. Besides, he besought his heavenly patrons to protect them from ill fortune and always aid the twelve princes, descendants of his twelve friends. Now, if the Macedonians are in a situation to stop their extermination with their own hands and improve their destiny, then the Bulgarians, Serbs, Montenegrins and other Slavs are bound to help their brothers in blood and faith, those who are born of ‘majka doina’ [nursing mother] (Macedonia), from where, too, the most famous principles and luminaries have originated.”

For much of the time before in the latter 19th century and ealry 20th, the Macedonists continued to construct their ideology using historical fabrications as the basis of constructing a seperate and distinct 'Macedonian identity'. They did this mainly by promoting the idea of a independent 'Macedonian' history and identity, entirely seperate of the existing Bulgarian ethnos amongst the majority of the Vardar and Macedonian Slavs.

1944 - The Yugoslav Communist Party's contribution to revisionism

By the end of German occupation the communist partisans, under the leadership of Josip Tito, emerged as the most powerful force in Yugoslavia. One of the first actions of Tito was to declare the old Yugoslav province of Vardaska Banovina the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, adopting and exploiting the Macedonist ideology as had been the resolution of the Balkan Communist parties to do so for some time. The concoction of a 'Macedonian' government in Skopje, subordinate to Belgrade turned the Macedonist plight on its head. The CPY (Communist Party of Yugoslavia) set up various committees whose task was to codify a 'Macedonian' identity for the socialist republic and Yugoslav state historians were set about the task of continuing the revisionism of the early Macedonists, and indeed, taking the revisionist contruction of a Macedonian identity to new hights. (more on the CPY's creation of the socialist republic)

[Bild: 150px-Doc5b-lg.jpg]

In 1969, the "History of the Macedonian nation" was published by Yugoslav state authors. The book was distributed by the state to the world's academia, meaning the full scale revisionism was exposed to the world for the first time. Encountering much international dissaproval (See Guerdan's letter above), the book gave any reference in the world's archives to Macedonia and to historical figures and historical events connected in any way with Macedonia over the millennia, was manipulated and forcibly given a "ethnic Macedonian" (Slavic) identity. The book dealth with ancient, medival and modern history; for each period making a number of unarguable claims, claims appropriating the parts of history belonging to all the actual ethnicities of the region, Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians, Albanians etc. Such would be expected in a book attempting to cater for historical figures, events all linked to a Slavic "Macedonian" ethnicity over thousands of years.
Da Du ja anfaengst persoenlich zu werden...somiet wohl auch langsam die argumente aus gehen und du die kontrolle verlierst...
Und da meine fakten eben NICHT Nur...VON gOOGLE SIND..
ABER UNTER ANDEREM AUS RESCHERSCHIEREN und sich schlau den jahren...
Wuerde Ich es an deiner stelle auch versuchen...
Da du ja anscheinend NICHT mal im google suchen kannst UM UNS hier das gegenteil zu beweisen...oder SONNST wie beweisen kannst WAS ihr seit und woher ihr kommt...und nicht nur weil eine roemische karte euch geographisch in eine region gesetzt hatt.. Ihr jetzt das recht habt UNSERE geschichte wie auch intaetiaet zu stehlen...

machen Wir ein kleines resume...

1. Ich habe bewiesen das IHR keine Makedonen seit (ausser ihr seit griechischer abstammung)Und nicht nur Ich aber auch die ganze welt...
2.Das eure intentitaet nur dazu benutzt worden ist (kreation) von maechten die im Balkan eben interessen hatten und haben...
3.Geschichtlich (antike) haben eure versuche missarabel faehl geschlagen...keine beweise einer mekedonischen nation ausser der ,des griechischen dorischen stammes...(mach ein geschichts buch auf und lies WANN das National gefuehl ueberhaupt existiert hatt und endstanden ist creation von National staaten...)
4.Das eure ganze 50 jaehrige geschichte auf "maerchen basiert" und unter anderem es euch nicht mehr lange geben wird...
5.Das ihr mit jedem colaboritiert habt...und eure seelen verkauft habt ...Nur um euren kleinen maerchen staat zu kreerien...
6.Solange euch Griechnland NICHT akzeptiert eure existenz AUFS spiel steht...
7. We own you economicly-culturell...wie auch bald in der zukunft wenn ihr so weiter macht regional...
8.Ihr seit eine erfindung des commitern...
9.Euch gehen bald die luegen aus...
10.jedesmal wenn Ihr auf griechen stosst...werden eure komplexe(minderwetigkeits) mit euch gehen
11.Habe Ich zumindest bewiesen ...das Ihr auf griechische gebiete ihn MAKEDONIEN...teritoriale agressive interessen habt...(betreibung von nationalistischer politik gegen einen nachbar staat...der obendrein euch um lichtjahre voraus ist...)
wuerde euch jemals geschichtlich die moeglichkeit gegeben uns zu eorbern wuerdet ihr es auch prombt machen...
Ich bin kein naiver Nord europaer...dem ihr maerchen erzaehlen konnt...

Gebe mir einen beweiss von all deinem geschriebenen maerchen ...EINEN BEWEISS...bitte... know were the AUSgang IST..

Antike...habte ihr keine beweise...
mittelalter....habt Ihr keine beweise..
neu zeit...fangt ihr an eure eigene maerchen zu glauben...und jeder der euch irgendwie...aussnehmen will....(erkennt euch an )nur um euren marionetten staat besser zu kontrolieren... unter anderem aber kein Balkan nachbar...hatt euch je als Makedonische nation anerkannt...warum..?
spare me with your Maerchen...
und auch kein EU staat wird es wagen euch in die EU an zunehmen ...ohne vorher mit Griechenland klar gekommen zu sein...(welcome in the game of interests ihr zwerge)
Vardar Republik...get use of it...

Tsar Samuil

As mentioned earlier in 1969 the Yugoslav book 'ISTORIJA' was published. The book forcibly gave any historical event/person "Macedonian" (Slavic) identity. Because of this not only did they seek to appropriate the history of Ancient and medival Greek history of Macedonia but also medival Bulgarians, Serbs and Albanians. Here we will focus on the medival Bulgarian king, Tsar Samuil, who was one of many figures in the history of the region who the Yugoslavs chose to claim in Istorija as 'Macedonian'.

Tsar Samuil of Bulgaria (c. 958 - October 6, 1014), also sometimes referred as Samuel or Samoil, ascended the Bulgarian thrown in 997. general, Samuil won some victories over the Byzantines by taking advantage of the stretched Byzantine armies of Emperor Basil II, who were fighting simultaneous campaigns in the East against the Arabs. In 986, Samuil drove Basil II's army from the field at Trayanovi Vrata and incorporated much Byzantine territory in his empire including all of Macedonia, Vardar, extending all the way into central Greece. In 996 Basil defeated Samuel on the Spercheios River and reconquered Greece and in 1002 he overran Macedonia. Samuel recovered, however, reconquered Macedonia, and sacked Adrianople (1003). In 1007 Basil subdued Macedonia again and after years of indecisive conflict annihilated the Bulgarian army at Belasitsa (1014). It was the decisive defeat of Samuil at Belasitsa which earnt Basil the name 'Boulgaroktonos' or 'Basil the Bulgar Slayer' and ended Samuil's short lived empire.

Ironically even Samuil, whose very name was synonymous with the word 'Bulgarian', the 'historians' of Yugoslavia and of modern F.Y.R.O.M as well claim that Samuil was a 'Macedonian' king and even claim that the state of Samuil was the first "Macedonian" state.

Primary and secondary sources concerning the Bulgarian ethnicity of Samuil and his 11th century state:


As was mentioned prior, Because of his crushing victory over Samuil, Basil II was given the title, Basil the Bulgar slayer. If it was true that Samuel was a "Macedonian king" then the Byzantinian emperor would not be named as Bulgarocton (=killer of the Bulgarians) but as Macedonocton! The Byzantines themselves, as anyone else did, regarded Samuel and his state as Bulgarian, and that is the reason why they named the new Thema they founded in his state's lands as 'Boulgaria'.

This medival Byzantine fresco, depicting the defeat of Samuil in 1014, shows the word 'Boulgaroi' ('Bulgarians') over the heads of Tsar Samuil and his army:
[Bild: Samoilmadrid1.jpg]

Bitola inscription

The Bitola inscription is an inscription made by order of Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Vladislav in 1015 or 1016 in connection with the fortification of the Bitola fortress. The inscription was found in 1956 in Bitola, F.Y.R.O.M and is stored at the Bitola Historical Museum:
[Bild: Bitola_inscription.JPG]

Text of the inscription (translation from Old Bulgarian):

"In year 6253 (1015) since the creation of the world, this fortress, built and made by Ivan, Tsar of Bulgaria, was renewed with the help and the prayers of Our Most Holy Lady and through the intercession of her twelve supreme apostles. The fortress was built as a haven and for the salvation of the lives of the Bulgarians. The work on the fortress of Bitola commenced on the twentieth day of October and ended on the… This Tsar was Bulgarian by birth, grandson of the pious Nikola and Ripsimia, son of Aaron, who was brother of Samuil, Tsar of Bulgaria, the two who routed the Greek army of Emperor Basil at Stipone where gold was taken… and this… Tsar was defeated by Emperor Basil in 6522 (1014) since the creation of the world in Klyutch (the Battle of Kleidion) and died at the end of the summer."

1911 edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica:

"The power of Bulgaria was restored by the Tsar Samuel, in whom Basil found a worthy foe. The emperors first efforts against him were unsuccessful (98I),and the war was not resumed till 996, Samuel in the meantime extending his rule along the Adriatic coast and imposing his lordship on Servia. Eastern Bulgaria was finally recovered in boo; but the war continued with varying successes till 1014, when the Bulgarian army suffered an overwhelming defeat."

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The Encyclopedia of world history, 2001

"Samuel of Bulgaria 976–1014. Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria. He built up another great Bulgarian Empire, with its capital at Ochrid, extending from the Adriatic to the Black Sea and from the Danube to Central Greece. In 981 he defeated Basil near Sofia"...

"The great Bulgarian campaigns of Basil II. The great Bulgarian campaigns. In 996 Basil defeated Samuel on the Spercheios River and reconquered Greece. In 1002 he overran Macedonia. Samuel recovered, however, reconquered Macedonia, and sacked Adrianople (1003). In 1007 Basil subdued Macedonia again and after years of indecisive conflict annihilated the Bulgarian army at Belasitsa (1014). He sent several thousand blinded soldiers back to Samuel, who died of the shock. The Bulgarians finally submitted (1018), but were left an autocephalous church at Ochrid. Many of the Bulgarian noble families settled in Constantinople and merged with the Greek and Armenian aristocracy"...

Encarta, History of Bulgaria

"The Russians were compelled to withdraw from Bulgaria in 972, and the eastern part of the country was annexed to the Byzantine Empire. Samuel, the son of a Bulgarian provincial governor, became ruler of western Bulgaria in 976. Samuel’s armies were annihilated in 1014 by the Byzantine Emperor Basil II, who incorporated the short-lived state into his empire in 1018"...

The Columbia Encyclopedia 2001 edition

"Basil II. c.958–1025, Byzantine emperor (976–1025), surnamed Bulgaroktonos [Bulgar slayer]".

Brittanica Concise Encyclopedia

"Basil II. Known as Basil Bulgaroctonus (Greek for “Slayer of the Bulgars”) became one of the strongest Byzantine emperors, winning territory in the Balkans, Mesopotamia, Armenia, and Georgia. He was noted for his victory (1014) in the war with Bulgaria, which ended with his blinding all the soldiers in the defeated Bulgarian army."

Other miscellaneous examples of Historical revisionism by Yugoslav and Skopjian "historians":

-In 1986 Skopje deceived the Vatican by gaining permission to hold, at the Vatican, an exhibition of "Macedonian" icons -which were in fact Greek Byzantine icons. Later a Vatican spokesman stated that they had been "tricked by Skopje"

-In June 1989 Skopje deceived the Russians by putting on an exhibition in Moscow of fourth to sixth century "Macedonian" terracottas. The inscriptions were all in Greek.__________________
The Balkan wars - Bulgarian defeat means Vardarska cedes to Yugoslav/ Serbian Kingdom

Ottoman Empire and the Balkan wars

Ottoman rule was declining fast by that time and Austrian, Russian imperialist interests as well as Serb, Bulgarian and Greek nationalist interests, all wanting a peice of Ottoman Macedonia fuelled the turmoil from which the Macedonism first emerged.

Between the 19th century and 1913, the Greeks and the Bulgarians had their own respective struggles against Turkey and against eachother with ethnic Bulgarian uprisings occuring at Ilinden and at Krushevo; the latter (Krushevo) involved many Macedonists. In 1913 the Balkan wars over Macedonia between Greece, Serbia (or Yugoslavia) and Bulgaria with the Great Powers watching on, in Thrace and the Vardar region ended. Greece had gained the largest share of Macedonia and Thrace in the South which roughly corresponded to the areas where ethnic Greeks lived as well as corresponding to historical boundaries of anceint Greek Macedonia and the Serbs had gained the Vardar region (modern FYROM). The Bulgarians that did live in the territory won by Greece were exchanged with Greeks living in Bulgarian territory at the time. Hence whilst Greece and Bulgaria exchanged their nationals (96,000 Bulgarians and 46,000 Greeks were exchanged) the same was not done for Serbia which retained its Bulgarian nationals. This resulted in a need for Serbia to adopt an even more aggressive policy of Serbinization of the Slavs of Vardar and quite possibly a shot in the arm for the ideology of the Macedonists. The Yugoslav Kingdom referred to what is now modern F.Y.R.O.M as 'Vardarska' or Southern Serbia.
A post card from 'Vardarska', part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia as it would have been produced between 1913 and WW2

[Bild: 400px-Vardaska-postcard.jpg]

[Bild: Jugoslvija.JPG]
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das ist meine meinung zu deinen propaganda material aus Serbien ,Bulgarien und Griechenland.

Makedonien ist unbesiegbar , Makedonien den Makedoner !
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