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Unterstützung für Milrem Robotics (eine estnische Firma) seitens der EU bzw. der EU-Kommission für die Entwicklung des integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System (iMUGS), eine Art Weiterentwicklung des sog. THeMIS (Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System), das auch schon in Mali zum Einsatz kam...
Zitat:Milrem-led consortium receives EU grant to develop European standard unmanned ground system

The European Commission and Milrem Robotics signed a grant agreement during the week of 7 December for the development of the Integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System (iMUGS), the Estonian company announced in a press release on 14 December.

Milrem leads a European consortium formed to work on the project under the EU's European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP). The other consortium members are GT Cyber Technologies, Safran Electronics & Defense, Nexter Systems, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, Diehl Defence, Bittium, Insta DefSec, (Un)Manned, dotOcean, Latvijas Mobilais Telefons, GMV Aerospace and Defence, and Belgium's Royal Military Academy. [...]

The requirements for iMUGS were set by project leader Estonia and six other countries: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia and Spain. The seven countries are contributing EUR 2 million to the EUR 32.6 million budget, according to Milrem.

The company said the project would involve the development of a modular and scalable architecture for hybrid manned-unmanned systems to standardise a Europe-wide ecosystem for aerial and ground platforms, command, control and communications, sensors, payloads, and algorithms. Among the areas to be addressed are increasing interoperability and situational awareness and speeding up decision making. Different payloads will be used on Milrem's existing THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle.

Die Prototypen des RCV-L für die US Streitkräfte zum Testen sind da:

Zitat:RCV-L's 3 and 4 were delivered to GVSC today, 2 weeks ahead of schedule. This completes the full contracted delivery of Robotic Combat Vehicle - Light in preparation for 2021 testing and experimentation.
Werbefilm von Milrem Robotics:

Zitat:The medium class Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle developed by the European leading robotics and autonomous systems developer Milrem Robotics passed its initial mobility tests.

Unbemannte vollautonome Kampfpanzer wären eine interressante Option da Schock-Truppen aufgrund der möglichen hohen Verluste als Feld für UGCV meiner Ansicht nach besonders geeignet sind.

Zitat:Milrem Robotics showcases robotic mini-tank at IDEX 2021

For the first time, the company has showcased its Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle.

The robotic combat vehicle can be fitted with a cannon up to 50mm hence it will provide equal or overmatching firepower and tactical usage to a unit equipped with Infantry Fighting vehicles.

The vehicle’s maximum speed is 80 km/h on paved roads and 50 km/h off-road. The low weight of 12 tons of the Type-X and high power with efficient power management provide a superior terrain capability and its low height of 2.2 m and a rear engine provide low visual and heat signature.

To create the Type-X Milrem Robotics utilized its knowledge gained from developing its THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle, intended to support dismounted troops.

Zitat:Russian futurist Evgeny Kuznetsov: future wars are not just going to be battles between robots, but contest between advanced economies capable of manufacturing such robotics in large numbers.

These eines russischen Futuristen: die Nation welche mehr Roboter schneller bauen kann, gewinnt den nächsten Krieg.

Ich selbst glaube rein persönlich nicht daran. Der Mensch ist einfach zu findig (und entsprechende KI der Zukunft werden noch findiger sein). Zudem: Selbst revolutionäre Veränderungen in der Kriegsführung ersetzten in den meisten Fällen nicht was vorher war, sondern sie traten an die Seite dessen was vorher war.
Südkoreanische Bodendrohne mit KI

Zitat:South Korea’s Hanwha Corporation announced that it has upgraded its AI-based ‘multi-purpose unmanned ground vehicle’ and preparing for the big military test with the Republic of Korea Army.

As noted by the company, the Multi-Purpose Unmanned Ground Vehicle’ is a futuristic defense robot system capable of carrying out various missions such as transporting ammunition, reconnaissance, and evacuating patients on the battlefield.

Company also says the artificial intelligence-based model featuring an autonomous return function was selected for a military test operation in the second half of this year to check its performance, operational convenience and tactical operability.

“The ROK army will evaluate the mission performance, operational convenience, and tactical operability of Multi-Purpose Unmanned Ground Vehicle in the second half of this year,” the statement said.

The prototype to be unveiled in July is a six-wheeled platform that strengthened export competitiveness by improving the maximum speed, load weight and range of the previous unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) capable of carrying supplies, searching battlefields, evacuating patients, and launching strikes.
Nach Kampfpanzern die Drohnen verschießen nun leichte Raketenartillerie als UGCV:

Zitat:USMC eyes a fleet of robotic JLTVs armed with long-range missiles to sink ships

The USMC is advancing plans for a new fleet of robotically controlled, ship-killing ground vehicles as part of its Force Design 2030 effort to reconfigure the force against potential threats from China.

It is pressing ahead with development of a new capability that pairs a modified Joint Light Tactical Vehicle
Und weiter zur unbemannten Raketenartillerie:

Zitat:We now have our first look at an unmanned variant the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle armed with Naval Strike Missile anti-ship cruise missiles that is under development for the U.S. Marine Corps. That service confirmed that a test of this system, an important component of an ongoing and radical restructuring of its forces, had taken place in November 2020, but no pictures were released at the time of the launch vehicle itself.
Autonome Drohnen mit Beinen:

und konventionellere UGCV mit Bewaffnung aus der Ukraine:

Sowie weitere Neuigkeiten zum von mir sehr hoch geschätzten Ripsaw M5:

Zitat:Final Robotic Combat Vehicle-Medium RCV-M Ripsaw M5 prototype delivered in May to NGCV CFT. The UGV looks quite different from previous images with several updates.
Amphibische Bodendrohne:

Zitat:Das spanische Unternehmen Sascorp beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines neuen amphibischen UGB, das bis zu 1.700 kg tragen kann und einen mit einer 40-mm-Kanone und zwei Panzerabwehrraketen bewaffneten Turm enthalten könnte.
Neuester Film zum Mission Master von Rheinmetall:

Bodendrohne als leichter Kampfpanzer:

Die gleiche Bodendrohne als Träger von Zielsuchender Munition:

Bodendrohne als Träger von Raketenartillerie:

Der primäre Vorteil ist hier natürlich die Gewichtsersparnis, was auf der taktischen Ebene die Querfeldeinbeweglichkeit erhöht und auf der strategischen Ebene die Transportierbarkeit.

Das primäre Problem dürfte die Abtarnung der entsprechenden Signatur sein.

Was mir bei THeMIS immer in den Sinn kommt ist, dass Fahrzeug bis zum Rand der Tragfähigkeit mit Sprengstoff vollzustopfen und als VBIED zu verwenden. Meiner Meinung nach denkt man in Bezug auf solche Systeme in Europa zu defensiv:
Neues Transport-UGV des USMC:

Zitat:The vehicle features a typical track configuration with a rubber track band and can reach speeds of up to 72 km/h. It has a payload capacity of 7,200 pounds.

The hybrid-electric powertain supports electric only silent watch and silent mobility. The continuous band track and low center of gravity helps the EMAV to climb a 60% grade, a 40% side slope and vertical steps up to 24 inches. In addition, the unit can provide exportable power of 28V and 320V.

The flat deck on the EMAV is 3.84 m long and 1.5 m wide, allowing it to carry significant payloads, both weaponised and for crew support. EMAV was designed with a narrow hull to ensure it is transportable in the V-22 and CH-47.
Russische Bodendrohne in Syrien:
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie realistisch der Einsatz von UGV/ UGCV's beim Einsatz gegen einen technologisch ebenbürtigen Gegner ist? Ist es möglich die Datenübertragung in einem Operationsfeld komplett zu stören? Ich dachte in der Ukraine kam das schon in größerem Maßstab durch die russische Armee vor.
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