20.12.2020, 15:47
Unterstützung für Milrem Robotics (eine estnische Firma) seitens der EU bzw. der EU-Kommission für die Entwicklung des integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System (iMUGS), eine Art Weiterentwicklung des sog. THeMIS (Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System), das auch schon in Mali zum Einsatz kam...
Zitat:Milrem-led consortium receives EU grant to develop European standard unmanned ground systemhttps://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-...und-system
The European Commission and Milrem Robotics signed a grant agreement during the week of 7 December for the development of the Integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System (iMUGS), the Estonian company announced in a press release on 14 December.
Milrem leads a European consortium formed to work on the project under the EU's European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP). The other consortium members are GT Cyber Technologies, Safran Electronics & Defense, Nexter Systems, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, Diehl Defence, Bittium, Insta DefSec, (Un)Manned, dotOcean, Latvijas Mobilais Telefons, GMV Aerospace and Defence, and Belgium's Royal Military Academy. [...]
The requirements for iMUGS were set by project leader Estonia and six other countries: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia and Spain. The seven countries are contributing EUR 2 million to the EUR 32.6 million budget, according to Milrem.
The company said the project would involve the development of a modular and scalable architecture for hybrid manned-unmanned systems to standardise a Europe-wide ecosystem for aerial and ground platforms, command, control and communications, sensors, payloads, and algorithms. Among the areas to be addressed are increasing interoperability and situational awareness and speeding up decision making. Different payloads will be used on Milrem's existing THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle.