
Normale Version: Iran - Streitkräfte
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Zitat:Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:32
Commander: Pin-Point Precision Capability of IRGC Artillery Determine Combat Strategy in Battlefields

TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour underlined IRGC's progress in building state-of-the-art weapons and equipment, and said the artilleries used by the IRGC enjoy the highest level of precision targeting possible.

"At present, strategies are centered on using one bomb or missile for one target and today we are witnessing that our artilleries enjoy pin-point precision targeting capability with the help of laser-guided Krasnopol rounds," Pakpour said, addressing a forum on the superior ammunitions of the Ground Force in Tehran on Wednesday.

He stressed that Iran is now moving towards the doctrine of one artillery round, bomb or missile for one target, adding that such a capability will both strengthen the Iranian forces' morale and weaken the enemies' will.
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Zitat:June 10, 2014
Iran: 5,000km-Range Missile Can Hit US Indian Ocean Base Diego Garcia

Tehran has ballistic missiles able to pound targets over twice as distant as previously thought, and can reach the American mid-ocean strategic base at Diego Garcia, a senior Iranian official has explicitly warned.

“In the event of a mistake on the part of the United States, their bases in Bahrain and (Diego) Garcia will not be safe from Iranian missiles,” said an Iranian Revolutionary Guard adviser to Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Majatba Dhualnuri.
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Zitat:Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:9
Iran's Ababil-3 Drone Enjoys Night-Vision Capability
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Zitat:Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:43
Iran Plans to Unveil Mid, Long-Range Missile Defense Systems

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran plans to unveil its latest achievements in area of missile technology on September 22, Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli announced on Wednesday.

"The latest mid- and long-range missile defense systems will be unveiled on September 22," Esmayeeli told FNA today.
The General further noted Iran's aerospace programs, and said the needed budget has been allocated for building "new (manned) planes and pilotless drones".
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Wargame and exercises > Basij > Special force unit Fatehin فاتحين
August 9, 2014 (Persian calendar 1393/5/18)
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Zitat:Iran Army's ground force received new homemade military equipments from DIO
August 26, 2014 (Persian calendar 1393/6/4)
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Zitat:Tehran military exhibition
August 27, 2014 (Persian calendar 1393/6/5)
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Iranisches S-300???
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28.08.2014 Ali Özkök

Die iranische Sicherheitsdoktrin - Wie Khamenei einen Krieg in Afghanistan verhinderte

Als Paradebeispiel der iranischen nationalen Sicherheitsdoktrin, wie sie bis heute Geltung hat und die auch nun im Zusammenhang mit dem Konflikt im Irak Anwendung findet, kann man mit Fug und Recht jenen Zeitabschnitt im August 1998 ansehen, als die fanatischen Taliban-Milizen Masar-e Scharif stürmten, eine Stadt im Norden Afghanistans, die zuvor von der dortigen Nordallianz gehalten worden war.

Die Nordallianz war mit Iran verbunden und unter ihrem Schutz standen mitunter die Persisch sprechenden sunnitischen sowie schiitischen Völker Afghanistans. Als die Taliban unter den diesen ein Massaker in der Stadt Masar-e Scharif anrichtete und in diesem Zusammenhang acht iranische Diplomaten gefangen nahm und tötete, wurde im Nationalen Sicherheitsrat Irans (SNSC) der Ruf nach einer militärischen Operation mit dem Ziel der Vernichtung der Taliban laut – drei Jahre, bevor die USA nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September einen ähnlichen Gedanken fassen sollten.
Zitat:Iran announces progress on long-range SAMs
Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 September 2014

Iran's air defence commander, Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili, claimed in a series of announcements made on 28 August and 1 September that the Islamic Republic is making progress on two indigenous long-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) programmes.

He said on 28 August that the Bavar-373 SAM had been successfully test-fired for the first time.
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Zitat:C4iSR: Air
More long-range Iranian early-warning radars revealed
Joseph S Bermudez Jr, Colorado - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 September 2014

Airbus Defence and Space satellite image from 7 October 2013 showing the probable Sepehr radar complex in northwest Iran. Each of the four radar arrays is supported by a possible height-finding array and a sensor mast. (CNES 2013, Distribution Airbus DS / Spot Image / IHS)

*Iran is making significant progress in building a network of long-range early-warning radars.

*IHS Jane's has identified what appears to be the 3,000 km range Sepehr radar in the northwest of the country, as well as a prototype facility for the Ghadir radar that was unveiled in June.

Satellite imagery obtained by IHS Jane's shows that Iran has two more long-range, early-warning radar sites in addition to the one that was unveiled earlier this year.
If the Kordestan radar is the Sepehr and has a detection range of 3,000 km, it would provide 360o coverage of all Iran as well as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Turkey and Pakistan. It also provides partial coverage of Eastern Europe, southwest Russia (including Moscow), western India and most of the Arabian Sea.
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Die Komponenten in Syrien vom PMU1, finden diese nun ihren Weg in den Iran?
Sollen ja immerhin dort verschrottet werden. Oder landet gleich die ganze Bestellung nun dort?
Die Bavar-373 Module weisen deutliche Unterschiede zu S-300 und HQ-9 auf.
Zitat:Naval Weapons
Pentagon report says Iran is fielding anti-ship ballistic missiles
Jeremy Binnie, London and Daniel Wasserbly, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
08 September 2014

Iran's Khalij Fars anti-ship ballistic missile (AShBM) - a weapon that could shift the military balance in the Gulf region - is being delivered to operational units, according to the US Department of Defense's annual report to Congress on the Islamic Republic's military capabilities.

"Tehran is quietly fielding increasingly lethal symmetric and asymmetric weapon systems, including more advanced naval mines, small but capable submarines, coastal defence cruise missile batteries, attack craft, and anti-ship ballistic missiles," the report's declassified executive summary said.

This is the first corroboration of Iranian claims that the AShBM is in service. US officials declined to comment further on the report, which was submitted to Congress in January.

The Khalij Fars is a version of the Fateh-110 tactical ballistic missile with an electro-optical (EO) seeker that enables it to home in on a ship's infrared signature in its terminal phase. The Iranian media has reported that the missile has the same 300 km range and 650 kg warhead as the more recent versions of the Fateh-110.
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Wie weit ist der Bau der neuen Zerstörer? Ist das zweite Schiff für das Kaspische Meer schon im Bau? Und wie sieht es mit dem neuen Tiefseehafen im indischen Ozean aus? Und auch hier die Frage ob ein zweiter neuer Zerstörer schon Aktiv hier ist?

Wie sieht die Kooperation mit Nord Korea aus? Ist hier eine Kopie des Zerstörers zu erwarten?
Zum Status der Mowj Klasse Fregatten, siehe:

Zitat:1st Hull- Jamaran- Fully Operational
2nd Hull- Damavand- Completed/Launched/Undergoing sea trails
3rd Hull- Sahand- Hull complete/Launched/Undergoing "fitting out" process (now apparently back in dry dock)
4th Hull- Unknown- Main Hull assembly complete/not yet launched at Bostanu Shipyard
5th Hull- Unknown- Main Hull assembly underway at Bandar Abbas
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Karrar UCAV