
Normale Version: Iran - Streitkräfte
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Wenn doch - ich bin davon ausgegangen, dass der Iran eine bessere Gewaltenteilung hat. Polizei und Militär sollten lieber nicht derselben Organisation angehören.
Was das Video angeht: sehr hektisch und konfus. Der Aussagewert sinkt gegen Null, wenn man kein Wort Farsi spricht. Was nützt das dem Rest des Forums?
Die gezeigte Truppe ist eine Sondereinheit der Polizei (NOPO), keine Sondereinheit von Armee oder Marine. Dass nur letztere zu den Streitkräften zu zählen sind, halte ich für ein Gerücht.

Zitat: Polizei und Militär sollten lieber nicht derselben Organisation angehören.

So verallgemeinert ist die Aussage absolut nicht haltbar. Politisch und ideologisch mag das nachvollziehbar erscheinen, wenn es unterschiedliche Mandate/Befugnisse und Legitimierungsstellen gibt. Operativ hat eine strikte Trennung in Bezug auf Organisation und Kompetenzen von Polizei und Militär vor allem nur Nachteile. Die iranische Polizei hat in bestimmten Landesteilen ganz bewusst stark paramilitärische Züge. Die Kampfkraft liegt dann sehr deutlich über dem, was man im allgemeinen der "Polizei" zurechnet. Genau für diesen Zweck gab es bis 1990 sogar noch eine spezielle Gendarmerie. Im Einsatz waren und sind u.a. MG versch. Größen bis zu Kaliber 23mm, RPG-7, gepanzerte Fahrzeuge und bewaffnete!! Helikopter. Die schweren Jungs haben ja fast immer AK, Dragunovs und manche auch PKM und RPG dabei. Wiederholt wurden Polizeistationen gezielt von kurdischen und belutschischen Rebellen angegriffen. Den Begriff der "Exekutive" hat man in 2010 an der Grenze zu Afghanistan und Pakistan in über 700 Fällen direkt an Ort und Stelle wörtlich genommen (bei etwa 150 eigenen Verlusten). Das liegt eben an der unterschiedlichen Militarisierung von Räuber und Gendarme. Insofern wäre ich gespannt auf die Gesichter, wenn Du denen mal mit Deinen rechtsstaatlich-ethischen Einwänden hinsichtlich Gewaltenteilung kommst und ihnen erklärst, dass das Innenministerium sie ohne OK des Parlaments nicht mit gepanzerten Fahrzeugen hätte ausstatten dürfen...oder sowas.
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Zitat:Iran Starts Building Powerful Air Defense Base in South
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian military has started construction of its largest air defense base in Southern Iran, a senior commander announced on Tuesday.

Deputy Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base for Engineering Affairs Mohammad Hosseini further added that the new air defense site is built in the city of Abadeh in the Southern Fars province.

He said the air defense base is due to be built at the cost of $300mln and will have 6,000 personnel for a large array of duties, including educational ones. Hosseini also said that the super modern air defense base will include one of the most important military training centers of the country which will be comprised of seven battalions.
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Zitat:Iran Starts Building Powerful Air Defense Base in South
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian military has started construction of its largest air defense base in Southern Iran, a senior commander announced on Tuesday.

Deputy Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base for Engineering Affairs Mohammad Hosseini further added that the new air defense site is built in the city of Abadeh in the Southern Fars province.

He said the air defense base is due to be built at the cost of $300mln and will have 6,000 personnel for a large array of duties, including educational ones. Hosseini also said that the super modern air defense base will include one of the most important military training centers of the country which will be comprised of seven battalions.
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Neues Luftabwehrsystem Raad

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(Das Bildmaterial kann auch von Minderjährigen betrachtet werden)
Infos über die Zolfaqar Panzer:

Commander Cites Zolfaqar Tanks as "Army's Key Asset in Asymmetric Warfare"
Zolfaqar is a second generation of Iran's main battle tank (MBT). The test prototypes of the tank were evaluated in 1993. Six semi-industrial prototypes of the tank were produced and tested in 1997. The tank has a distinctive box-shaped, steel-welded turret of local design. Zolfaqar combat weight is reported to be 36 tons and has a 780 hp diesel engine; the tank has a 21.7 hp per ton ratio.

Zolfaqar is operated by a crew of three personnel. The automatic loader is believed to be the same one from the T-72 tank.

The Zolfaqar-1 uses a fire control system which enjoys a 'fire-on-the-move' technology. The Zolfaqar mounts a laser-warning pod on the turret. Its design enables the tank to use an Iranian-made package of reactive armor.

Zolfaqar-2 is a prototype tank used as a test bed. The Zolfaqar-3 also features considerable upgrades to the fire control system, chassis, engine and main gun, with a 125mm autoloader.
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Zitat:Iran Displays Long-Range Ballistic Missile in Defense Exhibition

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Armed Forces showcased the country's latest defensive capabilities, including an advanced ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers.

Different types of tanks, armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery, personnel carriers and light weapons are on display in "Yad-e Yaran Exhibition" in Tehran on the occasion of the Sacred Defense Week, commemorating Iranians' sacrifices during the 8 years of Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.
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Die iranische Armee führt neben dem AM.50 (lokaler Lizenzbau des Steyr HS.50) ein weiteres großkalibriges Scharfschützengewehr mit Namen "Shaher" ein:

Zitat:Iranian Army Unveils 2 New Home-Made Products

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Army Ground Force on Saturday unveiled a tactical vehicle and a sniper rifle, and said the two home-made military products will remarkably increase the army's combat capability.

Commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan unveiled Neinava tactical vehicle and Shaher 14.5mm sniper rifle in a ceremony at the Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization of the Iranian Army today.
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Iran to Unveil New Home-Made Hovercraft, Missiles in Coming Days
"By the next few days we will unveil a new hovercraft which will give new capabilities to the naval forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said, speaking to reporters after a cabinet meeting here in Tehran on Wednesday.

He added that the Iranian Ministry of Defense also plans to unveil new missiles which have been manufactured by Iran completely.
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Basij Units Start Massive Wargames in Western Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Basij (volunteer) forces staged a massive wargames in the country's Western province of Kermanshah on Monday.

Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami, Commander of Kermanshah's Corps Mohammad Nazar Azimi, Governor-General of Kermanshah Seyed Dadvash Hashemi as well as a number of senior provincial and military officials attended the ceremony to officially start the drills, codenamed Beitol-Moqaddas (Jerusalem).

Ten thousand Basji forces are present in the wargames underway in Tangeh Konesh region.
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Zitat:Iran unveiled its produced Shahed 129 spy plane and military armoured vehicle "Hoveyzeh"
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Zitat:Iran's Army unveiled and displayed 2.5 tons Neynava truck and 14.5 mm Shaher sniper in action
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Zitat:Ra'd Iran new Iranian home-made air defense vehicle system test-fired Taer missile army IRGC
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Iran to Unveil New Home-Made Hovercraft, Missiles in Coming Days
"By the next few days we will unveil a new hovercraft which will give new capabilities to the naval forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said, speaking to reporters after a cabinet meeting here in Tehran on Wednesday.

He added that the Iranian Ministry of Defense also plans to unveil new missiles which have been manufactured by Iran completely.
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Basij Units Start Massive Wargames in Western Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Basij (volunteer) forces staged a massive wargames in the country's Western province of Kermanshah on Monday.

Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami, Commander of Kermanshah's Corps Mohammad Nazar Azimi, Governor-General of Kermanshah Seyed Dadvash Hashemi as well as a number of senior provincial and military officials attended the ceremony to officially start the drills, codenamed Beitol-Moqaddas (Jerusalem).

Ten thousand Basji forces are present in the wargames underway in Tangeh Konesh region.
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Zitat:Iran unveiled its produced Shahed 129 spy plane and military armoured vehicle "Hoveyzeh"
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Zitat:Iran's Army unveiled and displayed 2.5 tons Neynava truck and 14.5 mm Shaher sniper in action
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Zitat:Ra'd Iran new Iranian home-made air defense vehicle system test-fired Taer missile army IRGC
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Zitat:Iran Unveils Modern Fire-Control System for Home-Made Zulfiqar Tank

Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan on Wednesday underlined the army's high capability to produce different hi-tech military tools and weapons, including a modern fire-control system mounted on the home-made

"The new fire control system of Zulfiqar tank has been manufactured and unveiled and the laser telemetry devices have also been mounted onto the tanks.

Zulfiqar can now vie with the world's most advanced tanks," Pourdastan told reporters on Wednesday. Zulfiqar is a second generation of Iran's main battle tank (MBT). The test prototypes of the tank were evaluated in 1993. Six semi-industrial prototypes of the tank were produced and tested in 1997.
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Zitat:Iran Unveils Modern Fire-Control System for Home-Made Zulfiqar Tank

Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan on Wednesday underlined the army's high capability to produce different hi-tech military tools and weapons, including a modern fire-control system mounted on the home-made

"The new fire control system of Zulfiqar tank has been manufactured and unveiled and the laser telemetry devices have also been mounted onto the tanks.

Zulfiqar can now vie with the world's most advanced tanks," Pourdastan told reporters on Wednesday. Zulfiqar is a second generation of Iran's main battle tank (MBT). The test prototypes of the tank were evaluated in 1993. Six semi-industrial prototypes of the tank were produced and tested in 1997.
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Nach Abschuss in Israel
Iran brüstet sich mit Drohnen-Technologie

Israel hat eine iranische Drohne abgeschossen - doch angeblich nicht das neueste Modell. Das behauptet zumindest das Regime in Teheran: Laut Verteidigungsminister Vahidi sind die Ingenieure der Islamischen Republik schon viel weiter.
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Nach Abschuss in Israel
Iran brüstet sich mit Drohnen-Technologie

Israel hat eine iranische Drohne abgeschossen - doch angeblich nicht das neueste Modell. Das behauptet zumindest das Regime in Teheran: Laut Verteidigungsminister Vahidi sind die Ingenieure der Islamischen Republik schon viel weiter.
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29 October


Iranian navy corvette SHAHID NAQDI and supply ship KHARG dock at Port Sudan (Sudan)
(rmks: anti-piracy task group currently employed in the Gulf of Aden, diverted for a “political visit” in the aftermath of the - Israeli - attack on Sudanese arms factory).
