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Zitat:Iran sets forth aerospace industry improvement
LONDON, Oct 20 ( IranMania) - Iran has prioritized improving the country’s aerospace industry within a long-term plan of action, Iran's Mehr News Agency said.
During his visit to SAHA (Iranian Air Industry Company) and Fajr Ashtian Co., Es'haq Jahangiri, the Iranian Minster of Industry and Mines said he would support air industry developments although he is not in authority for that. “Defense industry is related to most of other industries in Iran.”
“In order to achieve the objectives seen in the strategic 20-year development plan, we should try to obtain the most state-of-the-art facilities in various sectors including air industry”, Jahangiri uttered. It should of course be done with great sensitivity.
The minister also said that the removal of import barriers was ordered so as to create a competitive market of aerospace facilities inside the country. “We have planned to cut import duties down to 20% during the next ten years,” Jahangiri implied. He also said that his office will soon provide a list of high quality domestic products. “All governmental organizations will be told to buy only the listed materials.”
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Zitat:Iran to construct gas power plant in Zimbabwe
LONDON, Oct 19 (IranMania) - Energy Minister Habibollah Bitaraf has said Iran is to construct a gas power plant in Zimbabwe, the Persian- language `Abrar-e Eqtesadi` wrote on Tuesday.
According to the daily, Bitaraf`s remarks were made during a meeting with Zimbabwean Ambassador to Tehran S.C. Chiketa. Bitaraf, during the meeting, expressed
Iran`s readiness to bolster economic ties with African countries, saying Iran-Zimbabwe cooperation should focus on projects that can be implemented easily.
Hmm..ich packe es mal hier hin, weil ich überrascht bin, daß im Iran so ausführlich mitgefeiert wurde...(ist allerdings schon bissel älter)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.chinaembassy.ir/eng/dtxw/t145454.htm">http://www.chinaembassy.ir/eng/dtxw/t145454.htm</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Reception held on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
August 1st, 2004 marks the 77th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. In the afternoon, the reception of the anniversary was hosted by Senior Colonel Zhang Shuchun, the Army, Navy and Air Force Attache of the Chinese embassy. Chinese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Liu Zhentang and other diplomats of the Chinese embassy were present at the reception.
Representatives from the Army, Navy and Air Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, Information Ministry, Defense Ministry, Foreign Ministry, other local friends from various circles, ambassadors and military attaches from foreign missions to Iran, chief representatives from Chinese companies and Chinese oversea students, totally over 150 attended the reception. Congratulatory messages were received on the eve of the Army Day.
Bilder sagen oft mehr als tausend Worte

Kann es sein, daß sich das Verhältnis deutlich intensiviert hat ?
Tja, der Iran hat viele Waffensysteme von der VR China gekauft. Gute Kunden begrüßt man natürlich mit einem Lächeln, wenn sie den Laden betreten.
Aber was man wirklich und privat über den Kunden denkt...:evil:
Die Asiaten werden einen immer anlächeln, auch wenn sie im nächsten Augenblick mit dem Katana oder einem Ching die Körpergröße etwas "kürzen", Emotionen und wahre Gedanken zu verbergen gehört zur Tradition, somit würde ich auf dieses Lächeln sehr wenig Wert legen. Da der Iran nicht nur als Waffenkäufer, sondern auch als Rohstofflieferant für die Chinesen durchaus interessant ist, ist die Pflege und evtl. weiterer Ausbau der Beziehungen eine logische Notwendigkeit, unabhängig davon wie sehr man sich wirklich mag. Da der Iran auch nur noch das letzte verbleibende Land in der Region ist, das eine relevante Größe, Bevölkerung und Rohstoffreserven hat und das noch nicht unter US Kontrolle oder einer US-Marionetten steht, ist dies auch die letzte Möglichkeit für die Chinesen in der Region den Fuß in die Türe zu bekommen. Da es lange bekannt ist das die USA Iran ins Fadenkreuz genommen haben, kann der rote Rieße als Partner oder gar Verbündeter sicher nicht schaden.
Tja wie sagt man doch so schön...Der Feind meines Feindes ist mein Freund !
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212605&n=13">http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212605&n=13</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Nazarbayev urges more ties with Iran
Tehran, Oct 22 - Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev in Almaty on Friday stressed Iran's constructive role in the region, calling for further cooperation.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212477&n=15">http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212477&n=15</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Iran, Belarus discuss mutual ties
Tehran, Oct 19 - Belarus Ambassador to Tehran Leonid Rachkov and head of the Majlis foreign policy and national security commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi in a meeting here Tuesday discussed matters of mutual concern.
Lauding the successful parliamentary elections and the recent referendum in Belarus,..
Zitat:..he hoped that the Iran-Belarus economic and trade exchanges will expand together with political ties in accordance with the potentials of the two countries.
For his part, Rachkov expressed pleasure with the current trend of bilateral ties. Appreciating dispatch of Iran's representative to oversee the parliamentary elections in Belarus, he referred to it as a sign of Majlis support for expansion of political and parliamentary ties.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212599&n=31">http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212599&n=31</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:China supports Iran's nuclear rights
Almaty, Oct 22 - Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing here Thursday underlined Iran's right to use peaceful nuclear energy.
In a meeting with Iran's deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs, Gholam-Ali Khoshrou, Li said China would continue cooperation with Iran within the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
During the meeting held on the sidelines of the foreign ministerial conference on interaction and confidence-building measures in Asia, Khoshrou briefed the Chinese minister on the latest Iran-IAEA and Iran-EU negotiations.
Khoshrou insisted on Iran's absolute right to use nuclear energy peacefully and called for China's support for his country's stance.
The two sides expressed satisfaction over promotion of bilateral ties and similar stance in international organizations including the IAEA.
Der Iran kauft Waffen, liefert Rohstoffe. Die Chinesen liefern Waffen und kaufen Rohstoffe

Rein strategisch verfolgen beide das Ziel, daß sich die Amerikaner in der Region nicht ausbreiten. Diese neue Freundschaft kommt also, wie in der Politik üblich, nicht weil die Chinesen so hübsch lächeln, sondern weil es sich für beide Seiten anbietet. Im Zuge der aktuellen Frage um Irans Atomprogramm, ist es für den Iran sehr wichtig in Russland und jetzt auch in China Fürsprecher zu haben.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212485&n=35">http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212485&n=35</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Trade deficit hit $20.6b last year
Tehran, Oct 20 - Iran trade deficit skyrocketed to dlrs 20.6 million excluding oil, gas and service, said a report released here Tuesday by Iran annual foreign trade Survey.
"The figure was 16.7 percent higher than in the same period last year."
It said that Iran's foreign trade balance with 165 countries shows trade surplus with 91 countries and trade deficits with 74 trading partners.
The highest trade deficit was recorded with Germany with dlrs 2.7 billion followed by United Arab Emirates (UAE) with dlrs 2.6 billion.
After the two above-mentioned countries Iran registered dlrs 2.2 million, dlrs 1.5 billion and dlrs 1.3 billion of trade deficits with France, Italy and China, respectively which if together the five states make up about 50.2 percent of the total trade deficit.
The trade surplus were recorded with Iraq with dlrs 492.7 million, Afghanistan dlrs 258.1 million and Azerbaijan Republic with dlrs 210.9 million.
Iran also had a dlrs 80.6 million trade surplus with the US in the same period.
Trade exchanges between Iran and the US stood at dlrs 120 million during the first half of 2004.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://iranreloaded.q2u.net/">http://iranreloaded.q2u.net/</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Steigende Stromnachfrage
Allein im ersten Halbjahr des laufenden Jahres ist der iranische Stromverbrauch gegenueber dem Vorjahresraum um 10% gestiegen. Insgesamt liefert die iranische Elektrizitaetsgesellschaft 103 Mrd. Kwh. Der Stromverbrauch ist jetzt sechsmal hoeher als im Jahre 1978. Einen Vertrag zum Bau des ersten privaten Kraftwerks hat die belgische Firma Unit-International mit dem Iran abgeschlossen. Zudem hat Siemens einen Untervertrag zur Lieferung von drei 264 mw-Turbinen und elektronische Ausruestung in Wert von mehreren Millionen Euro erhalten. Das Kraftwerk soll in drei Stufen gebaut werden. Die Finanzierung erfolgt �ber die deutsche Hypo-Vereinsbank. Des Weiteren plant der Iran bis zum Jahre 2007 den Bau von 6 privat gefuehrte Kraftwerke mit einer Gesamtleistung vom ueber 4600 mw zur Deckung seiner Stromnachfrage.
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Zitat:"Iran claims $97.2 bln reparations from Iraq"
LONDON, Oct 23 (IranMania) - Iran has asked the International Monetary Fundto add $97 bln and 200 mln to its Iraqi debt assessment to cover reparations for the 1980-1988 war between the two states, Middle East Economic Survey (MEES) reports in its latest edition.
Quoting "authoritative sources," the industry newsletter said the request, made in a letter sent to the IMF last month, "could not have come at a worse time for Iraq" as it negotiates a reduction in its foreign debt.
According to the IMF, Iraq is saddled with a foreign debt estimated at $120 bln, excluding reparations it owes Kuwait for its 1990 invasion of the emirate and the subsequent Gulf War.
According to MEES, the Iranian claim covers the non-military cost of the war to Iran, and while it is not the first time Tehran has made such claims, it is the first time it has put its claims forward to an international organization.
It is unclear how the IMF, which concluded a debt sustainability analysis earlier this year, will deal with Tehran's request "since there is no UN resolution that takes into account the Iranian compensation claim," the Cyprus-based newsletter added in its edition due out on Monday.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212665&n=32">http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=212665&n=32</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Iran Khodro hits 2,000 car-per-day
Tehran, Oct 23 - Iran Khodro is now capable of producing 2,000 cars a day, hoping for a total output of 600,000 cars at the end of the year, said the English-language daily `Tehran Times' on Saturday.

Zitat:Katzav: Iran steht hinter Terror
Israels Präsident: "60 bis 70 Prozent der von Westjordanland ausgehenden Terroraktivitäten von der Hisbollah verübt"
Wien Der israelische Präsident Moshe Katzav hat dem Iran vorgeworfen, hinter einem Großteil der vom Westjordanland ausgehenden Terroraktivitäten gegen Israel zu stehen. "Der Iran ist im Terrorismus sehr aktiv. 60 bis 70 Prozent des Terrors aus dem Westjordanland kommt von der Hisbollah, die vom Iran finanziert wird", sagte Katzav am Donnerstag am Rande seines Staatsbesuchs in Wien.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1833700">http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1833700</a><!-- m -->
Da brauchst du gar nicht :rofl: zu machen.Find ich in dem Zusammehang ziemlich unpassend.Das der iran dem Terror in den Palästinensergebieten positiv gesinnt ist und Anschläge gegen israelis gutheißt ist ja bekannt.
Mitleidsbekundungen hab ich aus dem iran jedenfalls noch nicht gehört wenn sich ein Selbstmordattentäter/in in einem israelischen Schulbus in die Luft sprengt.

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Zitat:Sadra Co. to build, overhaul 70,000-ton ships
LONDON, Oct 25 (IranMania) - Iran Marine Industries Company (Sadra) will soon be capable of building and overhauling ships with a capacity of up to 70,000 tons at its Caspian Sea Complex.
According to Petroenergy Information network (PIN), deputy managing director of the company noted that due to activation of contracts for building 63,000-ton, the company started making a 100,000-ton dry pool measuring 250m by 40m by 10m during a visit by President Khatami.
Qasem Golnejad noted that the project is going through excavation phase and its structure phase is to be implemented in 16 months.
The official stated that the pool will be established at the company's Neka shipyards to receive orders for building and overhauling ships from countries belonging to Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
He said Sadra has build a similar pool at its shipyards in Bushehr, southern Iran, which measures 300m by 50m and is capable of overhauling ships up to a capacity of 150,000 tons.