Shahab der wein aus den gedichten ist ein anderer, auch im Koran wird den gläubigen wein versprochen

Wein hat in der Poesie eine andere bedeutung genau wie andere begriffe wie Baum, Wal, Wasser usw...
Das stimmt doch garnicht !
Zitat:Du höchster Herr, des Glaubens Hort, der ohne Ruh
Urteile fällt und Strafen mißt jedwedem zu,
säufst dich am Blut der Sünder satt wie wir am Wein !
Sag, wer verdient der Hölle Pein? Wir oder du?
.. von Khayyam
Zitat:Spülte nicht der Wein den Kummer aus der Seele uns heraus,
machte bald der Zorn des Schicksals unserm Leibe den Garaus.
, Könnte nicht im Rausch mitunter unser Geist vor Anker gehn,
würde all die Leidensstürme unser Schifflein nicht bestehn.
Ach, noch jeden nahm der Himmel unbedenklich sich zum Ziel.
Keiner war, der je gewinnen konnte dieses arge Spiel.
Finster ist's, wo bleibt der Chisr, der den rechten Weg uns lehrt,
eh das Feuer der Entbehrung gar den ganzen Leib verzehrt?
Meine schwache Seele zog es sehnsuchtsvoll zur Wiese hin,
wo, vom flauen Wind umfächelt, ich dem Tode wollt entfliehn.
"Schenke", rief ich, "Arzt der Liebe, gib mirWein!
Nur Wein allein kann mich retten, kann vertreiben alle Angst und Herzenspein !"
Doch, was half's? Hafis verbrannte! Und der Freundin blieb's verhehlt.
Gebe Gott, daß es mit sanftem Flüstern ihr der Wind erzählt!
...von Hafiz
Da gibts keine alternative Interpretation, als das Gesöff WEIN !
Shiraz ist weiterhin der vermutete Ursprung des Weins.
Wein hat Tradition in der Persischen Kultur. Das kann man nicht ernsthaft leugnen ! :wall:
shahab du irrst dich
"Schenke", rief ich, "Arzt der Liebe, gib mirWein!
Artzt der Liebe (Gott)
Was schenkt er Liebe natürlich =Wein
Doch, was half's? Hafis verbrannte
Durch den wein nämlich (der liebe) zu Gott
Ausserdem leugne ich das mit dem richtigen wein nicht, das hat nicht nur in der persischen kultur na sagen wir mal eine tradition, ändert aber nichts daran das es verboten ist.nur hat hafez damit nichts zu tun
Großer Unmut über die Wahlen vom Februar unter großen Politikern der Reformer.
Folge : heftige Kritik, Rücktritte, Absage zur Kandidatur zur Präsidentschaftswahl..
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Zitat:Blow to Iran's reformers by Moussavi's refusal
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - ©2004
LONDON, Oct 13 (IranMania) - The man Iran's embattled reformist movement had hoped would be the Islamic republic's next president, former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Moussavi, has rejected calls for him to stand in next June's elections, a senior offical said.
According to a top reformist official, Moussavi put an end to weeks of lobbying by his pro-reform backers -- including incumbent President Mohammad Khatami -- by stating he had no wish to return to the political fray, the official news agency IRNA reported late Tuesday.
"Unfortunately Mir Hossein Moussavi, the Prime Minister from the glorious Khomeini era, has refused to be a candidate in the presidential elections," said Mehdi Karoubi, the former reformist parliament speaker.
No explanation was given.
With Khatami's second and final term in office due to come to an end in June 2005, the reformist movement had been rallying behind Moussavi as the best hope of dragging it out of a political wilderness.
Reformists are badly isolated after most of their candidates were barred from contesting February's parliament elections. Conservatives and hardliners now control most public positions except for the executive.
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Zitat:Abtahi named presidential advisor
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - ©2004
LONDON, Oct 13 (IranMania) - President Mohammad Khatami Tuesday accepted the resignation of Vice-President for Legal and Parliamentary affairs Mohammad Ali Abtahi and later appointed him presidential advisor, Iran's State News Agency (IRNA) reported.
Abtahi resigned in protest over the impeachment last week of then Minister of Roads and Transport Ahmad Khorram.
He had earlier this year tendered his resignation in protest at the Guardian Council`s barring of many reformist candidates from running in the parliamentary elections in February, a move which he termed as "undemocratic."
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Zitat:Vizepräsident tritt zurück
Reformpolitiker Abtahi will nicht mehr mit Konservativen zusammenarbeiten
Teheran - Der iranische Vizepräsident Mohammed Ali Abtahi ist am Dienstag zurückgetreten. Als Grund nannte er, dass er nicht mit dem von den konservativen Kräften beherrschten Parlament zusammenarbeiten könne. Abtahi, ein Vertrauter von Präsident Mohammed Khatami, hatte erstmals im Februar seinen Rücktritt eingereicht, der damals aber noch abgelehnt wurde.
Abtahi war als Vizepräsident für rechtliche Fragen und für die Beziehungen zum Parlament zuständig. Er betonte, er werde Khatami weiter beraten und stehe zur Reformpolitik.
Abtahi dagegen ist vielen Konservativen seit längerem ein Dorn im Auge. Es war nämlich der bisherige Vizepräsident, der den Fall einer in iranischer Haft verstorbenen iranisch-kanadischen Fotojournalistin Zahra Kazemi ans Licht brachte.
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Zitat:Russia Says Finished Building Iran Nuclear Plant
Thu Oct 14, 2004 07:22 AM ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's top nuclear authority said on Thursday it had finished construction of an atomic power plant in Iran -- a project the United States fears Tehran could use to make nuclear arms.
"We're done. All we need to do now is work out (with the Iranians) the agreement on sending spent fuel back to Russia," said a spokesman for Russia's Atomic Energy Agency (RosAtom).
The 1,000-megawatt, $800 million Bushehr plant is due to be launched in the next year or so and reach full capacity in 2006.
The RosAtom spokesman said work still remained to be done on assembling some security and control equipment.

iran ist das erste weinanbaugebiet der welt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
, der stoff kommt aus türkei, wie unschwer ach auf den bierdosen zu erkennen ist , und über sulaimaniyah dann nach iran vertickert, das ist ein riesengeschäft, da iraner, erstens einer der größsten drogenkonsumenten der welt sind , und zweitens , wein und bier, bei iranern eigentlich beliebter sind als wasser und tee
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Zitat:Iran group NPC in running to buy venture
LONDON, Oct 15 ( IranMania) - The Iranian petrochemicals group NPC and two financial consortia are in the running to buy plastics company Basell, a joint venture between BASF and Shell, for three to four billion eurosbillion dollars), the Financial Times Deutschland reported Friday.
NPC, which is owned by the Iranian oil ministry, is just one of a list of strategic firms in the Middle East eyeing Basell, the newspaper said, quoting banking sources.
Basell is a 50-50 joint venture between BASF, the world's biggest chemicals maker, and the Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell. It has annual sales of six billion euros and a workforce of some 6,500. It is the world's leading maker of polyolefins, plastics that used in a variety of sectors, such as the food, agriculture and auto industries.
Na das wäre doch mal ein guter Kauf ! :daumen:
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Zitat:Iran's hardline MPs try to block Rafsanjani
LONDON, Oct 15 ( IranMania) - Several hardline Iranian deputies have proposed a law that would stop those over 70 years of age from standing in next year's presidential election -- a move that would block a comeback by powerful former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, AFP reported.
According to the Shargh newspaper, deputies have already begun drawing up a text and could present it in 2005.
"The current law only states that Iranians over the age of 30 can be a candidate, but does not provide an upper age limit. We would like to correct that," conservative MP Reza Talai-Nik was quoted as saying.
"In the past 25 years, no person over 70 has held an executive post," he added.
Contacted by AFP, the MP said the text "has not yet been finalised", and added the age limit could be set somewhere between 70 and 75. He also revealed that "some politicians are opposed to such a law".
Conservatives who now control the parliament, or Majlis, used age as one of their campaign platforms in the general election, calling for the "older generation to make way for the new generation."
The Shargh report did not say if the text was specifically aimed at Rafsanjani -- who will celebrate his 71st birthday next year, is seen as a pragmatic conservative and who has been openly mulling standing in next June's polls.
Also Rafsanjani wäre garantiert ne Nummer zu heftig. Schön, daß die Iraner das auch so sehen...
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Zitat:Iran's oil surplus revenue hits $10b - MP
"Iran`s revenue from oil export was $10 bln more than the figures predicted in the Third Development Plan which will be injected into Forex Reserves Fund," he said. He added agriculture, industry and expansion of services are top priorities for using this credit.
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Zitat:Spanish firm signs oil deal
LONDON, Oct 16 (IranMania) - The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) signed a multi-million-dollar agreement with the giant Spanish oil firm, Respol YPF, for exploration operations in Forouz and Iran-Mehr oil blocks in southern Iran.
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Zitat:Total to develop South Pars Phase 11
LONDON, Oct 16 (IranMania) - According to an AMN report, a contract is to be finalized between the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and the French Total for the development of both the 11th phase in South Pars and the production unit of LNG, said the managing director of NIOC, Mehdi Mirmoezzi.
heißt dass, ( bei 10 milliarden mehr als erwartet ) dass das iranische wirtschaftswachstum dieses jahr wieder höher ausfallen wird, als erwartet
Das kann gut sein. Allerdings hätte das in diesem Fall keine Aussagekraft, weil die Mehreinnahmen ( über Erwartung ) ja durch den hohen Ölpreis verursacht sind.
Wenn der Iran das Geld aber, wie angekündigt, in die Wirtschaft investiert sehe ich darin durchaus einen Vorteil für das Wirtschaftawachstum.
Und es muss ja auch einiges getan werden. Es gibt genug Betriebe, die ihre Waren nur noch durch staatliche Subventionen an den Mann bringen können, weil die alten Maschinen unwirtschaftlich produzieren. So zwischen total überaltert und hochmodern gibts nicht viel. Und das muss sich in nächster zeit ändern.
Zitat:Einstieg in das Geschäft mit dem Iran
Bissendorf (Se.-Eigenbericht)
Die voestalpine Matzner GmbH & Co. KG, Bissendorf, die vor allem in den Bereichen Engineering, Betriebsmittelplanung und -konstruktion, Betriebsmittelbau sowie Prototypen- und Kleinserienfertigung tätig ist, will sich auch im Iran verstärkt engagieren. Die Tochtergesellschaft der voestalpine AG, Linz, hat erste Aufträge im Wert von einer Million Euro erhalten.
Verhandlungen über weitere Aufträge laufen. Die Geschäftsführer Alexander C. Walter und Karl Radlmayr rechnen damit, die Verträge über ein Volumen von mehreren Millionen Euro bis zum Jahresende unter Dach und Fach zu bekommen. Darüber hinaus ist ein eigener Standort im Iran auf Basis eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens geplant. Die Vorbereitungen für die Realisierung dieses Vorhabens laufen bereits. Das Management verspricht sich vom Iran-Einstieg einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur anvisierten Geschäftsausweitung, zumal dort ein ähnliches Wirtschaftswachstum wie in China erwartet wird.
Zitat:Region enjoy Russia-Iran cooperation
08:57:07 Þ.Ù
Moscow, Oct 17 - Head of Russian Duma Defense Commission called here Saturday for forging regular meetings with the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission in a bid to exchange experiences, information and views on various political, defense and military matters.
Speaking to IRNA Viktor Zavarzin said these sorts of exchanges could prove useful in reform of two states' military forces.
Alluding to the prospects of Tehran-Moscow relations he said the accords signed by the two nations presidents in 2001 on expansion of economic, political and defense issues will be beneficial for the region and the wider world.
The experiences of peace in Tajikistan with participation of Iran and Russia indicates that the two nations efforts could have a perceptible effect on establishing stability in the Middle East, Caucasus, Central Asia and Caspian Sea, the Duma member ad ded.
He underscored the importance of Tehran and Moscow's stance on Iraq and Afghanistan's peace and stability saying "the presence of the US is stoking instability and insecurity in the those countries."
It is important for the two states to combat terrorism and illicit drug trafficking in the region and lauded "Iran's important role in reining in the flow of drugs from Afghanistan."
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Zitat:Iran among top dam builders
LONDON, Oct 17 (IranMania) - Iran is one of the world's top dam-building countries, the managing director of Iran Water and Power Resources Development Company said, adding that Iranian contractors are capable of implementing major dam-building projects in other countries as well.
Ali Akbar Zahmatkesh told the Persian weekly Barnameh that over 80% of the equipment used in dam-building projects is produced domestically, stressing that Iranian engineers design most of the plans.
"At present, some 4.3 trln rials in development funds have been invested in hydroelectricity development projects," he said, adding that these funds could help add some 800-1,000 megawatts of power to the country's overall power generation capacity.
The official hoped that the ratio of power generated from hydroelectric system to the entire power generation capacity would increase by 20% by the end of the fourth development plan in 2010.
Zahmatkesh further noted that estimates suggest Iran has the ability to generate more than 50,000 mln kilowatt/hour of electricity per annum.
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Zitat:'Samand' meets tough European standards
LONDON, Oct 17 (IranMania) - An official said Saturday that tests carried out on the National car `Samand` is comparable in durability with the current European standards.
According to Iran's State News Agency (IRNA), Hossein Khosroshahi, the head of Iran`s car manufacturing giant `Iran-Khodro` Industrial Group Consumer Satisfaction Division said tests were done by Britain`s `MIRA` company in which the car passed with flying colors in durability criteria, "notably in negotiating sharp turns."
Other ties which were up to European standards were in Crash tests which indicates a good safety car. Samand is the first Iranian-manufactured car which possess all intellectual patents and ownership rights and was first designed in 1997-98 and started mass production in 2001-02, Khosroshahi said.
He added all products of Iran`s major car manufacturing company, Iran Khodro Industrial Group, will meet global standards in next two years. Every four months quality of the company`s products are promoted and it has launched special programs since March this year in cooperation with Peugeot company to upgrade the quality of its vehicles, the official said.
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Zitat:Iran to launch first spy satellite by spring
By Amnon Barzilai
Iran will launch its first spy satellite in March or April 2005, Uzi Rubin, head of the Defense Ministry department responsible for ballistic missile defense, predicted over the weekend.
The launcher will be based on Russian ballistic missiles adapted by expatriate Russian experts, Rubin said. These experts have significantly advanced Iran's ballistic capabilities, he said, among other things, by significantly improving the accuracy of its Shihab-3 missile.
Iran is currently developing three satellites. Two are small, weighing 20 to 60 kg, and are expected to be launched mainly as a test. The third weighs 170 kg and will carry a telescopic camera for espionage purposes. That is the one that Rubin expects to be launched next spring.
Israeli experts believe that the Shihab's new shape is meant to foil the Arrow. "We go crazy about Iranian progress in the nuclear field, and forget that the missiles Iran is developing can do us damage even with conventional capabilities," Rubin said.
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Zitat:80 percent of oil reserves unexplored
Tehran, Oct 18, IRNA -- A senior parliamentarian here Sunday urged
the government to speed up efforts to exploit joint hydrocarbon
reserves, stressing that some 80 percent of the country`s oil fields
remains unexplored.
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Zitat:Rafsanjani conditionally stands for pres. vote
LONDON, Oct 19 (IranMania) - Head of a political group`s Presidential Elections Headquarters told IRNA after a meeting with former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani on Monday that he would nominate himself for the post "if the ground is paved for the purpose."
Hilfe ! Bitte nicht !
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Zitat:Statoiland Hydro compete for Iranian oil
London, Oct 18, IRNA -- Norway`s two largest energy companies, Hydro
and Statoil are competing against each other to develop Iran`s giant
Yadavaran oil field, Oslo daily Aftenposten reported Monday.
Hydro was said to be also engaged in the latest round of bids for
new exploration licenses in Iran, while Statoil is already involved
in the development of South Pars gas field.
Deputy head for development affairs Seyyed Mahdi Hosseini said
last month that five international companies, including Royal Dutch
Shell and Repsol of Spain, had presented their proposals to a tender
for developing Yadavaran in southern Iran.
Yadavaran, which is estimated to have reserves of 17 billion
barrels, is the new name for both Koushk and Hosseiniyeh oil fields
after it was discovered they were connected.
The field is thought to be capable of producing an average of
300,000-400,000 barrels per day. The results of the bids are expected
to be announced within the next few months.