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Zitat:Sep 19, 2024, 9:19 AM
Putin approves Russia-Iran strategic partnership proposal

"The proposal of the Russian Foreign Ministry, agreed with the interested federal government bodies and organizations, to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran has been accepted," Putin's order was published on the official website of Russia’s legal information system on Wednesday evening.

In the last high level meeting between the officials of the two countries recently, Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian held talks with Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu in Tehran.
Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with Ali Akbar Ahmadian, the representative of Iran’s Supreme Leader and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, who had traveled to St. Petersburg to attend the meeting of the BRICS member countries, emphasized Russia’s support for Iran's transit route.

Putin also described the bilateral relations between Tehran and Moscow as strategic, saying that the characteristic of the relations shows the two countries are united.

Shoigo war wohl in kurzem Abstand gleich zweimal in Teheran. Einmal um aus dem Iran angefragte elektronische Aufklärungskomponenten persönlich abzugeben und anschließend, um dieses Abkommen zu finalisieren, welches mit der iranischen Vorgängerregierung bereits vereinbart worden war und seitdem zur finalen Absegnung ausstand. Was auch immer das bedeutet: Es hat scheinbar, man sieht das am Personal, zwei offensichtliche Komponenten: Optimierung der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit vor dem gemeinsamen Sanktionshintergrund (insb. über BRICS) sowie die Optimierung der militärischen Zusammenarbeit.
Kommentar aus der TehranTimes
Zitat:Iran overcomes challenges with authority
September 28, 2024 - 0:26

It said: One of the very important points that Pezeshkian included in his speech at the UN General Assembly was that he started his address by reminding the late president martyr Raisi. By reminding this, Masoud Pezeshkian explained to the world that the Islamic Republic has the authority, strength, stability, and legal mechanisms that can overcome a bitter and great incident such as the martyrdom of its president and foreign minister with the least challenges. The transfer of power between the two figures with different political tendencies is a part of the inclusive nature of a political system called the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this way, it can be said that Pezeshkian, by reminding the world of this issue, talked about the dynamics, aliveness, and movement of political processes in Iran. Processes are sometimes referred to under the name of martyr Raisi or Masoud Pezeshkian, but they originate from a single nation.

Arman-e-Melli: Hope for the JCPOA team to break the deadlock

In a note, Arman-e-Melli examined Iran's diplomatic efforts in the United States and wrote: The efforts of the president to advance the talks to lift the sanctions are continuing. It seems that Westerners have taken the efforts of the new government in Iran seriously for negotiations to lift the sanctions. It seems the most important negotiation by the Iranian team in New York was the one between the President of Iran and the President of France. One of the most important discussions between the presidents of Iran and France was the Iran nuclear issue. Since the Europeans have been reluctant to negotiate about the nuclear issue, the solution to nuclear challenges has not progressed well. Of course, Iran has always complained about England, France, and Germany as bad members of the JCPOA. Nevertheless, the war in Ukraine cast a shadow on the issue and caused the Europeans to deal with the Iran nuclear issue with obstinacy. Despite all these differences, the meeting between the President of Iran and the President of France should be considered an important step because there is good news about it.

Ham Mihan: Lebanon should not become a second Gaza

In a commentary, Ham Mihan discussed the crisis in the region and the war between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah. It wrote: These days, on the eve of the anniversary of the war in Gaza, as well as the escalation of the conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah, ambiguous and challenging conditions have been created, especially for Iran. Although Iran is Israel's enemy, there is a need to determine the limits of tension to control it. First of all, the policy of avoiding direct conflict with Israel should continue. This policy is not cost-free, but it is certainly better than entering into a state of war where the damage is uncontrollable. On the other hand, Iran should go towards persuading Hezbollah to end the conflict with Israel to deprive Israel of the excuse to continue the war against Lebanon. Iran's responsible policy should be to support its national security as well as protect its allies, including Hezbollah and the entire Lebanon. Lebanon should not be allowed to become a second Gaza. The initiative should be taken before the conflict get out of control. Courage is not in reckless and thoughtless actions. Rather it is to take tough and rational decisions to prevent further harm.
Zitat:Deutsche sollen Iran verlassen
02.10.2024, 16:17 Uhr

Die Lage im Nahen und Mittleren Osten spitzt sich durch den iranischen Raketenangriff auf Israel weiter zu. Das Auswärtige Amt hat daher seine Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise für den Iran geändert: deutsche Staatsangehörige werden aufgerufen, den Iran zu verlassen. Sie könnten willkürlich festgenommen, verhört oder zu einer langen Haftstrafe verurteilt werden, heißt es. Gefährdet seien insbesondere deutsch-iranische Doppelstaatler. "Reisen Sie insbesondere nicht nach Iran, wenn Sie sich in der Vergangenheit kritisch gegenüber dem Land und dem politischen System geäußert haben", schreibt das Auswärtige Amt.

Auch vor Reisen nach Israel und in die Palästinensischen Gebiete wird weiterhin gewarnt: Israel befinde sich im Kriegszustand.

Derweil bestellte das Auswärtige Amt den iranischen Botschafter ein. Der Iran hatte gestern Raketen auf Israel geschossen. Die Bundesregierung verurteilt den Angriff auf das Allerschärfste. Israel hat dem Iran mit Vergeltung gedroht. Dazu heißt es beim Auswärtigen Amt: "Mit einer Gegenantwort der israelischen Streitkräfte ist zu rechnen. Auch Angriffe auf iranisches Territorium sind dabei nicht auszuschließen."
Hat der Iran nicht aktuell seinen Luftraum komplett gesperrt ? Wie reist man dann aus dem Iran aus ? Per Eisenbahn Richtung Pakistan oder Türkei ?
Nicht nur der Iran hat den Luftraum geschlossen:
Zitat:Flights forced to turn back after Iran missile attack closes airspace: What's next for travellers? [...]

The airspace above Iran, Israel, Jordan, Iraq and other countries in the region was closed, causing airlines to change their flight paths to keep passengers and crew safe. [...] As you would expect Middle Eastern airlines diverted the most flights, with Qatar Airways and Emirates leading the pack. Istanbul airport was the worst affected airport, with 19 flights diverted.

According to FlightRadar24, at least three flights operated by German carrier Lufthansa on the way India and Dubai turned around before reaching Iranian airspace. Their journeys back to Europe extended flight times by up to eight hours.

Zitat:Per Eisenbahn Richtung Pakistan oder Türkei ?
Was eigentlich eine recht sichere (mal vom generell rowdyhaften Fahrverhalten und von wilden Überholmanövern von Sattelschleppern abgesehen) und stark frequentierte Route ist - auch gerade im internationalen Handel - ist der Straßenweg über Aserbaidschan. Auch die Routen via Lotfabad nach Turkmenistan sind recht gut ausgebaut mittlerweile. Und nach verschiedenen Berichten bemüht sich die persische Polizei wenigstens, ein Mindestmaß an Verkehrsregeln durchzusetzen...

Die zwischenzeitlich ausgesprochene Warnung hatte mit der akuten Gefahreneinschätzung für den Flugverkehr durch den Abschuss von Mittelstreckenraketen und Flugabwehrfeuer zu tun. Viele europäische Flüge sind davon wahrscheinlich nicht betroffen gewesen. Überwiegend Inlandsflüge, arabischer Raum, türkischer Raum, Kaukasus für ein paar Stunden.