Nun also der zweite und entscheidende Schritt diese aberwitzig teure Benzinsubvention zu kappen. Mutig, aber längst überfällig. Der Iran ist kein kleines Emirat, sondern ein Land mit 70 Mio Einwohnern und einem der am stärksten wachsenden Automärkte der Welt. Die Leute dort müssen verstehen, dass Öl Produkte zwar auf ihrem Boden gefördert werden, aber das der Produktionsprozess vom Bohrloch bis zur Tanstelle Kosten verursacht. Es wird als selbstverständlich erachtet, dass der Staat das bezahlt und da Benzin praktisch kostenlos ist, kann man damit ja auch verschwenderisch umgehen... Für Chaoten die als Reaktion darauf Tankstellen anzünden wollen fehlt mir das Verständnis.
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Zitat:Subsidy reform plan goes into effect
Tehran Times Political Desk
The administration has decided to first revise the price of gasoline, diesel, and CNG (compressed natural gas).
Based on the data released on Sunday, the price of subsidized gasoline, which was 1,000 rials (about 9.6 U.S. cents :lol
per liter, will rise to 4,000 rials per liter. If customers need more gasoline, they can buy unsubsidized gasoline at a price of 7,000 rials per liter.
The subsidized diesel oil price is now 1,500 rials per liter and unsubsidized diesel oil will be sold for 3,500 rials per liter.
Customers are only allowed to purchase 60 liters of gasoline per month at the subsidized price of 4000 rials.
Für Kritik sorgt derzeit auch die merkwürdige Entlassung von (Ex-)Außenminister Mottaki, der auf seiner Reise im Senegal von seiner eigenen Entlassung erfuhr:
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Zitat:Debate over Mottaki’s removal continues
Tehran Times Political Desk
TEHRAN – Officials are still commenting on the recent removal of Manouchehr Mottaki from the post of foreign minister.
Majlis speaker Ali Larijani has disapproved of the way Mottaki was removed, saying the removal should have been done with prudence and dignity.
“If they had planned to replace the foreign minster, it was better that they would have made the change prudently and respectfully, and not in the middle his visit (to Senegal),” Larijani said on Sunday.
Mottaki commented on his dismissal on Sunday, describing it as “undiplomatic and offensive.” Mottaki also rejected remarks that he had been informed about his removal before his official visit to Senegal.
Zitat:Iranischer Regisseur Panahi verurteilt
Sechs Jahre Haft wegen "Propaganda"
Er gehört zu den prominentesten Künstler des Irans: der Regisseur Jafar Panahi. Nun wurde er zu sechs Jahren Haft und 20 Jahren Berufsverbot verurteilt - wegen "Propaganda gegen das System". Das harte Urteil wirft ein bezeichnendes Licht auf die innenpolitische Lage des Landes.
Die Höhe der Verurteilung von Jafar Panahi kommt überraschend. Sechs Jahre Haft und 20 Jahre Berufsverbot für einen Künstler hat es bislang im Iran noch nicht gegeben. Das wirft ein bezeichnendes Licht auf die innenpolitische Lage des Landes. Panahi ist einer der bekanntesten Filmemacher der Islamischen Republik. Der 50-Jährige, der einst Assistent von Abbas Kiarostami war, hat im Laufe seiner Karriere fast alle großen europäischen Filmpreise geholt. So gewann sein Debüt-Film "Der weiße Ballon" 1995 die goldene Kamera in Cannes, in Venedig bekam er 2000 für "Der Kreis" den Goldenen Löwen und in Berlin erhielt "Offside" 2006 den silbernen Bären.
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Mit dem Mahdi sparen
Der iranische Präsident Ahmadineschad baut die üppigen Subventionen für Öl und Gas ab. Weil viele Iraner billige Rohstoffpreise für ein Menschenrecht halten, muss der Präsident nun Protesten vorbeugen. Also begründet er den Schritt religiös: Öl und Gas gehörten allein dem zwölften Imam.
Von Rainer Hermann
25. Dezember 2010 ...
Fakt ist, dass Iran kaum ausreichende Raffinieriekapazitäten hat. Er muss also Treibstoff teuer zukaufen - und dafür Öl und Gas verkaufen.
Das ist einer der Gründe, warum schon die USA dem Schah geraten hatten, Atomkraftwerke zur Energieversorgung zu installieren (in der Erwartung, dass die Öl- und Gastvorkomen des Iran natürlich überwiegend in die USA exportiert werden, und nicht - wie jetzt - nach China) ....
Zitat:Westerwelle appelliert an iranische Führung
Seit dem 10. Oktober sind zwei deutsche Journalisten in Iran inhaftiert, Guido Westerwelle hat jetzt einen deutlichen Appell an die Führung in Teheran gerichtet: Das Land solle ein Treffen der beiden mit ihren Familien noch während der Weihnachtstage ermöglichen, sagte der Außenminister,...73,00.html
Als ob es was bringt, was Gido fordert,appelliert oder verlangt.
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Zitat:'Subsidy reforms halt fuel consumption'
Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:33PM
Iranian Deputy Economy Minister Mohammad Reza Farzin says fuel consumption has fallen across the nation since the government began subsidy cuts on energy.
"In the past nine days, our petrol consumption, which was about 60 million liters a day, is now at 55 million," Farzin said in an interview with AFP on Monday.
"The oil ministry says that diesel consumption, which was at 54 million liters, is now at 40 to 41 million liters," he noted.
Zitat:Ahmadinejad says family planning should be jettisoned
Tehran Times Political Desk
“Motto of ‘Two Children Are Enough’ is a formula for extinction of a nation,” Ahmadinejad told a gathering of intellectuals and academics in Karaj on Tuesday.
Under the presidencies of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mohammad Khatami, the family planning was widely promoted in Iran with the motto of ‘Two Children Are Enough.
“Many intellectuals and academics have been brought up in large families. Interactions among children in large families facilitate the development of their talents,” Ahmadinejad said.
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Zitat:December 30, 2010
Tehran again on smog alert, emergency meeting held
Tehran Times Social Desk
TEHRAN – Air pollution has again reached an alarming level in Tehran, forcing officials to hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday.
Officials had previously taken some stopgap measures like closing schools, universities, and government offices and imposing special traffic restrictions, but the choking smog did not dissipate and the problem was only temporally relieved for few days due to a short period of rainy weather condition.
Experts have blamed domestically manufactured cars which do not conform to the international environmental standards and low quality gasoline produced in domestic refineries for the air pollution.
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Zitat:Iran to Supply 70MW of Power to Afghanistan, Pakistan This Year
TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian power official announced on Sunday that the country would export 70MW of electricity to Afghanistan and Pakistan this (Iranian) year (ends on March 20).
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Zitat:Iran, Turkey Inaugurate Joint Transportation Company
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian and Turkish investors established and inaugurated the first international transportation company named 'Abrisham' in Iran's Northwestern province of East Azarbaijan.
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Zitat:Iran Ups Non-Oil Exports by over 21%
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Customs Office announced on Saturday that the country's non-oil exports surpassed USD22bln since the beginning of the current Iranian year (started on March 21, 2010), showing 21.59% of growth in comparison with the same period last year.
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Britische Versicherungsgesellschaften haben die Versicherung für iranische Schiffe aufgelöst. Da französische und deutsche Banken die neue iranische Versicherung nicht akzptieren, wurden die ausstehenden Kredite zur überfälligen Zahlung umgedeutet. In der Folge wurden 5 iranische Frachtschiffe in Häfen in Malta, Hong Kong und Singapur festgesetzt und zur Versteigerung ausgeschrieben.
Nicht sehr nett...
Zitat:'Iran vessels to be released soon'
Sun Jan 2, 2011 5:51PM
Chairman of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) says three impounded Iranian vessels in Singapore will be released in the near future.
In December 2010, three Iranian vessels, named Tochal, Sahand and Sabalan were impounded in Singapore for auction by order of the French bank Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank.
The vessels will be released after January 5, when the courts open, since their 200 million dollars loan from the French bank has been paid back in full, Mohammad Dajmar said on Sunday
“The USD 200 million was the remainder of a loan received from a French bank, but they claim that since these ships did not have creditable insurance, the status of the loan was changed to an overdue debt,” Dajmar said, a Press TV correspondent reported.
“This is while they [the West] banned British insurance [companies] from insuring Iranian ships,” Dajmar said, adding that Tehran had to insure its vessels by Moallem Insurance which is supported by a consortium of Iranian insurance companies.
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Zitat:Der jüngste Sohn des letzten Schahs von Persien hat sich in Boston erschossen
Die Kaiserin weint um ihr zweites Kind
06. Januar 2011 17.50 Uhr, BZ
Wie viel Schmerz erträgt ein Mutterherz? Nachdem Farah Pahlevi (72) bereits 2001 ihre Tochter Leila (gest. 31) zu Grabe tragen musste, trauert die ehemalige iranische Kaiserin jetzt um ihr zweites Kind. Prinz Ali Reza (44), der jüngste Sohn des letzten persischen Schahs, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi (gest. 1980), ist tot. Er hat sich umgebracht. Genau wie seine Schwester.
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Zitat:Tehran, Minsk ink $140m deal
TEHRAN, Jan. 5 (MNA) – Iran and Belarus signed a $140-million contract, according to which Iranian engineers will construct a trade office and residential complex in Belarus.
According to the signed contract, the complex will enjoy a combined Iranian-European architecture and will be inaugurated over the course of three years.
According to Iran’s Ambassador to Minsk Abdollah Hosseini, Iranian investors are currently carrying out $1.5 billion worth of projects in Belarus.
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Zitat:Over 70 films submitted for 29th Fajr festival
TEHRAN, Jan. 7 (MNA) -- Over 70 films have applied for entry to the Iranian Films Section at the 29th Fajr International Film Festival.
The final list is almost complete, Festival secretary Mehdi Masudshahi told the Persian service of IRNA, adding that the sheer number of movies would make it hard for the selection board to choose the best.
The 29th edition of the festival, which is Iran’s most important cinematic and cultural event of the year, will run from February 5 to 15 at Tehran’s Milad Tower.
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Zitat:Iran Sets up Special Bodyguard Team to Protect Scientists
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology said the country has formed a special team to boost security for its scientists and researchers.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting here in Tehran today, Vice-President for Science and Technology Nasrin Soltankhah stressed that protecting the country's scientists is a serious and top agenda of her department.
"A special security task force has been formed to protect our scientists," She added.
She noted that the security measures will cover all scientists registered by the National Foundation for Elites.
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