
Normale Version: China says Vietnam shot at boats, detained crew
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Zitat:BEIJING, Sept. 27 — China said on Saturday Vietnamese ships opened fire on two Chinese fishing vessels in the Gulf of Tonkin and then detained a boat and its crew.
hier ist die Originalquelle (wer nicht chinesisch kann muss mit den Bildern vorlieb nehmen ;-))
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 46320.html</a><!-- m -->

und das hat im CMF ziemlichen Aufruhr verursacht (englisch-sprachig)
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Zitat:Missing Chinese fishing boat detained by Vietnam
It's been confirmed that a Chinese fishing boat thought to have gone missing off the south coast of China has been detained by Vietnam. The Chinese Embassy in Vietnam has made a request to visit the detained crewmembers. An official from the Chinese Foreign Ministry said China is shocked by the detention.
Hat dieser Vorfall sich im Bereich der Spratley-Inseln ereignet? Ich weiß, daß es gerade dort immer wieder zu Zwischenfällen gekommen ist. Die chinesische Marine und die vietnamesische Marine sind wiederholt aneinandergeraten. In jüngster Zeit kam es jedoch kaum zu solchen Vorfällen, da die vietnamesische Marine zur Zeit primär aus aufliegenden, einsatzunfähigen Schiffen und Booten besteht.
Die hier zu findende Übersicht über die vietnamesische Marine sagt schon einiges aus:
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Vietnam confirms Chinese boat, crew detained

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Zitat:HANOI, Sept. 28 — Vietnam has confirmed it detained a Chinese fishing vessel and its crew that it had stopped in the Gulf of Tonkin on September 23 but denied that shots had been fired at the boat.
Vietnam says frees Chinese fishing boat, crew

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Zitat:HANOI, Oct. 1 — Vietnam said on Wednesday it had released a Chinese vessel and its crew after detaining them for several days for fishing illegally in its waters.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Dung said in a statement the Chinese fishing boat, Que Bac Ngu, detained on September 23, was released on Saturday ''after having completed all the legal procedures.''