08.11.2014, 11:34
Weitere News zur F35B von offizieller Seite. Das USMC hat sein 2015-2022 Aviation plan veröffentlich und das wollte ich euch nicht vorenthalten, da es auch viele Infos zur F35B (zu IOC) wie zur Force Struktur bietet.
Link dazu:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://marinecorpsconceptsandprograms.com/concepts/service-campaign-plan-2014-2022/2015-aviation-plan">https://marinecorpsconceptsandprograms. ... ation-plan</a><!-- m -->
Zur Force Struktur.
Man beachte bitte den unterstrichenen Teil, betreff des FOC Datums der F35B.
Zur IOC Definition des USMC:
Edit: Auf Seite 42 des Berichtes ist auch zu finden wie viele Maschinen in jeweiligen Jahr den USMC für dem Einsatz zu Verfügung stehen werden.
Für die F35:
2015: 16X F35B + 21 F35B und 3 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2016: 26X F35B + 13 F35B und 5 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2017: 32X F35B + 16 F35B und 6 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2016: 39X F35B + 17 F35B und 15 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2019: 48X F35B, 8X F35C + 20 F35B und 10 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2020: 63X F35B, 10X F35C + 20 F35B und 10 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2021: 64X F35B, 16X F35C + 37 F35B und 10 F35C (FRS PTAI)
Usw.: (Rest könnt ihr bei Interesse ja selbst nachlesen. :mrgreen: )
Link dazu:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://marinecorpsconceptsandprograms.com/concepts/service-campaign-plan-2014-2022/2015-aviation-plan">https://marinecorpsconceptsandprograms. ... ation-plan</a><!-- m -->
Zur Force Struktur.
Zitat:Transition Plan: The F-35B and F-35C will replace F-18, AV-8B and EA-6B. The Marine Corps will procure a total of 353 F-35Bs and 67 F-35Cs in the following squadron bed down:
•9 Squadrons x 16 F-35B
•5 Squadrons x 10 F-35B
•4 Squadrons x 10 F-35C
•2 Squadrons x 10 F-35B reserve
•2 Squadrons x 25 F-35B FRS
Marine Corps F-35B IOC is July of 2015 (objective) and December 2015
(threshold). IOC requires the first squadron to have 10 aircraft in the Block 2B configuration capable of executing CAS; limited offensive and defensive counter-air; air interdiction; air support escort; armed reconnaissance; and limited suppression of enemy air defenses. Additionally, 6 aircraft need to be capable of executing amphibious carrier operations. The aircraft is currently tracking to reach its full operational capability in Q4 of CY 2017. The full transition from legacy to F-35 will complete with the transition of the second reserve squadron in 2032.
Man beachte bitte den unterstrichenen Teil, betreff des FOC Datums der F35B.
Zur IOC Definition des USMC:
The F-35B IOC is defined as:
•One squadron of 10 F-35B aircraft with required spares, support equipment, tools, technical publications, and a functional Autonomic Logistic information system (ALIS V2) including enabling peripherals.
•Squadron will be manned with trained and certified personnel capable of conducting autonomous operations.
•Aircraft in a Block 2B software configuration with the requisite performance envelope, mission systems, sensors, and weapon clearances.
•Home base supporting infrastructure and facilities ready and capable of supporting and sustaining operations.
•Qualifications, certifications, and L-class amphibious carrier alterations completed to enable F-35B operations.
•Qualifications and certifications for deploying the F-35B to austere expeditionary sites.
•Ability to execute CAS; limited offensive and defensive counter-air; air interdiction; air support escort; armed reconnaissance; and limited suppression of enemy air defenses missions in concert with Marine Air Ground Task Force resources and capabilities within the performance envelope, mission systems, sensors, and weapons clearances provided by the 2B fleet release.
•Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE), Joint Program Office (JPO) and contractor procedures, processes, and infrastructure capable of sustaining operations of the IOC squadron.
Edit: Auf Seite 42 des Berichtes ist auch zu finden wie viele Maschinen in jeweiligen Jahr den USMC für dem Einsatz zu Verfügung stehen werden.
Für die F35:
2015: 16X F35B + 21 F35B und 3 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2016: 26X F35B + 13 F35B und 5 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2017: 32X F35B + 16 F35B und 6 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2016: 39X F35B + 17 F35B und 15 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2019: 48X F35B, 8X F35C + 20 F35B und 10 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2020: 63X F35B, 10X F35C + 20 F35B und 10 F35C (FRS PTAI)
2021: 64X F35B, 16X F35C + 37 F35B und 10 F35C (FRS PTAI)
Usw.: (Rest könnt ihr bei Interesse ja selbst nachlesen. :mrgreen: )