
Normale Version: NATO Standing Naval Forces
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Die Benennung von NATO Standing Naval Forces wird geandert. Das ist ein Zeichen dass NATO mehr und mehr out-of-area missionen teil nehmen wird.

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Zitat:Renaming of NATO Standing Naval Forces
05 January 2005
SHAPE, Belgium - As a consequence of their integration into the NATO Response Force (NRF), on 1 January 2005 the standing naval groups have been allocated new names and missions.
The long-standing names of STANAVFORLANT, STANAVFORMED, MCMFOR-NORTH and MCMFORSOUTH have been changed in order to reflect their new permanent assignment to the maritime component of the NRF. STANAVFORLANT and STANAVFORMED, composed of frigates and destroyers, are now called Standing NRF Maritime Group 1 (SNMG-1) and 2 (SNMG-2) respectively; MCM forces, made up of minesweepers and minehunters, are now known as Standing NRF MCM Group 1 (SNMCMG-1) and 2 (SNMCMG-2), respectively.
The numbers 1 and 2 assigned to these naval groups are in accordance with the number of the NATO Response Force they are aligned with: 1 for the groups attached to the odd num-bered NRFs and 2 to the even ones; e.g., SNMG-1 will be attached to NRF-7. This means that, according to the NRF rotation process, a SNMG and a SNMCMG will always be ready to be deployed with the rest of the forces of the standby NRF, and another SNMG and SNMCMG will be training with forces preparing to take over as the next NRF.
The usual Standing NRF Maritime Group comprises between six and ten destroyers and frigates supported by a tanker; the Standing NRF MCM Group is about seven minehunters and minesweepers, led by a command ship. These two kinds of groups participate in almost all NATO exercises and operations where naval presence is required. Currently, they are engaged in Operation Active Endeavour, aimed to counter suspected terrorist activities in the Mediterranean.
When not required for specific NRF events, these standing naval groups will be carrying out the same activities as they have been doing under their old names, i.e., conducting defence diplomacy port visits, keeping continuous NATO maritime presence and providing day-to-day verification of current naval procedures, tactics and effectiveness.
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