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22 September
Chinese air force begins annual large scale exercise “Mission Action 2013” … involving various aircraft including fighters, bombers, reconnaissance and transports with a total of more than 10,000 personnel … some serials to be conducted in cooperation with naval aviation and naval ships.
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28 September
Anti-Piracy Forces: 14th Chinese anti-piracy task group (HARBIN, MIANYANG, WEISHAN HU) returns to home port Qingdao, completing its deployment.
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06 October
South Sea Fleet task group with destroyer LANZHOU, frigate LIUZHOU and supply ship POYANG HU arrives at Valparaiso (Chile) for a 5-day port visit until 10 Oct … upon leaving will conduct “Passex” with Chilean navy before heading for next stop scheduled at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
07 October
Destroyer QINGDAO sails from Sydney (Australia) after participation in Australian navy fleet review … join with frigate LINYI and supply ship HONZE HU … together head for Oakland (New Zealand) for a port visit before commencing home transit.
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12 October
Photos of the stern of a large twin-screw new ship under construction at Hudong shipyard have led to rumours that another YUZHAO class dock landing ship may be built … expert bloggers: “premature speculation, could be an LNG tanker, wait and see”.
die "Diplomaten in Blau" sind auch von China aus zunehmend unterwegs
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10 October
Upon completion of port visit to Valparaiso (Chile) destroyer LANZHOU and frigate LIUZHOU conduct “Passex” with Chilean navy frigates LYNCH and CAPITAN PRAT … practicing air defence with targets provided by 5 Chilean navy Pilatus PC-7 aircraft … together with supply ship POYANG HU now head south for Cape Hoorn/Magellan Strait for next port visit at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
11 October
Task group with destroyer QINGDAO, frigate LINYI and supply ship HONGZE HU arrives at Auckland (New Zealand) for a scheduled port visit.
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10 October
Another “new type” minesweeper HESHAN (844) commissioned into the South Sea Fleet.
(rmks: another WOCHI class?)
16 October
Photos published on the official website of the Chinese navy suggest East Sea Fleet H-6G bombers (rmks: derivate of Soviet Badger) conducted a mining exercise in Western Pacific in September, nine days after two such bombers were detected by the Japanese in the airspace over international waters between the island of Okinawa and Miyako.
Task group with destroyer QINGDAO, frigate LINYI and supply ship HONGZE HU completes four-day visit to Auckland (New Zealand) and commences home transit.
Erich schrieb:die "Diplomaten in Blau" sind auch von China aus zunehmend unterwegs
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10 October
...destroyer LANZHOU and frigate LIUZHOU conduct “Passex” with Chilean navy frigates LYNCH and CAPITAN PRAT … practicing air defence with targets provided by 5 Chilean navy Pilatus PC-7 aircraft … together with supply ship POYANG HU now head south for Cape Hoorn/Magellan Strait for next port visit at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
die Schiffe passierten inzwischen die "Strait of Magellan" - Fotos zeigen den "Aegis-like" Zerstörer Nr. 170 vom Typ 052 C in rauher See, mit verschneiten Bergspitzen im Hintergrund ....
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12 October
HAIJIU class (Type 037) patrol vessel NANHUI (688) decommissioned … to become museum ship.
17 October
Observed by navy commander Adm Wu Shengli, the North Sea Fleet conducted live missile firing in the Yellow Sea … associated photos show launches of air-defence missiles … exercise was attended by “about 100 ships and submarines” … named destroyers HARBIN, SHIJIAZHUANG and corvette DATONG … photos also show a SOVREMENNIY class destroyer and a JIANGKAI-II class frigate … activities probably formal kick-off for several-week (until early Nov) exercises dubbed “Maneuver V” reaching to the open sea of the West Pacific … participants to include ships, submarines, aircraft and coastal defence missile units of all three fleets.
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19 October
“Maneuver 5”: As a precursor to the actual exercise (an “all-fleet confrontational drill in the open waters of the Western Pacific” … “Red Party vs. Blue Party”), a South China Sea Fleet task force practiced defence of port approaches and roadsteads (“mooring area defence drill”) … during the exercise, the task force will act as “Red Party” – the “pre-determined wining side”.
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23 October
“Maneuver V“: Ships from all three major fleets have “broken the first island chain’s blockade” … to simultaneously pass Bashi Channel, Osumi Strait and Miyako Strait into the open Pacific.
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22 October
Task group with destroyer LANZHOU, frigate LIUZHOU and supply ship POYANG HU arrives at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) for a scheduled 5-day visit … upon sailing on 26 Oct conduct “Passex” with Brazilian navy, then continue for Argentina.
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Zitat:Die chinesische Marine hat ihre seit Jahren wohl größte Übung begonnen.
Der Startschuss zu „Manöver 5“ fiel offenbar am 17. Oktober im Gelben Meer. Unter den Augen von Marinebefehlshaber Admiral Wu Shengli führten Zerstörer, Fregatten und Korvetten der Nordflotte ein live-FK-Schießen durch. Vom Verteidigungsministerium veröffentlichte Fotos zeigten u.a. einen Zerstörer der SOVREMENNIY-Klasse und eine Fregatte der JIANGKAI-II-Klasse beim Abfeuern von Flugabwehr-FK. Nach offiziellen Angaben waren „etwa 100 Schiffe und (auch) U-Boote“ an der Übung beteiligt – der Großteil wohl in unterstützenden Funktionen, z.B. zur Sicherung des Schießgebietes.
Einen Tag später verkündete das Verteidigungsministerium auf seiner Internetseite den Beginn der Übung „Manöver 5“, an der erstmals überhaupt Schiffe, U-Boote, Luftfahrzeuge und Küstenverteidigungstruppen aller drei Flotten beteiligt seien. Übungsgebiet seien vor allem die offenen Seegebiete des Westpazifiks, wo die Seestreitkräfte realitätsnah und in einem „Free-Play“ ohne vorgegebenen Ablauf „konfrontative Seekriegführung“ üben sollten. Als Gewinner stehen allerdings üblicherweise schon vorher die „Roten“ fest, die den „Blauen“ wie immer eine vernichtende Niederlage bereiten werden.
Die Rolle der siegreichen „Roten“ wird die Südflotte spielen, für die “Manöver 5” am 19. Oktober mit einer Übung zur Verteidigung von Stützpunkten, Ansteuerungen und Ankerplätzen gegen feindliche Luftangriffe, Kommandounternehmen und Minen begann. Kurz danach machten sich Hochseekräfte aller drei Flotten auf den Weg in die Übungsgebiete des Westpazifiks. Am 23. Oktober verkündete das Verteidigungsministerium stolz, die Flotten hätten erfolgreich die „Blockade“ der (japanischen) Inselkette durchbrochen und seien durch den Bashi-Kanal (Südflotte), die Miyako-Straße (Ostflotte) und die Osumi-Straße (Nordflotte) in den Pazifik vorgestoßen. Nach Fahrt in schwerer See durch die Ausläufer des Taifuns „Francisco“ erreichten die Verbände einen Tag später ihre Übungs-Ausgangspositionen im Westpazifik. Der Taifun zieht nach Nordosten ab und soll die Übungen nur „unwesentlich beeinflussen“.
„Manöver 5“ soll noch bis in den frühen November andauern, und die Hauptaktivitäten stehen dementsprechend auch erst noch bevor. MarineForum wird die Berichterstattung in der nächsten Woche an dieser Stelle fortsetzen
(ganze Nachricht, da nur kurz im Netz - noch mehr news auf der hp des MF und im Netz)
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25 October
“Maneuver 5”: Two Chinese H-6 bombers and two Y-8 surveillance aircraft flew from the East China Sea to the Pacific Ocean over waters of the Miyako Strait … later returned on the same route … Japan scrambled fighter aircraft.
27 October
“Maneuver 5”: Presence of foreign “observers” (warships and aircraft) “significantly complicates the course of the exercise”.
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25 October
“Maneuver 5”: The exercise has entered the “stage of actual-troop confrontation”.
26 October
Task group with destroyer LANZHOU, frigate LIUZHOU and supply ship POYANG HU completes visit to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) … upon sailing conducted “Passex” with Brazilian navy … now enroute Buenos Aires (Argentina).
28 October
Poss. related to “Maneuver 5”: Northern Fleet nuclear-powered submarines concluded “readiness exercise” … “broke through air-to-sea strikes and underwater minefields to reach their destination” where torpedoes were fired at a target ship … destroyers, frigates, auxiliary ships and helicopters also participated … official: “the fleet is now capable of nuclear deterrence and nuclear counterattack”.
(rmks: mmmhhh … activities would suggest SSN, not SSBN … and had they not been ready before?)
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29 October
“Maneuver 5”: Five Chinese naval vessels (incl two frigates) passed just outside Japanese territorial waters between Yonaguni and Iriomote islands (near Okinawa) … probably on their way back to mainland China from ongoing “Maneuver 5” exercises in the Pacific.
(rmks: shortly headed for disputed with Japan Senkaku islands, but then changed course)
The Chinese navy decommissioned one of its older HAN class nuclear-powered submarines … will be transferred to a museum.
(rmks: confusing official statement speaks of “first boat of this class” - LONG MARCH No1 -, however, fleet compendia currently list only three of former total five HAN class still in service, with the first two already taken from service years ago)