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3 KDX-III (AAW) mit Aegis, 128 VLS Zellen und 11.000t Verdrängung nach der Kirow-Klasse das größte
6 KD-II (ASW) 64 VLS Zellen ...
1 Hubschrauberträger, 4 geplant
3 U214, 9 geplant
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17 December

There are suggestions that QING class (043) submarine may be a single boat for test purposes (VLS?) only … speculations on possible replacement for old GOLF class (031).

Navy has approved a new painting design scheme (font, color, size and position) for hull numbers … such as seen on aircraft carrier LIAONING.

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20 December

Russian “Kommersant” reports China and Russia negotiating on four AMUR class submarines … two to be built in Russia, the remainder two under a technology transfer agreement in China … final contracts “not before 2015”.
(rmks: “Kommersant” usually is well informed. If confirmed, this could make China the first ever customer for Russian AMUR, export variant of LADA class. Unusual delay with “final contract” might indicate waiting until new propulsion system under development has proven itself)

Image posted on the Internet suggests launching of new large Maritime Disaster & Rescue Service ship BEI HAI JIU 101.

Bei der Amur-Variante, an der die chinesische Marine interessiert ist scheint es sich um die Amur 1650 zu handeln:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... z2FYSS2Ypu</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:China Mulls Buying Russian Submarines

State arms exporter Rosoboronexport has signed a framework agreement with China on the joint development and construction of four non-nuclear Amur-1650 conventional submarines for the Chinese Navy, a news report said Thursday.

Ich frage mich, was die PLA-N mit einer weiteren konventionellen U-Boot-Klasse will. Hat die Möglichkeit, diesen Typ mit einem AIP auszurüsten etwas damit zu tun?
nun, ich vermute, dass die Chinesen mit den Eigententwicklungen nicht so ganz zufrieden sind

die letzte große Produktion (Ming) ist total veraltet
die seither entwickelten Eigenklassen
Song (von 2000 bis 2008 insgesamt 16 Zuläufe,
Yuan (bis 2009 vier Zuläufe)
sind etwas "mager"
- und so haben die Chinesen ein Dutzend Kilo dazu gekauft.

Da liegt es nahe, dass China die neueste konventionelle Entwicklung aus Russland nachkauft - zumal, wenn die mit so interessanten Dingen wie AIP ausgestattet ist. Dass China mit der Eigenentwicklung dieses Antriebs experimentiert (und Schwierigkeiten hat) zeigt m.E. (vermutlich) das U-Boot Unglück, vor einigen Jahren
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24 December


Rumours that indigenous new YUAN class submarines do not meet expectations …have been sent back to shipyard at an increasing rate.

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02 January

Another YUAN class submarine recently launched … speculations on first boat of a “lengthened” variant.
(rmks: requires confirmation)
also wohl auch einer "verbesserten" Variante - entweder im Hinblick auf den Antrieb (AIP?) und/oder weitere Waffensysteme ...
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18 January

Two new TYPE 903 FUCHI class fleet tankers TAI HU (889) and CHAO HU (890) have begun sea trials.

PLA naval aviation participated in “recent” East Sea Fleet live-firing exercise far out in the East China Sea … “dozens of J-10 fighter jets … organized into ten formations … target more than a 1,000 kilometers away … under ECM conditions”.

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24 January


Paramilitary China Marine Surveillance (CMS) reportedly to receive an additional 11 decommissioned vessels of Chinese navy (modified or rebuilt into ocean surveillance ships) and – over the next five years – may expect up to 36 newly built ships.

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Zitat: ...
28 January

New paramilitary China Rescue ship BEI HAI JIU 101 commissioned at Yantai China Rescue base.

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30 January

A North Sea Fleet task group with destroyer QINGDAO and frigates YANTAI and YANCHENG departs Qingdao for exercises in the West Pacific … to operate in Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea, Miyako Strait, Bashi Channel and east of Taiwan … conduct “more than 20 types of exercises, including maritime confrontation, open-sea mobile combat, law enforcement missions and open-sea naval commanding” …. prior to sailing for the open Pacific, task group conducted a “four-hour maritime confrontation drill in the Yellow Sea” with another task group (rmks: composition not detailed) set to depart for anti-piracy missions off Somalia.

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31 January


Update: The North Sea Fleet task group (QINGDAO, YANTAI, YANCHENG) has passed the Miyako Strait, heading into Western Pacific.
(rmks: while previous tasks groups used to sail in company with support ships, this time the three combat ships seem to be on their own … could indicate only short deployment or later rendezvous with a support task group, possibly from another fleet)

Guangxi Zhuang Region has ordered three 1000-ts class fishery law enforcement cutters … contracts apparently to Xiamen Shipbuilding.

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Zitat: ...
01 February

Update: The North Sea Fleet task group (QINGDAO, YANTAI, YANCHENG) has passed east of Taiwan and entered the South China Sea through the Bashi Channel (Luzon Strait).
(rmks: still no word on support ships)

03 February

The Chinese navy has officially been invited to join US-hosted multinational exercise RIMPAC 2014 … and send warships to Australian fleet review in October … Beijing has not formally responded yet.


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07 February


Update: North Sea Fleet task group (QINGDAO, YANTAI, YANCHENG) has concluded “patrols and training missions” in the South China Sea … now set to head out to West Pacific again.

das dritte LPD vom Typ 071 wurde in Dienst genommen
998 - 昆仑山 (Kunlun Shan)
999 - 井冈山 (Jinggang Shan)
989 - 长白山 (Changbai Shan)
die Nr. 4 folgt demnächst