Kampfeinheiten der türkischen PKK wurden in Absprache mit der türkischen Regierung und westlicher Vermittlung in das kurdische Autonomiegebiet im Irak verlegt. Die irakische Regierung fühlt sich mit Recht übergangen und bedroht und will nun den UN Sicherheitsrat anrufen.
Zitat:Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 May 2013 13:03
Second group of PKK fighters arrives Kurdistan region
Shafaq News / The military leadership of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) announced on Wednesday, on the arrival of the second group of their party militants this morning to Kurdistan region coming from Chernach area of Kurdish-majority in Turkey.
PKK vanguards began arriving to Kurdistan region yesterday, which raised the Iraqi government anger, which has threatened to resort to the international organization in protest to the move.
“Within the framework of building a free life in democratic liberation campaign and the withdrawal of our garella troops from northern Kurdistan in Turkey, on 15 of current May, the second group of troops have arrived to areas under the protection and control of our troops,” A statement issued by the Communication and Information Center of Kurdistan military wing of Kurdistan Workers Party received by “Shafaq News” stated.
The Iraqi Cabinet announced, on Tuesday submitting a lawsuit to the UN Security Council refusing the presence of the Turkish PKK forces on its territory, while the Foreign Ministry commissioned to submit the two notes to the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to support the country to defend itself.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shafaaq.com/en/politics/6107-second-group-of-pkk-fighters-arrives-kurdistan-region-.html">http://www.shafaaq.com/en/politics/6107 ... gion-.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Tuesday,June 4 2013,05:46:09
PKK opens fire on Turkish army post, says military
A group of militants from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) fired at the Turkish Karaçalı military base today, between 12:05 and 12:30 a.m., in the southeastern province of Şırnak near the Turkish-Iraqi border, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has announced in a statement.
A gendarmerie specialist sergeant was slightly injured after the fire ricocheted off stones on the ground. The statement added that air reconnaissance operations had been conducted to the area for self defense.
Turkish army examines PKK points in northern Iraq
TSK have conducted air reconnaissance operations to 62 points in northern Iraq in order to discover the PKK targets, according to a written statement released earlier today on the army’s website.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/pkk-opened-fire-on-turkish-army-post-says-military.aspx?pageID=517&nID=48105&NewsCatID=341">http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/pkk-op ... sCatID=341</a><!-- m -->
Die 4 Nachrichten gehören gewissermaßen en bloc zusammen:
Zitat:Date: 2013/07/23
Al- Nusra asks members to kill Syria Kurds
The pro- al-Qaeda front of al- Nusra called on its members to fight and kill Syria Kurds who took seize of the Kurdish city of Sari Kani early this week, Firat news agency said.
Al- Nusra added the killing of the Syria Kurds, mugging them and having their woman is Halal, the Islamic term which allows Muslims own and use something.
The demand comes as clashes between the front and People Defense Units (YPG), military branch of Democratic Union Party (PYD), has intensified.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kurdpress.com/En/NSite/FullStory/News/?Id=5021#Title=%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Al-%20Nusra%20asks%20members%20to%20kill%20Syria%20Kurds%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09">http://www.kurdpress.com/En/NSite/FullS ... 9%09%09%09</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Date: 2013/08/09
Turkey’s support for Syrian rebels in Kurd killings may backfire
Tuesday’s unconfirmed report of 450 Kurdish deaths was accompanied by grisly footage of the massacre that took place in a region bordered on one side by an expanding Al-Qaeda, and on the other by Turkey – one of the staunchest opponents of Kurdish independence.
The Islamist attacks on Kurdish territories have become frequent in recent months, Hassan Muhammad, a representative of the Kurdish Democratic Union in Europe told RT.
“This is a planned campaign, and the militia is now blockading the Kurdish area,” he said. “It’s the worst in Ain Al-arab, which is surrounded by the Turkish border and, from three other sides, by terrorist battalions like Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant. We confirmed that terrorists have arrested hundreds of people, especially in Tel Hasel and Tel Aran, and there are still hundreds of people missing. Families, who reached us from Afreen told us about those crimes… those crimes are against humanity, and punishment must take place by international law.”
All that is happening, Hassan says, is not without the participation of “regional forces, especially Turkey… helping militants logistically and [opening] cross-border points for them to infiltrate Kurdish areas.”
Manuel Ochsenreiter, a German journalist covering Syria, says that “we have information from the Kurdish Popular Defense units who claim that [Al-]Nusra Front is also supported by Turkish intelligence – and I think this is not a coincidence when we know how Kurds are treated in Turkey.”
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kurdpress.com/En/NSite/FullStory/News/?Id=5142#Title=%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Turkey%E2%80%99s%20support%20for%20Syrian%20rebels%20in%20Kurd%20killings%20may%20backfire%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09">http://www.kurdpress.com/En/NSite/FullS ... 9%09%09%09</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Date: 2013/08/06
Salih Muslim confirms visiting Iran, says meetings were fruitful
The co-leader of Syrian pro-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), Salih Muslim confirmed he has visited Tehran and said his meetings with the Iranian officials were fruitful.
He added the two sides discussed latest Syria developments and underlined the visit would not be the last one to Iran.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kurdpress.com/En/NSite/FullStory/News/?Id=5140#Title=%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Salih%20Muslim%20confirms%20visiting%20Iran,%20says%20meetings%20were%20fruitful%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09">http://www.kurdpress.com/En/NSite/FullS ... 9%09%09%09</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Date: 2013/08/08
Assad agrees with Peshmarga deployment to northern Syria: daily
A Kuwaiti daily has recently revealed that Syrian President Bashar al- Assad has show green light to the deployment of Kurdistan Region’s forces of Peshmarga to enter northern Kurdish regions of Syria to fight against al- Qaeda affiliated groups.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kurdpress.com/En/NSite/FullStory/News/?Id=5135#Title=%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Assad%20agrees%20with%20Peshmarga%20deployment%20to%20northern%20Syria:%20daily%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09">http://www.kurdpress.com/En/NSite/FullS ... 9%09%09%09</a><!-- m -->
Und Nr. 5 schiebe ich auch noch hinterher:
Zitat:Iraqi Kurd President Says Ready to Defend Kurds in Syria
August 10, 2013
"If the reports are true, showing that citizens, women and the children of innocent Kurds are under threat from murder and terrorism, Iraq's Kurdistan region will make use of all of its capabilities to defend women and children and innocent citizens," Barzani's statement said. He did not elaborate on the nature or extent of possible intervention from Kurdistan.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-iraqi-kurd-president-says-ready-to-defend-kurds-in-syria/1727290.html">http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-iraq ... 27290.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat: Syrian Refugees Fleeing To Iraq's Kurdistan Region By The Thousands, UN Says
08/16/13 06:32 AM ET EDT AP
GENEVA -- The U.N. refugee agency says an unusually large wave of Syrian families has been pouring into Iraq's Kurdistan region this week.
Adrian Edwards, a spokesman for the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, says thousands of Syrians – mainly from Syria's largest city, Aleppo, and several poor northeastern Syrian regions – were part of a "sudden, massive movement" into northern Iraq.
He told reporters in Geneva on Friday that up to 7,750 Syrian refugees a day had crossed a Tigris River bridge over the border, but said the reasons for the surge were unclear.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/16/syrian-refugees-iraq_n_3767090.html">http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/1 ... 67090.html</a><!-- m -->
Irakische Behörden sprechen inzwischen von einer Welle von über 50.000 kurdischen Flüchtlingen seit dem jüngsten Ausbruch der Kämpfe zwischen der pro-westlichen Al-Nusrah und der kurdischen PYD entlang der syrisch-türkischen Grenze.
Der Anführer der syrischen Kurden, Saleh Muslim, spricht von "Ethnischen Säuberungen":
Zitat:Syrian Kurds face ‘ethnic cleansing’ by Islamist groups – party leader
Published time: August 28, 2013 20:05
While there is no end in sight to the bloody Syrian conflict, another front in the civil war has erupted within the country – between the Kurdish militia and Islamist rebels in Northern Syria. Al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamist groups operating in the country, including the al-Nusra Front, are trying to capture Kurdish territories and make them part of an Islamist state they want to create in the region.
“The Kurdish people have only one objective – to protect ourselves and our homes,” Saleh Muslim, the head of the Kurdish Democratic Union party, told RT Arabic. “Our people, our villagers suffer vicious assaults. They are chased out of their homes. They become victims of massacres and ethnic cleansing. Everything connected to the Kurds is being destroyed.”
“Our people, our villagers suffer vicious assaults. They are chased out of their homes. They become victims of massacres and ethnic cleansing. Everything connected to the Kurds is being destroyed.”
“Those who attack us and our homes have no respect for democracy or freedom; they have no respect for anything. It’s as if these people were from a different planet,” the Syrian Kurdish leader stated.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://rt.com/op-edge/syria-kurdish-muslim-conflict-110/">http://rt.com/op-edge/syria-kurdish-mus ... flict-110/</a><!-- m -->
Shahab3 schrieb:pro-westlichen Al-Nusrah
Willst Du eigentlich noch ernst genommen werden? Nur weil die Nusra-Front möglicherweise von westlichen Geheimdiensten unterstützt wird/wurde, macht sie das noch lange nicht zu einer pro-westlichen Gruppe. Aber Hauptsache, noch ein bisschen was zurechtgebogen :roll:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/syrien-kurden100.html">http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/syrien-kurden100.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Reportage aus dem Norden des Landes
Kurden in Syrien zwischen den Fronten
Vom Bürgerkrieg in Syrien ist ein Teil des Landes nahezu verschont geblieben: der äußerste Norden. Dort leben viele Kurden, die sich aus den Kämpfen heraushalten. Doch das wird immer schwerer, denn die Rebellen kommen näher.
Stand: 27.09.2013 02:17 Uhr
(Video) - und man müsste der Vollständigkeit halber schreiben:
"... die von der Türkei unterstützen Rebellen kommen näher." Damit wird nämlich der nächste "Stellvertreterkrieg" zwischen der Türkei und der kurdischen PKK auf syrischem Boden absehbar.
Für die Türkei ist dann wenigstens ein Erfolg zu erzielen, wenn es schon nicht gelingt, Assad zu stürzen und durch nahestehende sunnitische Kräfte zu ersetzen.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://de.ria.ru/security_and_military/20131026/267158486.html">http://de.ria.ru/security_and_military/ ... 58486.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Kurdische Truppen nehmen Kontrollposten an syrisch-irakischer Grenze ein
16:24 26/10/2013
DAMASKUS, 26. Oktober (RIA Novosti). Kurdische Freischärler haben einen von Islamisten kontrollierten strategischen Grenzposten an der syrisch-irakischen Grenze erobert, meldet AFP am Samstag.
Laut der Agentur handelt es sich um den Posten in Al-Jarubia, der seit März 2013 unter der Kontrolle von Extremisten gestanden hatte.
hat sich eigentlich schon jemand die Frage gestellt, ob irakische Kurden von den USA gegen die islamistischen Freischärler in Syrien unterstützt werden?
Und möglicherweise auch von Israel? Der Gedanke liegt nicht fern.
Gefragt schon, aber es gibt derzeit weder für eine israelische noch für eine amerikanische Unterstützung der YPG Indizien oder Motive. Im Gegenteil! Die YPG und sunnitischen Rebellen kämpfen seit Monaten erbittert um wichtige Ölfördergebiete und Grenzübergänge, während es gleichzeitig eine Art Waffenstillstandsabkommen zwischen den Kurden und Assad gibt. Israel und die USA sind im Syrienkonflikt vor allem in erster Linie mit Saudi Arabien, der Türkei und Katar alliiert. Diese würden im Augenblick ihr Veto einlegen. Es gibt aber noch andere Kurdengruppen außerhalb Syriens und da haben sich sowohl die USA, wie auch Israel in der Vergangenheit bereits als Helfer förmlich aufgedrängt.
Na das ist doch etwas Blauäugig, wenn es andere Gruppen gibt die unterstützt werden dann agieren diese nicht im Luftleeren Raum, ergo die YPG wird unterstützt von der PKK und anderen, zb. der Nordirakischen Provinzregierung.
Exirt schrieb:Na das ist doch etwas Blauäugig, wenn es andere Gruppen gibt die unterstützt werden dann agieren diese nicht im Luftleeren Raum, ergo die YPG wird unterstützt von der PKK und anderen, zb. der Nordirakischen Provinzregierung.
Kannst Du den Gedanken bitte etwas ausführen? Ich kann Dir nicht ganz folgen, bzw habe ich leider nicht begriffen, was Du sagen willst.
Es tut mir leid dich so traurig zu sehen, Shahab^^.
Also nochmal: Du meintest ja das andere Kurdengruppen unterstützt werden.
Diese sind aber nicht auf einem anderen Planeten sondern Schwestern der YPG.
Damit wird automatisch auch die YPG unterstützt.
Z.B. durch die PKK oder auch die nordirakische Provinzregierung.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/tuerkei728.html">http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/tuerkei728.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Nach Angriff auf kurdische Dörfer
Türkei muss Kurden entschädigen
Die Türkei muss nach einem Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte Dorfbewohnern in den Kurdengebieten über 2,3 Millionen Euro Schmerzensgeld zahlen. Geklagt hatten 41 Kurden, deren Dörfer im Südosten des Landes von türkischen Militärflugzeugen im März 1994 bombardiert worden waren. Dabei starben mehr als 30 ihrer Angehörigen. Ihre Häuser wurden verwüstet und das Vieh getötet.
Stand: 12.11.2013 13:30 Uhr
Gerade gefunden: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://helihub.com/2014/01/26/md-helicopters-sold-kurdistan-four-year-old-explorers/">http://helihub.com/2014/01/26/md-helico ... explorers/</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:MD Helicopters sold Kurdistan four year old Explorers
26 Jan, 14
Amid lots of fanfare, MD Helicopters held a ceremony on 3rd January 2014 to officially hand over twelve MD530F and two MD Explorers to the Kurdistan Regional Government. All fourteen aircraft were presented carrying FAA "N" registrations. The twelve MD530F aircraft are painted in either a red or a blue scheme, and all carry POLICE titles. All of these show on the FAA register as built in 2013 as we would expect.