Mich würde mal brennend interessieren, wie es um die Pioniertruppe der
US-Armee steht. Ich zumindest höre kaum von ihnen in den Medien. Liegt
es daran, dass sie mehr oder weniger "schlecht" sind oder weil sie sich so
In diesem Thread soll es um die amerikanischen Pioniere gehen und ihre
Zitat:Polybos postete
Mich würde mal brennend interessieren, wie es um die Pioniertruppe der
US-Armee steht. Ich zumindest höre kaum von ihnen in den Medien. Liegt
es daran, dass sie mehr oder weniger "schlecht" sind oder weil sie sich so
die Air Force macht alles platt, daher haben die Pios sowenig zu tun
Das einzige was ich bis jetzt rausbekommen konnte ist, dass das US Army Engineer Corps gerade mal 650 Soldaten umfasst. Dafür aber 34600 Zivilangestellte. Mhm, ich suche nochmal etwas weiter.
Gruß NoBrain
wie stehts denn mit den U.S. Navy Seabees? kann man die nicht auch irgendwie dazuzählen? :frag:
Zitat:Mr NoBrain postete
Das einzige was ich bis jetzt rausbekommen konnte ist, dass das US Army Engineer Corps gerade mal 650 Soldaten umfasst. Dafür aber 34600 Zivilangestellte. Mhm, ich suche nochmal etwas weiter.
Gruß NoBrain
Ja das stimmt
Aber die Aufgabe des US Engineer Command ist nicht eine Kampfunterstützungsrolle sondern zum Beispiel den Bau von ICBM Silos oder baut Sachen für die NASA
Das USEC hat gerade mal ein aktives Battalion nämlich das 249th Engineer Battalion
Die Pioniere die die Truppe unterstützen gehören nicht zum US Engineer Command sondern zum Corps of Engineers
Nun zu diesen
Man hat das Problem, dass man hauptsächlich altes Material hat wie zum Beispiel den M60 AVLB (einen Brückenleger)
Das beste was die Pioniere haben ist der M9 ACE eine Art gepanzerter Bulldozer aus Desert Storm bekannt
Leider wurden zwei Programme, nämlich ein Brückenleger und ein Pionierpanzer auf Abrams Basis gestrichen
Dafür hat man in den letzten Jahren einige nette Systeme zur Minenbekämpfung entwickelt
Meines Wissens gibt es innerhalb der Korpstruppen Pioniereinheiten, dazu auch diverse bei den Reserven (USAR, ARNG)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/20eng-bde.htm">http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... ng-bde.htm</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/420en-bde.htm">http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... en-bde.htm</a><!-- m -->
Habe mal was zur Organisation rausgefunden, ist allerdings auf Englisch:
Zitat:Engineer Organizations
Many types of organizations have been developed to perform the various engineer missions in a theater of operations. Engineer units range in size from small specialized teams consisting of only two individuals to large commands. Their missions include combat, combat support, combat service support, and support of civil-military operations. The basic philosophy of organization in a theater of operations is to tailor engineer units to the needs of the supported command. The wide variety of engineer organizations provides that flexible capability.
The basic TOE (Table of Organization and Equipment) unit of the engineer system is the battalion. Although engineer battalions normally have a fixed organization, they may also be tailored for specific requirements. Battalions are employed when it is desirable to assign a unit with the complete control of a task or an area. There are four basic types of engineer battalions, plus a variety of different types of separate companies:
Combat Engineer Battalion (Divisional)
Combat Engineer Battalion (Corps)
Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy)
Engineer Topographic Battalion
Separate Engineer Companies
Combat Engineer Battalion (Divisional) -- The U.S. Army has five types of divisions: light infantry, airborne, air assault, mechanized, and armored. Under provisions of the Engineer Restructure Initiative (ERI), each heavy division has an Engineer Brigade with three organic divisional engineer battalions organized and equipped to provide combat engineer support. These battalions will support the ground maneuver brigades of armor and/or mechanized infantry and consist of four engineer companies. The other divisions will have only one organic engineer battalion composed of four or five engineer companies. Regardless of structure, these battalions perform the primary combat engineer missions in the division's sector and forward.
Combat Engineer Battalion (Corps) -- Corps combat engineer battalions are normally assigned to a corps' engineer brigade (i.e. V Corps in Europe contains the 130TH Engineer Brigade consisting of three engineer battalions and a number of separate companies). Most corps combat engineer battalions in Europe have been converted into tracked units (i.e. squads are transported in armored personnel carriers). Somewhat larger than the divisional engineer battalions, the corps combat engineer battalions provide combat and sustainment engineering support in the corps and division sectors. They may reinforce divisional engineer battalions and execute infantry combat missions when required.
Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy) -- The combat heavy engineer battalion is normally assigned to an engineer brigade within a corps or theater army. The combat heavy engineer battalion has equipment and personnel skilled in earthmoving and construction. The battalion primarily works in rear areas on sustainment engineering tasks. However, its earthmoving capabilities may be effectively used to provide combat support in forward areas when not under direct fire (i.e. tank ditches, etc.). Missions include the construction of roads, airfields, structures and utilities for the Army and Air Force.
Engineer Topographic Battalion -- Engineer topographic battalions are assigned to the senior engineer headquarters of a theater army. These units provide topographic engineer and terrain analysis support to all units. It does not have the capability to accomplish infantry combat missions.
Separate Engineer Companies -- Separate engineer companies in the force structure are designed to provide additional specialized support in areas such as bridging, equipment support, port construction, pipeline construction, mapping and terrain analysis.
The Corps motto is "ESSAYONS!" (Let Us Try)
Gruß NoBrain
Ich hab mal im Fernsehen gesehen, dass die mal einen ferngesteuerten
Minenräumpanzer hatten. Weiß aber nicht, ob das nur ein Versuch war,
wie bei den deutschen oder wenige Panzer diesen Typs vorhanden waren.
Im Netz habe ich bisher nicht darüber gefunden...