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über die PLA in ausführlichster Weise:

Ein herausragend guter Film der seinesgleichen sucht.

Zitat:The modernisation of the Chinese PLA has represented a dramatic shift in the balance of military power in Asia.

Over the course of several decades, the PLA has shifted from a primarily ground combat force with a large stock of outdated equipment, to one that is increasingly capable of projecting power and holding targets at risk over longer and longer distances.

Having discussed the PRC's military budget, industry, rocket force and other critical drivers, today I finally want to give an overview of the PLA's changing capabilities and ask the question - what kind of force has China's modernisation process created, and how may it continue to evolve going forward?
China plant eine Boden-Luft Rakete mit einer Reichweite von 2000 km zu entwickeln, der Einsatz dieser Rakete ist gegen große Flugzeuge wie Bomber, Tanker, Transportflugzeuge und AWACS gedacht.

Zitat:Chinese Scientists Plan Surface to Air Missile with 2000km Range
March 31, 2024
Chinese Scientists plan Surface to Air Missile with 2000km with an exceptional kill range. Published in the peer-reviewed Chinese language Journal of Graphics, the research paper details a technological leap that far surpasses existing air defense systems.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom
In the realm of air defense, ultra long range capabilities have long been considered unattainable. Conventional SAMs typically operate within ranges of tens to hundreds of kilometers. However, the team led by Associate Researcher Su Hua from Northwestern Polytechnical University has defied these norms.
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