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Das soll ein allgemeiner Sammelthread werden, in dem alles, was mit den chinesischen Streitkräften, Waffentechnologie, Meldungen, Analysen usw. gepostet werden kann und soll, daß keinen eigenen Thread wert ist bzw. in keinem anderen Thread diskutiert wird.
China"s Military Sacrilege
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Zitat:The PRC is demanding that Russia sell it the latest generation of military technology. This not only contradicts the strategic interests of Russia’s defense industry, but it could also create a threat to national security.
Alexei Khazbiev
At a late April meeting in Beijing with Russian defense minister Sergei Ivanov, the chairman of China’s State Council Weng Jiabao announced that “the practice of acquiring finished military hardware from Russia has run its course and now the time has come to find new forms of cooperation.” The Chinese Minister of Defense Cao Gangchuan proposed removing all limits on military hardware supply and giving Chinese specialists access to top-secret Russian military know-how.
At present, Russia’s Ministry of Defense views China as a likely military opponent, and for this reason prohibits sales of certain kinds of Russian military technology to the PRC. However the Chinese were never bothered by this fact before, as Russians approached trade with China over the last ten years along the lines of “take what you’re given.” The Chinese did precisely that, and in great quantities. The People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) consistently bought $1.5-2 billion in weapons from Russian every year. Russia’s share of Chinese weaponry imports reached 90%. Clearly, the Chinese have changed their tune. But why? (...)
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Zitat:<Kanwa News May 25th 2004> At the same time of reinforcing its C4I, and prompted by the experiences of the Gulf War, the Chinese Army is making constant efforts to enhance its SR (surveillance and reconnaissance) systems. A series of battlefield reconnaissance radar systems and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have started to enter service in the army's reconnaissance brigades.<For full story, see 229E issue with 349 words>
(ganze Nachricht zitiert)
Scheint ein sehr informativer Beitrag zu dem neuesten MBT der Chinesen zu sein
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Zitat:(...) China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is embarked on an ambitious, long-term
military modernization effort to develop capabilities to fight and win short-duration,
high- intensity conflicts along its periphery. China’s defense modernization is broad
reaching, encompassing the transformation of virtually all aspects of the military
establishment, to include weapon systems, operational doctrine, institution building, and
personnel reforms. China values military power to defend economic interests, secure
territorial claims, and build political influence commensurate with its status as a regional
power with global aspirations. In recent years, the PLA has accelerated reform and
modernization in response to the central leadership’s concerns that developments across
the Taiwan Strait could put at risk Beijing’s objectives for Taiwan unification. (...)
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Zitat:Report: $900M Arms Deal Is Close
China, the country's No. 1 arms customer, is close to signing a contract for air defense systems worth as much as $900 million, Vedomosti reported Thursday, citing sources familiar with the deal.
State arms dealer Rosoboronexport and the Chinese Defense Ministry initialed a contract for the delivery of between four and eight batteries of S-300PMU air defense systems a few weeks ago, Vedomosti reported.
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(kompletter Artikel)
Zitat:China tests new land-attack cruise missile
By Wendell Minnick
China has test-fired a new land attack cruise missile (LACM) designated Dong Hai-10 (DH-10), or East China Sea-10.
A US defence source identified the DH-10 as a ground-launched second-generation LACM with a range of more than 1,500km. He said it is likely to be equipped with an integrated inertial navigation system/Global Positioning System, supplemented by a terrain contour mapping system and digital scene-matching terminal-homing system able to provide a circular error probable (CEP) of 10m.
China is also expected to field a second LACM within the next few years. The Ying Ji-63 (YJ-63), or Strike Eagle-63, is described by the source as a first-generation LACM with a range of 400-500km and the ability to carry a 500kg high explosive warhead at a speed of Mach 0.68. The missile is believed to be fitted with combined inertial and GPS mid-course guidance, plus some form of electro-optical terminal guidance. The latter is expected to provide a CEP of 10-15m, but it will probably be limited by weather. If it is a TV homing system rather than an autonomous scene-matching sensor, this will require a line-of-sight communications link with the launch aircraft or another platform.
The US source further pointed out that Harpy unmanned aerial vehicles obtained by China from Israel in 2001 are now operational.
These three sophisticated weapons pose new challenges to Taiwan, which has been engaged in extended debate over the ballistic missile threat from China. "Taiwan has not met the growing LACM threat head on," the source complained.
Nicht schlecht...
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Zitat:5. chinesische Luft- und Raumfahrtmesse in Zhuhai
Die fünfte chinesische Luft- und Raumfahrtmesse "Air Show China 2004- 5th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition /China International Exhibition on Airport" wird vom 1. bis 7. November in der südchinesischen Stadt Zhuhai stattfinden. Angaben zufolge werden sich 32 Länder und Regionen an der Messe beteiligen. Neu werden die Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Griechenland, Schweden und Iran an der Messe teilnehmen.
(CRI/, 28. Oktober 2004)
die Meldung ist mit Hyperlinks im Text hinterlegt
Chinesisches Militär startet neue Website
Am Donnerstag wurde mit der Website des chinesischen Militärs <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ein neues chinesisches Internetmedium gestartet.
Auf der Website werden 8 Nachrichtenrubriken, u.a. "Chinesisches Militär", "Militärischer Fokus", "Internationales Militär", "Bilinguale Nachrichten" und einige Rubriken mit besonderen militärischen Inhalten wie "Militärischer Salon", "Verteidigungsforum", "Ehefrauen der Soldaten", "Weibliche Soldaten" angeboten. Außerdem soll die englische Ausgabe <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> der Website deutlich verbessert worden sein und nun mehr ihrer Eigenschaft der militärischen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit nach außen entsprechen.
und noch n Link zur chin. Luft- und Raumfahrtmesse
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Zitat:China's Advanced Military Missiles Take Centre Stage At Airshow
Zhuhai, China (AFP) Nov 02, 2004
Chinese military missiles took centre stage at the Zhuhai airshow Tuesday with the debut showing of some 100 weapons and aerospace products, showcasing the country's economic and military might.
It marked the first time China has openly sold missiles at the China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, the only airshow in the country and now in its fifth year, military commentators said.
"This is the first time the Chinese are displaying surface-to-surface missiles. Surface-to-surface missile technology is very sensitive in the international market," said Andrei Pinkov, who writes for Jane's Defense Weekly.
"For a long time, China didn't display this kind of missile system but now they want to show the international society that they want to return to the missile market."
The highlight of the exhibition held in Zhuhai city in southern China's Guangdong province was the B611, a short-range surface-to-surface missile weapon system with a range of 150 kilometers (about 95 miles).
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Zitat:China Stops Production of Fighter Jets Under Russian License
China has suspended the production of Su-27SK fighter jets under their Russian license, Russia’s Vremya Novostej newspaper reported on Tuesday, Nov. 2. According to Chinese military officials, these planes no longer satisfy the requirements of the Chinese Air Force.
The license to produce 200 fighter jets was purchased by China in 1996. The conditions of the contract stipulated that the jets would be assembled at Chinese plants using Russian components. The value of the contract amounted to $2.5 billion. However, after assembling 95 jets out of the planned 200, the Chinese side addressed the Sukhoi Construction Bureau with a request to stop deliveries of the assembly kits. The request was made in May, and neither side disclosed the reasons for the contract being suspended.
Vremya Novostej quoted a source in the Russian delegation at Airshow China-2004 that opened on Monday, Nov. 1, as saying the Chinese side had requested the Su-27SK fighter jets be equipped with additional guided anti-ship missiles. However, this model of fighter jets was not designed to attack targets at sea.
Representatives of the Sukhoi construction bureau presented the new model of Su-27 fighter jet — Su-27SKM at the airshow. This plane could satisfy all the Chinese requirements, because it is equipped with guided “air-to-sea” missiles. However, it is unclear whether this new modification of Su jet will be delivered to China in the near future.
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Neue Uniformen für die chinesische Armee
Zitat:Die zwei Bilder zeigen die neuen Winteruniformen der chinesischen Armee. Nach der Genehmigung der Militärkommission beim Zentralkomitee der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas werden die neuen Uniformen von diesem Winter an an die Soldaten der Volksbefreiungsarmee (VBA) ausgeteilt. Ab dem 1. Dezember tragen alle Soldaten der VBA und die Studenten mancher Militärakademien die neuen Winteruniformen. Die Uniformen sind aus einem wollähnlichem Stoff hergestellt. Ab Mai 2005 werden die Soldaten der VBA aus demselben Stoff produzierte neue Sommeruniformen erhalten.
![[Bild: 111946.jpg]](
Also das sie´ht mir hier ja stark von sowjets aus!
den wenn ich alte fotos von meinem vater sehe , hat genau die gleichen uniformen an!
haben die chinesen keine ideen oder sind die ein bisschen komisch !????
Och naja, das scheinen ja nur die Ausgehuniformen zu sein, und da glänzen andere Länder ja auch nicht gerade mit Einfallsreichtum. Ok, dieses Oliv ist etwas öde, aber ansonsten halt 08/15. :|
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Zitat:China will militärische Beziehungen zu Russland ausbauen
Der Vorsitzende der chinesischen Zentralen Militärkommission und Staatspräsident Hu Jintao hat am Montag in Beijing den russischen Verteidigungsminister Sergej Iwanow empfangen. Bei einem Gespräch äußerte Hu Jintao die Hoffnung auf einen Ausbau der strategischen Partnerschaft beider Länder und die Umsetzung der bilateralen Vereinbarungen.
Ferner würdigte Hu Jintao den Stand der bilateralen Beziehungen und der Beziehungen zwischen den Armeen Chinas und Russlands. Dabei rief er die Armeen beider Länder auf, im bilateralen Rahmen und im Rahmen der Shanghaier Kooperationsorganisation verstärkt zusammenzuarbeiten und gemeinsam dem Terrorismus und anderen Sicherheitsbedrohungen zu begegnen.
Zudem gab Iwanow am Montag in Beijing bekannt, dass Russland und China für das nächste Jahr ein gemeinsames Manöver planen.
(CRI/, 14. Dezember 2004)
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Zitat:Weißbuch "Chinas Landesverteidigung 2004" veröffentlicht
Am Montag veröffentlichte das Presseamt des Staatsrates das Weißbuch "Chinas Landesverteidigung 2004", in dem die Verteidigungspolitik und der Aufbau der Landesverteidigung und der Armee zusammengefasst worden sind. Das Weißbuch gliedert sich in zehn Kapitel: Sicherheitslage, Verteidigungspolitik, Militärreform mit chinesischer Prägung, Verteidigungsausgaben und -vermögen, Wehrpflicht, Mobilisierung für die Landesverteidigung und Aufbau der Reservearmee, Wissenschaft, Technik und Industrie für die Landesverteidigung, Armee und Volk, internationale Sicherheitskooperation, Rüstungskontrolle, Abrüstung und Nichtweitergabe von Atomwaffen.
Im Weißbuch wird ferner betont, Chinas Entwicklung stütze sich hauptsächlich auf die eigene Kraft und werde niemanden anders behindern und bedrohen. China brauche eine friedliche internationale Umwelt, sich zu entwickeln, und fördere gleichzeitig mit der eigenen Entwicklung den Frieden und die Entwicklung der Welt. China halte das Banner von "Frieden, Entwicklung und Kooperation" hoch, verfolge eine unabhängige und selbstständige Außenpolitik des Friedens, halte an der Landesverteidigungspolitik mit defensivem Charakter fest und strebe nie nach Expansionismus und Hegemonismus.
Dies ist das dritte Mal für die chinesische Regierung, ein Weißbuch zur Landesverteidigung zu veröffentlichen.
(, 27. Dezember 2004)
Israel-China UAV Deal Provokes Pentagon
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Zitat:(25 December 2004) The Pentagon’s undersecretary of defence for policy Doug Feith accused top Israeli defence ministry official on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) deal between Israel and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and claimed that this has caused a confidence crisis between the Pentagon and the Israeli MoD.
Israel’s Channel Two television reported on 15 December that Feith had demanded the resignation of retired Maj. Gen. Amos Yaron, the widely respected and longtime director-general of Israel’s MoD. According to the reports, Feith was ‘outraged’ that he was not informed the UAV sale to China few years ago, and demanded the resignation of retired Maj. Gen. Amos Yaron, the widely respected and long-time director-general of Israel’s MoD.
This is also the first time that the existence of such a deal between China and Israel is confirmed. China reportedly acquired some unknown number of the Israeli Aerospace Industry (IAI)’s Harpy Attack UAV in 1994. In summer 2004 some of these UAVs were sent back to Israel to be upgraded for better performance. The Pentagon has already demanded that Israel not to deliver these UAVs to China, even though they are properties of the PRC. (...)
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