05.10.2021, 10:48
Ich befürchte es zumindest, auch wenn die Provokationen aktuell wohl auch im Kontext des taiwanesischen Nationalfeiertages am 10. Oktober stehen könnten. Es wird aber dennoch getestet, was die Insel quasi für Möglichkeiten hat und wie weit man gehen kann. Und warten wir nur mal noch ein, zwei Jahre, dann wäre es denkbar, dass die "Volksrepublik" eine Phase der Unachtsamkeit oder des inneren Zwists der USA nutzt, um auf Taiwan zu landen...
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Zitat:Record number of China planes enter Taiwan air defence zonehttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58794094
Taiwan has urged Beijing to stop "irresponsible provocative actions" after a record number of Chinese warplanes entered its air defence zone. Monday's incursion marks the fourth straight day of incursions by Chinese aircraft, with almost 150 aircraft sent into Taiwan's defence zone in total. Some analysts say the flights could be seen as a warning to Taiwan's president ahead of the island's national day.
Beijing views Taiwan as a breakaway province. However, democratic Taiwan sees itself as a sovereign state. Taiwan has been reporting for more than a year that China's air force has been repeatedly flying nearby. [...] In response, China accused Washington of being the provocateurs, while warning against supporting Taiwanese independence. "Engaging in Taiwan independence is a dead end. China will take all steps needed and firmly smash any Taiwan independence plots," the ministry said. The US should stop supporting and "inflating" Taiwan separatist forces, it added.